

段繼周(Duan Jizhou),男,1972年5月生,2003年獲中國科學院(海洋研究所)海洋化學專業理學博士學位。海洋科學博士後,2003年11月和2009年8月起分別在東京工業大學和香港大學從事為期6個月的訪問學者研究工作。現為中國科學院海洋研究所所研究員,博士生導師,中國科學院海洋環境腐蝕與生物污損重點實驗室副主任。研究方向:海洋腐蝕與生物污損。


  • 中文名:段繼周
  • 性別:男
  • 職業:研究員、博導
  • 研究方向:海洋腐蝕與生物污損


1991.9- 1995.7,山東師範大學化學系,獲學士學位;
1997.9 - 2003.7,中國科學院海洋研究所,海洋腐蝕與防護方向,獲博士學位;
2003.9 -2005.12,中國海洋大學,化學化工學院,博士後研究;
2003.11- 2004.5,東京工業大學,訪問學者;
2005.12 - 至今,中國科學院海洋研究所,工作;
2007.7- 2012.12,中國科學院海洋研究所,副研究員,碩士生導師;
2008.4 - 至今,中國科學院海洋環境腐蝕與生物污損重點實驗室,副主任;
2009.8 - 2010.5,香港大學,訪問學者;
2012.12 - 至今,中國科學院海洋研究所,研究員。




1. 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)課題,海洋環境中材料腐蝕的微生物-電化學反應機理研究(2014CB643304),課題負責人,2014.1 -2018.12,209萬元(前兩年);


1) Xiaofan Zhai, Maria Myamina, Jizhou Duan*, Baorong Hou, Inhibition of microbiological corrosion of carbon steel with zinc coating deposited from electrolyte containing 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one. Corrosion science, 2013, 72, 99-107.
2) Masoumeh moradi, Jizhou Duan*, Xiangqian Du, Investigation of the effect of DCOIT inhibition on the corrosion of carbon steel in Bacillus sp. inoculated artificial seawater via electrochemical methods. Corrosion science, 2013, 69, 338-345.
3) Lin Yu, Jizhou Duan*, Xiangqian Du, Yanliang Huang, Baorong Hou, Accelerated anaerobic corrosion of electroactive sulfate-reducing bacteria by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and chronoamperometry. Electrochemistry Communications, 2013, 26,101-104.
4) Lin Yu, Jizhou Duan*, Wei Zhao, Yanliang Huang, Baorong Hou, Characteristics of hydrogen evolution and oxidation catalyzed by Desulfovibrio caledoniensis biofilm on pyrolytic graphite electrode. Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56(25) 9041-9047.
5) M. Moradi, Jizhou Duan*, H. Ashassi-Sorkhabi, Xin Luan, De-alloying of 316 stainless steel in the presence of a mixture of metal-oxidizing bacteria, Corrosion Science,2011,53(12)4282-4290.
6) Fengling Xu, Jizhou Duan*, Baorong Hou, Electron transfer process from marine biofilms to graphite electrodes in seawater, Bioelectrochemistry, 2010,78: 92-95
7) Jizhou Duan*, Suru Wu, Xiaojun Zhang, Guiqiao Huang, Min Du, Baorong Hou, Corrosion of carbon steel influenced by anaerobic biofilm in natural seawater. Electrochimica Acta, 2008,54 (1) 22–28.
8) 趙 偉,蘇璐璐,段繼周*,姜 江,侯保榮,天然海水中微生物膜對碳鋼腐蝕行為的影響。海洋科學,2012,36(9):24-31。
9) 劉彬, 段繼周*,侯保榮,天然海水中微生物膜對316L不鏽鋼腐蝕行為研究。中國腐蝕與防護學報,2012,32(1):48-53。
10) 欒鑫,段繼周*,池振明,青島近海碳鋼銹層中細菌群落結構的多樣性,中國海洋大學學報,2012,42(6,sup):107-115。
11) 莊文,段繼周*, 邵宏波等,油田采出液中硝酸鹽還原菌的分離培養及對硫酸鹽還原菌的抑制研究,科學技術與工程,2010, 10(17):4125-4129。
12) 段繼周*,張曉軍,海水中鋼鐵鏽層的微生物成因及其環境效應。高校地質學報,2007,13(4):631~636。
13) Lin Yu, Jizhou Duan*, Xiangqian Du, Yanliang Huang, Baorong Hou, Accelerated anaerobic corrosion of electroactive sulfate-reducing bacteria by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and chronoamperometry. Electrochemistry Communications
14) Lin Yu, Jizhou Duan*, Wei Zhao, Yanliang Huang, Baorong Hou, Characteristics of hydrogen evolution and oxidation catalyzed by Desulfovibrio caledoniensis biofilm on pyrolytic graphite electrode. Electrochimica Acta
15) M. Moradi, Jizhou Duan*, H. Ashassi-Sorkhabi, Xin Luan, De-alloying of 316 stainless steel in the presence of a mixture of metal-oxidizing bacteria
16) Fengling Xu, Jizhou Duan*, Baorong Hou, Electron transfer process from marine biofilms to graphite electrodes in seawater
17) Jizhou Duan*, Suru Wu, Xiaojun Zhang, Guiqiao Huang, Min Du, Baorong Hou, 2008,Corrosion of carbon steel influenced by anaerobic biofilm in natural seawater
18) Jizhou Duan*, Baorong Hou, Zhigang Yu, 2006, Characteristics of sulfide corrosion products on 316L stainless steel surfaces in the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria
19) Xiaodong Zhao, Jizhou Duan*, Baorong Hou, Suru Wu, Effect of sulfate-reducing bacteria on corrosion behavior of mild steel in sea mud. J.Mater
20) Jizhou Duan*, Lin Yu, Yanliang Huang, Baorong Hou, the role of iron in SRB influenced corrosion of steel in seawater, The 16th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling
21) Jizhou Duan*, Hua-yun Yan, Wen Zhuang, Lin Yu, and Ying Zhang, Isolation of Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria and its application in the Inhibition of Microbial H2S Production in Oil Reservoirs
22) Jizhou Duan, Yanchun Wang, Tong Zhang, Kaimin Shi, Xiaoyan Li, Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Aged Corrosion Products in Internal Corrosion of Cast Iron Pipeline in Saltwater Distribution. The 5th international symposium on marine corrosion and control
23) Jizhou Duan*, Fengling Xu, Baorong Hou, 2008, Study of electron transfer from aerobic biofilms to electrodes, Electroactive biofilm (EAB) Workshop November 19-21, Dourdan, France (Oral).
24) Jizhou Duan*, Suru Wu, Xiaojun Zhang, Min Du, Baorong Hou, Anaerobic biofilm influenced corrosion of carbon steel immersed in natural seawater environment


獲2002年度國家科技進步二等獎1項(鋼鐵設施在海洋環境中的腐蝕及其防腐蝕技術)(排名第十);“海洋環境中硫酸鹽還原菌腐蝕的作用規律研究”獲2011年度國家海洋局創新成果二等獎(排名第一),“海洋環境中硫酸鹽還原細菌的厭氧腐蝕作用機理” 獲2012年度青島市自然科學獎二等獎(排名第一)。


