


  • 書名:歐洲文明簡史:從上古時代到現代初期
  • 作者:宋曉堃
  • 出版日期:2011年11月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787536141773
  • 品牌:廣東高等教育出版社
  • 外文名:A Brief History of European Civilization-From Antiquity to Early Modernity
  • 出版社:廣東高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:349頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:40.00




PartⅠ Ancient World
Chapter 1 Civilizations in the Ancient Near East
1. Introduction
2. Civilization in Mesopotamia
2. 1 Brief history of Mesopotamia
2. 2 The Cultural Achievements of Mesopotamia
3. Ancient Egyptian Civilization
3.1 Egypt:"The Gift of the Nile"
3.2 A Brief History of Ancient Egypt
3.3 Ancient Egyptian Culture and Society
4. The Hebrews: History and Religion
4. 1 "The Children of Israel" :A Brief History
4. 2 Israelite Religion: Judais~n
5. Condusion
Chapter 2 Greek Civilization
1. Introduction
2. History of the Ancient Greeks
2. 1 Early Greece
2.2 The Dark Age (1200-750 BC)
2.3 The Archaic Period (750-500 BC)
2.4 The Classical Period (500-338 BC)
2. 5 The Hellenistic Period (323-31 BC)
3. Cultural Achievements of the Ancient Greeks
3.1 Religion and Mythology
3.2 Philosophy
3.3 Science
3.4 Literature
3.5 Historiography
3.6 Art
4. Conciusion
Chapter 3 Roman Civilization: from A City to An Empire
1. Introduction
2. Rome:from Republic to Empire
2. 1 The First Romans and Their Neighbors
2.2 The Roman Republic (509-31 BC)
2.3 Roman Expansion
2.4 The Collapse of the Roman Republic (133-31 BC)
2.5 The Early Empire (31 BC-180 AD)
3. Roman Culture
3.1 Government
3.2 Evolution of Roman Law
3.3 Roman Engineering and Architecture
3.4 Literature
3.5 Historiography
3.6 Sculpture and Painting
PartⅡ The Medieval World
PartⅢ Tansitionfrom Middle Agesto Early ModernEra


