


  • 中文名:段利斌
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:新能源汽車碰撞安全與輕量化設計、新能源汽車智慧型設計與最佳化等
  • 職務:碩士生導師
  • 職稱:講師
  • 任職院校:江蘇大學
  • 性別:男



2011.09-2017.06 湖南大學 車輛工程 博士
2007.09-2011.06 杭州電子科技大學 車輛工程 本科


2017.09-至今 江蘇大學 汽車與交通工程學院 教學科研 講師
2011.08-2017.07 上汽通用五菱股份有限公司技術中心 汽車安全與輕量化設計


國際權威SCI期刊審稿人:《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》《Thin-Walled Structures》《Engineering Optimization》《Journal of Automobile Engineering》《International Journal of Crashworthiness》







5.江蘇省新能源汽車動力系統重點實驗室重點課題:純電動汽車動力總成殼體的性能評價及輕量化設計, 2019.06-2020.12, 在研,主持;
9.國家自然科學基金青年基金:概念設計階段車身梁類關鍵截面反演仿生算法及在電動汽車輕量化上的套用(項目編號: 51605155),2017.01-2019.12,在研,第二參與人。
10. 廣西區科技開發計畫:面向純電動汽車的超輕量化車身關鍵技術研究及產品開發,2013.06-2016.12,已結題,主研。
11. 寶山鋼鐵股份有限公司外協項目:VRB變厚板典型車身件的設計方法研究,2014.07-2015.07,已結題,主研。
12. 中國汽車工程學會項目:電動乘用汽車輕量化構架最佳化的關鍵技術研究,2013.07-2015.12,主研。
13. 湖南大學汽車車身先進設計製造國家重點實驗室:電動汽車鋁合金車身產品開發及樣車製造,2014.12-2016.06,已結題,主研。
14. 廣西艾盛創製科技有限公司產業化項目:鋁合金座椅的產品開發及樣件製造,2016.07-2017.07,已結題,主持。
15. 上汽通用五菱汽車股份有限公司產業化項目:五菱宏光整車被動安全性開發,2011.08-2015.06,已結題,主研。
16. 上汽通用五菱汽車股份有限公司產業化項目:寶駿730和寶駿310等車型的全參數化概念車身構架開發與多學科最佳化,2012.12-2017.05,已結題,主持。


[1] Duan Libin, Jiang Haobin, Li Huanhuan, et al. Crashworthiness optimization design of VRB thin-walled structures under manufacturing constraints by the eHCA-VRB algorithm. Applied mathematical modelling, 2019,
[2] Duan Libin, Jiang Haobin(*), Geng Guoqing, Zhang Xuerong. Parametric Modelling and Multiobjective Crashworthiness Optimization of a New Front Longitudinal Beam. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, 59(5):1835-1851. (中科院二區SCI, IF=3.925)
[3] Duan Libin(*), Jiang Haobin, Cheng Aiguo, Xue Hongtao, Geng Guoqing. Multi-objective reliability-based design optimization for the VRB-VCS FLB structure under front-impact collision. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, 59(5):1789-1812. (中科院二區SCI, IF=3.925)
[4] Duan Libin, Du ZP, Jiang Haobin, Xu Wei, Li Zhanjiang. Theoretical prediction and crashworthiness optimization of top-hat thin-walled structures under transverse loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 114:106261. (中科院二區SCI, IF=3.488)
[5] Duan Libin, Xiao Ningcong, Hu Zhaohui(*), et al. An efficient lightweight design strategy for body-in-white based on implicit parameterization technique. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2017, 55(5): 1927-1943. (中科院二區SCI, IF=3.925)
[6] Duan Libin, Sun Guangyong, Cui Junjia, et al. Crashworthiness design of vehicle structure with tailor rolled blank. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2016, 53(2): 321-338. (中科院二區SCI, IF=3.925)
[7] Duan Libin, Li Guangyao(*), Cheng Aiguo, et al. Multiobjective system reliability-based optimization method for design of a fully parametric concept car body. Engineering Optimization 2017, 49(7): 1247-1263. (中科院三區SCI, IF=1.809)
[8] Duan Libin(*), Xiao Ningcong, Li Guangyao, et al. Design optimization of tailor-rolled blank thin-walled structure based on epsilon-support vector regression technique and genetic algorithm. Engineering Optimization 2017, 49(7): 1148-1165. (中科院三區SCI, IF=1.809)
[9] Duan Libin, Xiao Ningcong, Li Guangyao(*), et al. Bending analysis and design optimization of tailor-rolled blank thin-walled structures with top-hat sections. International Journal of Crashworthiness 2017, 22(3): 227-242. (中科院四區SCI, IF=1.053)
[10] Du ZP, Duan Libin(*), Cheng Aiguo, et al. Theoretical prediction and crashworthiness optimization of thin-walled structures with single-box multi-cell section under three-point bending loading. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 157-158: 703-714. (中科院二區SCI, IF=4.134)
[11] Li Z, Duan Libin(*), Chen Tao, et al. Crashworthiness analysis and multi-objective design optimization of a novel lotus root filled tube (LFT). Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2018, 57(2): 865-875. (中科院二區SCI, IF=3.925)
[12] Li Z, Duan Libin, Cheng Aiguo, et al. Lightweight and crashworthiness design of an electric vehicle using a six-sigma robust design optimization method. Engineering Optimization 2019, 51(8): 1393-1411. (中科院三區SCI, IF=1.809)
[13] Xiao Ningcong, Duan Libin, Tang Zhangchun. Surrogate-model-based reliability method for structural systems with dependent truncated random variables. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability 2017, 231(3): 265-274. (中科院三區SCI, IF=1.373)
[14] Zhou Guan, Duan Libin, Zhao Wanzhong, et al. An enhanced hybrid and adaptive meta-model based global optimization algorithm for engineering optimization problems. Science China Technological Sciences 2016, 59(8): 1147-1155. (中科院二區SCI, IF=2.180)
[15] Zhou Guan, Zhao Wanzhong, Duan Libin, et al. Optimization design a steering system based on E-HAM algorithm. International Journal of Vehicle Design 2017, 75(1-4): 124-138. (中科院四區SCI, IF=1.190)


[16] LB Duan*, Haobin Jian, et al. Theoretical prediction and crashworthiness optimization of top-hat thin-walled structures under transverse loading. 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 20-24, May 2019, Beijing, China. (Oral Presentation)
[17] LB Duan*, Haobin Jiang. Lightweight and Crashworthiness Design of Tailor-rolled blank Thin-walled Structure (TRB-TH) under Dynamic Axial Loading. International Conferences on the Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILSM 2018), 7-11th, May 2018, Xi’an, China. (Oral Presentation)
[18] LB Duan*, GY Li, NC Xiao, GY Sun, HL Zhang, T Pang. Parametric analysis for variable-thickness rolled blank (VRB) top-hat thin-walled structures under bending impact loading. International Conferences on the Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILSM 2016), 22th-26th, May 2016, Turin, Italy. (Oral Presentation)
[19] LB Duan*, NC Xiao, AG Cheng, GY Li, T Chen. GSA-based multiobjective optimization for lightweight design of concept car body. International Conferences on the Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILSM 2016), 22th-26th, May 2016, Turin, Italy. (Oral Presentation)
[20] LB Duan*, GY Sun, JJ Cui, T Chen, GY, Li. Lightweight design of vehicle structure with tailor rolled blank under crashworthiness. 11th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 07th -12th, June 2015, Sydney, Australia. (Oral Presentation)


[1] 段利斌, 江浩斌,張學榮, 等. 一種基於一維混合元胞自動機的汽車變厚度B柱設計方法. 2019.06.28, 中國: ZL201711011351.2.
[2] 段利斌, 江浩斌, 季鑾順, 耿國慶, 唐斌. 一種滿足可軋制性的電動汽車連續變截面前縱梁的厚度分布設計方法. 2019.11.05, 中國, ZL201711163927.7.
[3] 段利斌, 江浩斌, 等. 一種用於功能定製的汽車變厚度變截面前縱梁結構. 2018.06.26, 中國: ZL201721206779.8.
[4] 段利斌,江浩斌, 耿國慶, 等. 一種滿足功能定製要求的汽車變厚度前縱梁內板結構. 2018.06.12, 中國, ZL201721208806.5.
[5] 段利斌, 江浩斌, 等. 一種基於功能定製的汽車前端吸能結構. 2018.06.26, 中國, ZL201721206016.3.
[6] 段利斌, 江浩斌, 等. 一種連續變厚度汽車前縱梁吸能緩衝區的厚度分布設計方法. 2017.11.24, 中國, 公布號: CN107391840A.
[7] 段利斌, 江浩斌, 唐斌, 張學榮, 等. 單帽型薄壁梁彎曲壓潰吸能的理論預測方法. 2018.01.02, 中國, 公布號: CN107529642A.
[8] 成艾國, 段利斌, 李光耀, 等. 一種用於電池包分散式安裝的電動汽車車架結構. 2016.04.20, 中國, ZL 201410663057.X.
[9] 江浩斌,季鑾順,段利斌, 等. 一種滿足軋制要求的變厚度鋼板過渡區的厚度分布參數設計方法. 2019.06.21, 中國, 公布號: CN109918745A.
[10] 耿國慶, 王成皓, 段利斌, 江浩斌.一種基於聚類算法的約束域最佳化拉丁超立方設計方法. 2016.06.14, 中國, 公布號: CN109885877A.


