



  • 中文名:武繼剛
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:中國科學技術大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:廣東工業大學碩士生導師


2015.04-至今 廣東工業大學百人計畫特聘教授 博士生導師 校學術委員會委員
2009.12 - 2015.03天津市特聘教授 天津工業大學 博士生導師 計算機學院院長
2000.10 - 2009.12新加坡南洋理工大學計算機學院做博士後,並留校在高性能嵌入式系統中心任研究員
1993.06 - 2000.10煙臺大學 講師 副教授(破格)
1983.07 - 1993.06蘭州大學計算機系 助教 講師
1997.09 - 2000.07中國科學技術大學國家高性能計算中心(合肥)攻讀計算機軟體 與理論專業,師從於陳國良院士、獲博士學位
1979.07 -1983.07 蘭州大學計算數學專業,獲學士學位。




J. Wu, T. Srikanthan, G. Jiang, K. Wang. Constructing Sub-Arrays with Short Interconnects from Degradable VLSI Arrays,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(4): 929-938, Apr 2014.
J. Wu, T. Srikanthan, G. Chen. Algorithmic Aspects of Hardware/Software Partitioning: One-dimensional Search Algorithms,IEEE Transactions on Computers, 59(4): 532-544, April 2010.
J. Wu, T. Srikanthan, X. Han. Preprocessing and Partial Re-Routing Techniques for Accelerating Reconfiguration of Degradable VLSI Arrays,IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, 18(2): 315-319, 2010.
J. Wu,T. Srikanthan, X. Wang. Integrated Row and Column Re-routing for Reconfiguration of VLSI Arrays with 4-port Switches,IEEE Transactions on Computers,56(10):1387-1400, Oct. 2007.
J. Wu,T Srikanthan. Reconfiguration Algorithms for Power Efficient VLSI Sub-Arrays with 4-port Switches,IEEE Transactionson Computers, 55(3): 243-253, Mar 2006.
J. Wu, T Srikanthan, S. Heiko. Efficient Reconfigurable Techniques for VLSI Arrays with 6-port Switches,IEEE Transactionson VLSI Systems, 13(8): 976-979, 2005.
S. Zhan,J. Wu,N. Han, J. Wen, X. Fang. Group Low-Rank Representation based Discriminant Linear Regression,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 28 Jane 2019, accepted.
L. Chen,J. Wu, X. Zhang. TARCO: Two-Stage Auction for D2D Relay Aided Computation Resource Allocation in HetNet,IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, In Press, 2018, doi: 10.1109/TSC.2018.2792024
L. Chen,J. Wu, H. Dai, X. Huang. BRAINS: Joint Bandwidth-Relay Allocation in Multi-Homing Cooperative D2D Network.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(6): 5387-5398, June 2018.
S. Ren, R. Mao,J. Wu.Passivity-Based Consensus Control for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Fixed and Switching Topologies.IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Oct, 2018, accepted.
N. Han,J. Wu, X. Fang, J. Yang, X. Li. Double Relaxed Regression for Image Classification.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Sept. 6, 2018, accepted.
X. Fang, N. Han, W. Wong, S. Teng,J. Wu, S. Xie, X. Li. Flexible Affinity Matrix Learning for Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Classification,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, accepted, July. 26, 2018.
X. Fang, N. Han,J. Wu,Y. Xu, J. Yang, W. Wong, X. Li. Approximate Low-Rank Projection Learning for Feature Extraction,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,29(11): 5228-5241, 2018.
J. Wang, H. Wu, T. Huang, S. Ren,J. Wu,Passivity of Directed and Undirected Complex Dynamical Networks with Adaptive Coupling Weights,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 28(8): 1827-1839, August 2017.
J. Wang, H. Wu, T. Huang, S. Ren,J. Wu,Passivity Analysis of Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Neural Networks with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems,47(8): 2148-2159,August 2017.
J. Wang, H. Wu, T. Huang, S. Ren,J. Wu.Pinning Control for Synchronization of Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Neural Networks with Directed Topologies,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 46(8): 1109-1120, 2016.
J. Wang, H. Wu, T. Huang, S. Ren,J. Wu.Analysis and Control of Output Synchronization for Directed and Undirected Complex Dynamical Networks,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, accepted, Nov 2016.
J. Wang, H. Wu, T. Huang, S. Ren,J. Wu.Passivity and Output Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks with Fixed and Adaptive Coupling Strength,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, accepted, Nov 2016. Online published, Doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2016.2627083.
G. Jiang,J. Wu, Y. Wang, Y. Ha, J. Sun. Reconfiguring Three-dimensional Processor Arrays for Fault-tolerance: Hardness and Heuristic Algorithms.IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(10): 2926-2939, Oct 2015.
W. Shi,J. Wu, G. Jigang, S. Lam. Multiple-choice Hardware/Software Partitioning for Tree Task-graph on MPSoC,The Computer Journal, Aug 2018, accepted.
S. Zhan,J. Wu, N. Han, J. Wen, X. Fang. Unsupervised Feature Extraction by Low-rank and Sparsity Preserving Embedding Learning Systems.Neural Networks, Oct. 2018, accepted.(CCF B類)
N. Han,J. Wu, Y. Liang, X. Fang, W. Wong, S. Teng. Low-rank and Sparse Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction.Neural Networks, accepted, Aug. 2018.
J. Li,J. Wu, L. Chen. Blockchain-Based Security Architecture for Distributed Cloud Storage,Information Science, 465(10): 219-231, Oct 2018.
S. Ren,J. Wu, P. Wei. Passivity and Pinning Passivity of Coupled Delayed Reaction-Diffusion Neural Networks with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions,Neural Processing Letters, 45(3), 869-885, June 2017.
S. Ren,J. Wu, B. Xu. Passivity and Pinning Passivity of Complex Dynamical Networks with Spatial Diffusion Coupling,Neurocomputing, 227: 3-9, 2017.
L. Fei, S. Teng,J. Wu.Enhanced Minutiae Extraction for High-Resolution Palmprint Recognition,International Journal of Image and Graphics, 17(4): 00534, 2017.
J. Wu, L. Chen, X. Wang, G. Jiang, S.Lam, T Srikanthan. Algorithms for Replica Placement and Update in Tree Network,The Computer Journal,61(2): 293-287, Feb 2018.
W. Shi,J. Wu, S. Lam, T. Srikanthan. Algorithms for Bi-objective Multiple-choice Hardware/Software Partitioning,Computers & Electrical Engineering, 50: 127-142, 2016.
R. Hou,J. Wu, Y. Chen, H. Zhang. Note on Edge-Colored Graphs for Networks with Homogeneous Faults,The Computer Journal, 59(10): 1470-1478, 2016.
G. Jiang,J. Wu, S. K. Lam, T. Srikanthan, J. Sun. Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Reduction for Hardware/Software Partitioning,Journal of Supercomputing, 71(6): 2251-2274, June 2015. (CCF C類)
G. Jiang,J. Wu, J. Sun. Efficient Reconfiguration Algorithms for Communication-Aware Three Dimensional Processor Arrays,Parallel Computing, 39(9): 490-503, 2013.
J. Wu, P. Wang, S. K. Lam, T. Srikanthan. Efficient Heuristic and Tabu Search for Hardware/Software Partitioning,Journal of Supercomputing, 66(1): 118-134, 2013.
J. Wu, X. Han. Tight Upper Bound for Accelerating Reconfiguration of VLSI Arrays, Journal of Circuits,Systems and Computers (JCSC), 24(7): 1-10, 2015.
G. Jiang,J. Wu, J. Sun, Y. Gao. Flexible Rerouting Schemes for Reconfiguration of Multiprocessor Arrays,Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74(10): 3026-3036, 2014.
R. Hou,J. Wu, Y. Chen, H. Zhang, X. Sui. Constructing Edge-Colored Graph for Heterogeneous Networks,Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 30(5): 1154-1160, Sept. 2015.
G. Jiang,J. Wu, S. K. Lam, T. Srikanthan, J. Sun. Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Reduction for Hardware/Software Partitioning,Journal of Supercomputing, 71(6), pp.2251-2274, June 2015.
J. Wu, G. Jiang, Y. Shen, S-K Lam, J. Sun, T. Srikanthan. Parallel Reconfiguration Algorithms for Mesh-connected Processor Arrays,Journal of Supercomputing, 69(2): 610-628, Jan. 2014.
J. Wu, Y. Zhu, Z. Niu, T Srikanthan. Constructing Low Temperature sub-arrays on Reconfigurable VLSI arrays,Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 23(5): 1-18, 2014.
Y. Li, J. Feng, L. Meng,J. Wu.Sparse Representation Shape Models,Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 48(1): 83-91, 2014.
L. Sun,J. Wu.Schedule, control co-design for networked control systems with bandwidth constraints,Journal of the Franklin Institute, 351(2): 1042-1056, 2014.
Y. Li, M. Li, J. Feng,J. Wu.Downsampling Sparse Representation and Discriminant Information Dided Occluded Face Recognition,Science China (Information Sciences), 57(3): 1-8, 2014.
P. Liu,J. Wu, Y. Wang. Hybrid Algorithms for Hardware/Software Partitioning and Scheduling on Reconfigurable Devices,Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 58(1-2): 409-420, July 2013.
Z. Wang, Y. Wang, M. Ma,J. Wu.Efficient Localization for Mobile Sensor Networks Based on Constraint Rules Optimized Monte Carlo Method,Computer Networks, 57(14): 2788-2801, 2013.
G. Song, L. Yang,J. Wu, J. Schormans. A Performance Evaluation of Cellular / WLAN Integrated Networks,Frontier of Computer Science, 7(4): 486-495, 2013.
A. K. Singh, A. Kumar,J. WuT. Srikanthan. CADSE: Communication Aware Design Space Exploration for Efficient Run-time MPSoC Management,Frontier of Computer Science, 7(3): 416-430, 2013.
Y. Liu, F. Nie,J. Wu, L. Chen. Efficient Semi-supervised Feature Selection with Noise Insensitive Trace Ratio Criterion,Neurocomputing, 10(5): 12-18, April 1, 2013.
J. Wu, Q. Sun, T Srikanthan. Algorithmic Aspects for Multiple-choice Hardware /Software Partitioning,Computers & Operations Research, 39(12): 3281-3292, Dec. 2012
Z. Wang, M. Ma,J. Wu.Securing Wireless Mesh Networks in a Unified Security Framework with Corruption-Resilience,Computer Networks, 56(12): 2981-2993, Aug. 2012
G. Song,J. Wu, J. Schormans, L. Cuthbert. Erlang Fixed Point Approximation for Performance Analysis of HetNets,Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012: 1-13, 2012.
T. Li,J. Wu, Y. Deng, T. Srikanthan, X. Lu. Accelerating Identification of Custom Instructions for Extensible Processors.IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 5(1): 21-32, Jan. 2011.
T. Li,J. Wu, S. K. Lam, T. Srikanthan,X. Lu. Selecting Profitable Custom Instructions for Reconfigurable Processors,Journal of Systems Architecture, 56(7): 340-351, July 2010.
J. Wu, T. Srikanthan, T. Lei. Efficient Heuristic Algorithms for Path-Based Hardware/Software Partitioning,Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 51(7-8): 974-984, April 2010.
A. K. Singh, T. Srikanthan, A. Kumar,J. Wu.Heuristics for Communication-aware Run-time Task Mapping on NoC-Based MPSoC Platforms,Journal of Systems Architecture, 56(7): 242-255, July 2010.
J. Wu, T. Srikanthan, K. Wang. Minimizing Interconnect Length on Reconfigurable Meshes,Frontier of Computer Science in China, 3(3): 315-321, Aug. 2009.
J. Wu, T. Srikanthan, T. Jiao. Algorithmic Aspects for Functional Partitioning and Scheduling in Hardware/Software Co-Design,Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 12(4): 345-375, Dec. 2008.
J. Wu, T Srikanthan, C. Yan. Algorithmic Aspects for Power-Efficient Hardware/Software Partitioning,Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.79(4): 1204-1215, Dec. 2008.
J. Wu, T. Srikanthan, G. Zou. New Model and Algorithm for Hardware/Software Partitioning,Journal of Computer Science & Technology, 23(4): 644-651, July 2008.
J. Wu, T Srikanthan. Low-Complex Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Hardware / Software Partitioning,Information Processing Letters, 98(2): 41-46, 2006.
J. Wu,T Srikanthan. An Efficient Algorithm for the Collapsing Knapsack Problem,Information Sciences, 176(12): 1739-1751, June 2006.


國家自然科學基金 “片上網路高性能可重構設計與任務分配技術”(61672171),主持
國家重點研發計畫 “數據科學的若干理論”(2018YFB1003201),主持子課題


