



  • 中文名:段城江
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:無線通信網路前沿性數學基礎與套用問題的科學研究
  • 任職院校:西安交通大學




  1. 華為公司,企業項目群,華為-西安交大數學技術聯合實驗室,1500萬元,在研,參與。
  2. 教育部,人工智慧算法戰略研究項目子課題,面向資源受限條件的大數據線上學習算法研究,50萬元,在研,主持。
  3. 中央軍委科學技術委員會,國防科技創新特區項目外協子課題,機器學習的環境自適應算法及其在無線通信中的示範套用,50萬元,在研,主持。
  4. 陝西省科學技術廳,一般項目,機器學習理論驅動的無線通信系統複雜噪聲環境建模與套用研究,10萬元,在研,支持。
  5. 華為公司,企業項目群,華為-西安交大數學與信息技術聯合中心,600萬元,在研,參與。
  6. 英國工程和自然科學研究委員會,校企聯合項目,複雜噪聲背景下的信號源探測問題,5萬英鎊,已結題,參與。
  7. 英國工程和自然科學研究委員會,一般項目,大規模多入多出天線網路性能研究,25萬英鎊,已結題,參與。
  8. 歐盟,FP7,基先進的動態頻譜分享5G網路研究,260萬歐元,已結題,參與。
  9. 歐盟,FP7,基於射頻頭和寄生天線陣列的高容量網路架構研究,320萬歐元,已結題,參與。
  10. 歐盟,FP7,基於干擾對齊技術的頻譜效率提升研究,270萬歐元,已結題,參與。
  11. 歐盟,FP7,認知無線電導向的無線網路研究,230萬歐元,已結題,參與。
  12. J. Xue, S. Biswas,A. C. Cirik,H. Du, T. Ratnarajah, and M. Sellathurai, `Transceiver Design of Optimum Wirelessly Powered Full-Duplex MIMO IoT Devices`,”IEEE Trans. on Communication,
  13. Y. Zhang,J.Xueand T. Ratnarajah,``Capacity analysis for Multi-Antenna Dual Hop AF System with randomCo-channel Interference Using Different Transferring Schemes,”IET Communications,
  14. Y. Luo, T. Ratnarajah,J. Xueand F. Khan, “Interference Alignment in Two-Tier Randomly Distributed Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Using Stochastic Geometry Approach,” IEEE Systems Journal,
  15. S. Biswas,J. Xue,T. Ratnarajah and F. Khan,“Performance Analysis of Correlated Massive MIMO Systems with Spatially Distributed Users,”IEEE Systems Journal,
  16. Y. He,J. Xue, T. Ratnarajah, M. Sellathurai and F. Khan, “On the Performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Random Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Systems Journal,
  17. H. He,J. Xue, T. Ratnarajah, F. Khan and C. B. Papadias, “Modeling and Analysis of Cloud Radio Access Networks Using Matern Hard-core Point Processes,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications,
  18. S. Biswas, S. Vuppala,J. Xueand T. Ratnarajah, “On the Performance of Relay Aided Millimeter Wave Networks,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,
  19. W. Liu, Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah andJ. Xue, “On Ergodic Secrecy Capacity of Random Wireless Networks with Protected Zones,”IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,
  20. J. Xue, M. Sellathurai, T. Ratnarajah and Z. Ding, “Performance Analysis for Multi-Way Relaying in Rician Fading Channels,”IEEE Trans. on Communications,
  21. Y. He, T. Ratnarajah, E H.G. Yousif,J. Xueand M. Sellathurai, “Performance Analysis of Multi-antenna GLRT-Based Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio,”Signal Processing,
  22. F. A. Khan, H. He,J. Xueand T. Ratnarajah, “Performance Analysis of Cloud Radio Access Networks with Distributed Multiple Antenna Remote Radio Heads,”IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing,
  23. Y. Zhang,J. Xue, T. Ratnarajah and C. Zhong, “Error exponentsanalysis of dual-hop kappa-mu and eta-mu fading channel with amplify-and-forward relaying,” IET Communications,
  24. J. Xue, T. Ratnarajah, C. Zhong, and C. K. Wen, “Reliability Analysis for Large MIMO Systems,”IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,
  25. Y. Luo, H. Du,J. Xue, T. Ratnarajah and D. Wilcox, “On the performance of asynchronous ad-hoc networks using interference alignment with renewal process,” IET Communications,
  26. J. Xue, C. Zhong and T. Ratnarajah, “Performance Analysis of Orthogonal STBC in Generalized-K Fading MIMO Channels,” IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology,
  27. J. Xue, M. Z. I. Sarkar and T. Ratnarajah, “Error Exponents for Nakagami-m Fading Channels.” Problems of Information Transmission,
  28. J. Xue, T. Ratnarajah and C. Zhong, “Error Exponents for Multi-keyhole MIMO Channels,” Problems of Information Transmission,
  1. C. Zhu, J. Xu andJ. Xue,“Secure MISO Beamforming Optimization with Randomly Distributed Eavesdroppers and Interferers,”IEEE 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Xi’an, China,
  2. R. Li, Q. Duan,J. Xue,S. Zhang and C. He, “A Directional Reactive Jamming Scheme Based on Machine Learning,”IEEE 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Xi’an, China,
  3. X. Yang, S. Jin, C. Wen, X. Li andJ. Xue, “Joint Activity Detection and Channel Estimation for Massive Connectivity Network with 1-Bit DAC,”IEEE 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Xi’an, China,
  4. H. Zhang,J. Xue, D. Meng, Q. Zhao and Z. Xu, “Robust CSI Estimation under Complex Communication Environment,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China,
  5. H. He,J. Xue, T. Ratnarajah and M. Sellathurai,“Performance Analysis of Millimeter Wave Cloud Radio Access Networks,” IEEE GLOBECOM, Dec. 4-8, Washington, DC, USA,
  6. Y. He,J. Xue,T. Ratnarajah andM. Sellathurai,“Full-Duplex Spectrum Sensing for Multi-Antenna Non-Time-Slotted Cognitive Radio Networks,”The 17th IEEE International workshop on Signal Processing advances in Wireless Communications, July 3rd - July 6th, Edinburgh, UK, 2
  7. Ali Cagatay Cirik,J. Xue,S. Biswas, T. Ratnarajah and M. Sellathurai, “Transceiver design of Optimum wirelessly powered Full-Duplex MIMO Interference Channel,”The 17th IEEE International workshop on Signal Processing advances in Wireless Communications, July 3rd - July 6th, Edinburgh, UK,
  8. L. Zhou, T. Ratnarajah,J. Xueand F. Khan, “Energy Efficient Cloud Radio Access Network with a Single RF Antenna,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Malaysia,
  9. S. Biswas, S. Vuppala,J. Xueand T. Ratnarajah, “An Analysis on Relay Assisted Millimeter Wave Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Malaysia,
  10. H. He,J. Xue, T. Ratnarajah, F. Khan and C. B. Papadias, “On the Performance of Cloud Radio Access Networks Using Matern Hard-core Point Processes,”IEEE ICASSP,Shanghai,
  11. Y. He, T. Ratnarajah, E.H.G. Yousif,J. Xueand M. Sellathurai, “Optimization of Multiantenna GLRT-Based Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio.”In Proc. IEEE 26th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications - (PIMRC): Mobile and Wireless Networks, Hongkong, September,
  12. S. Biswas,J. Xue, F. Khan and T. Ratnarajah, “On the Capacity of Correlated Massive MIMO Systems using Stochastic Geometry.”In Proc. the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, June Hong Kong.
  13. Y. He,J. Xue, T. Ratnarajah and M. Sellathurai, “Cooperative Sensing Technique for Random Secondary Wireless Networks.”In Proc. the IEEE International Conference on Communications, London, UK, (Workshop on Cooperative and Cognitive Networks).
  14. L. Zhou, T. Ratnarajah andJ. Xue, “Channel estimation and performance analysis of beamspace MIMO systems.”European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), Bologna, June
  15. Y. He, T. Ratnarajah,J. Xue,E.H.G. Yousif and M. Sellathurai, “Optimal decision threshold for eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing techniques.”IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, May,
  16. J. Xue, Y. Zhang, M.Z.I. Sarkar and T. Ratnarajah, “Error exponents analysis for dualhop kappa-mu fading channel with amplify-and-forward relaying.”IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC-14), Istanbul, Turkey, April,
  17. J. Xue, C. Zhong and T. Ratnarajah, “Ergodic Sum Rate Analysis of K Fading MIMO Channels with Linear MMSE Receiver.”IWCMC 2013-Comm & Signal Processing Symposium - Comm. & Signal Processing Symposium, CAGLIARI, SARDINIA, ITALY, JULY
  18. J. Xue,M. Z. I. Sarkar and T. Ratnarajah, “Error Exponents for Rayleigh Fading Multi-keyhole MIMO Channels.”IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) - Communications Theory, Budapest,
  19. J. Xue, M. Z. I. Sarkar, T. Ratnarajah and C. Zhong, “Error Exponents for Rayleigh Fading Product MIMO Channels.”IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, MIT USA, July 1-6,
  20. J. Xue, M. Z. I. Sarkar and T. Ratnarajah,“Error Exponents for Nakagami-m Fading MIMO Channels.”IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC-12), Turkey, June
  21. J. Xue, M. Z. I. Sarkar and T. Ratnarajah, “Error Exponents for Nakagami-m Fading Keyhole MIMO Channels.”IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2012 - Wireless Communications Symposium, Canada, June
  22. J. Xue, M. Z. I. Sarkar, C. Zhong and T. Ratnarajah, “Error Exponents for Orthogonal STBC in Generalized-K Fading MIMO Channels.”IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC-12): Mobile and Wireless Networks, France, April
  23. J. Xue,M. Z. I. Sarkar and T. Ratnarajah, “Random coding error exponent for OSTBC Nakagami-m fading MIMO channel.”IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May


