



  • 書名:正則半群和非橢圓微分運算元
  • 作者:鄭權 李淼
  • 出版日期:2014年3月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 品牌:科學出版社
  • 外文名:Regularized Semigroups and Non-Elliptic Differential Operators
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 頁數:211頁
  • 開本:5




Chapter 1 Regularized Semigroups
1.1 Definitions and properties
1.2 Generation theorems
1.3 Interpolation and extrapolation
1.4 Classes of regularized semigroups
1.5 Relationship to abstract Cauchy problems
1.6 Notes
Chapter 2 Perturbations,Approximations and Representations
2.1 Perturbation theorems
2.2 Approximation theorems
2.3 Representation and product formulas
2.4 Regularized cosine functions
2.5 Notes
Chapter 3 Integrated Semigroups
3.1 Properties and characterizations
3.2 Perturbations of integrated semigroups
3.3 Relationship to regularized semigroups
3.4 Notes
Chapter 4 Abstract Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients
4.1 A functional calculus
4.2 Strongly and weakly elliptic operators
4.3 Coercive operators
 詢蘭舟 4.4 Operators with coercive real parts
4.5 Notes
Chapter 5 Applications to Partial Differential Operators
5.1 General results
5.2 Special cases and examples
5.3 Resolvent sets and hypoelliptic operators
5.4 Comparison of results
籃歡辨您5.5 Notes
Chapter 6 Abstract Differential Operators with Time—dependentCoefficients
6.1 Evolution families
6.2 Evolution equations
6.3 Applications to partial differential equations
6.4 Notes
Chapter 7 Parabolic~囑束Correct and Hyperbolic Systems
良譽判7.1 Parabolic and correct systems
7.2 Parabolic and correct systems:放晚兵燥 continue
7.3 Hyperbolic systems
7.4 Notes
Chapter 8 SchrSdinger Equations
8.1 Convex hypersurfaces of finite type
8.2 Lp—Lq estimates for free Schrodinger equations
8.3 Lp estimates for SchrSdinger equations
8.4 Notes and Comments
Appendix A Vector—valued Laplace Transforms
Appendix B Fractional Power of Closed Operators
Appendix C Fourier Multipliers
Appendix D C0—semigroups
List of Symbols and Abbreviations


