歐萊雅創世新肌源毛孔細嫩乳,輕盈質地,快速滲入肌膚。蘊含的Active Micro-Smoother(活性平滑因子)與Hyaluronic Acid透明質酸及Pro-XylaneTM玻色因完美結合。令肌膚回復盈潤飽滿,更可幫助肌膚表皮維持新活的更新頻率,從而令肌膚表面細胞緊密排列,縮小毛孔,平滑肌膚。
- 中文名:歐萊雅創世新肌源毛孔細嫩乳
- 產品規格:50ml
- 產地:中國
- 使用方法:每日早晚,清潔與爽膚水使用後,塗抹於面部。可於毛孔明顯處重點重複塗抹
- 產品分類:護膚/乳液/面霜
- 參考價格 :¥190.0
歐萊雅護膚研究中心為全球女性帶來突破性細胞科技,締造完美親膚的革新護膚方式,讓肌膚享受前所未有的內外兼修護膚體驗巴黎歐萊雅首次推出有助於締造細胞青春的護膚品--創世新肌源毛孔細嫩系列。 第一次將Active Micro-Smoother活性平滑因子與Hyaluronic Acid透明質酸及Pro-XylaneTM玻色因完美結合。讓肌膚重獲盈潤飽滿,有效縮小毛孔、平滑肌膚。重獲盈潤飽滿 細緻毛孔 緊實平滑肌膚 細胞青春締造者 L’Oréal Paris Derma Genesis Pore Minimising Smoother Gel Cream 第一次將Active Micro-Smoother(活性平滑因子)與Hyaluronic Acid透明質酸及Pro-XylaneTM玻色因完美結合。令肌膚回復盈潤飽滿,更可幫助肌膚表皮維持新活的更新頻率,從而令肌膚表面細胞緊密排列,縮小毛孔,平滑肌膚。 每日早晚,與清潔程式後,蘸取適量毛孔細嫩乳,塗抹於面部和頸部,有效深層滋養肌膚。
L'Oreal Research Centre for Women bring a breakthrough in the global cell technology, to create a perfect skin-friendly innovations in skin care to let the skin internally and externally to enjoy an unprecedented debut L'Oreal Paris skin care experience helps create youthful skin cells products - Creation of new sources of pores muscle tender series. The first activity will be Active Micro-Smoother smoothing factor with Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic Acid and Pro-XylaneTM Bose for the perfect combination. Ultimate Maximum skin regain full, effective narrow pores, smooth skin. Ultimate Maximum regain full and detailed pore compaction smooth youthful skin cells founder of L'Oréal Paris Derma Genesis Pore Minimising Smoother Gel Cream for the first time the Active Micro-Smoother (active smoothing factor) and Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic Acid and Pro-XylaneTM Bose because of the perfect combination. Make skin moisture and more full, and helps the skin surface to maintain the new live update frequency, close to the skin surface cells arranged in narrow pores, smooth skin. Every morning and evening, and cleaning procedures, apply proper amount onto the delicate pores and milk, applied to the face and neck, effectively nourish skin deep.