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  • 中文名:歐亞平
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1986年8月
  • 畢業院校:華中師範大學
  • 職稱:衡陽師範學院化學與材料科學學院講師


2009/9 - 2014/6,華中師範大學,有機化學,博士,導師:劉盛華
2005/9 - 2009/6,衡陽師範學院,化學,學士


2014/7 - 至今,衡陽師範學院,化學與材料科學學院,講師




1. Ya-Ping Ou, Jing Zhang, Ming-Xing Zhang, Fuxing Zhang, Daizhi Kuang, František Hartl, and Sheng Hua Liu, Bonding and Electronic Properties of Linear Diethynyl Oligothienoacene-Bridged Diruthenium Complexes and Their Oxidized Forms. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 11074-11086.
2. Ya-Ping Ou*, Fang Hu, Shunlin Tang, Jiangxi Yu, Junhua Li, Fuxing Zhang, Daizhi Kuang, Benzo[1,2-b;4,5-bʹ]dithiophene-bridged bimetal complexes with different redox-active terminals: Syntheses, characterization and charge delocalization studied by spectro-electrochemical and DFT methods. J. Organomet. Chem., 2017, 843, 66-74.
3. Ya-Ping Ou*, Shunlin Tang, Aihui Wang, Junhua Li, Fuxing Zhang, and Zhifeng Xu, Binuclear Ruthenium Complexes with Benzo[1,2-b;4,5-bʹ]-dithiophene Analogues as Bridge Ligands: Syntheses, Characterization and Notable Difference on Electronic Coupling, Chin. J. Chem. 2017, 35, 1170-1178.
4. Ya-Ping Ou*, Jing Zhang, Daizhi Kuang, Fuxing Zhang, Jiangxi Yu, Xiaoming Zhu, Sheng Hua Liu & František Hartl, Mononuclear piano-stool iron 2-ethynylbenzo[b]thiophene complex: crystal structure and reversible oxidation studied by spectro-electrochemical and DFT methods, J. Coord. Chem. 2017, 70, 722-733.
5. Ya-Ping Ou, Jing Zhang, Fuxing Zhang, Daizhi Kuang, František Hartl*, Li Rao and Sheng Hua Liu*, Notable differences between oxidized diruthenium complexes bridged by four isomeric diethynyl benzodithiophene ligands. Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 6503-6516.
6. Ya-Ping Ou, Jing Zhang, Meng Xu, Jianlong Xia, František Hartl, Jun Yin, Guang-Ao Yu, Sheng Hua Liu*, Bridge-Localized HOMO-Bonding Character of Divinylanthracene-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium Carbonyl Complexes: Spectroscopic, Spectroelectrochemical, and Computational Studies. Chem. Asian J. 2014, 9, 1152-1160.
7. Ya-Ping Ou, Jianlong Xia, Jing Zhang, Meng Xu, Jun Yin, Guang-Ao Yu, Sheng Hua Liu*, Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Charge Delocalization in Biruthenium-Alkynyl complexes Bridged by Thiophenes. Chem. Asian J. 2013, 8, 2023-2032.
8. Ya-Ping Ou, Chuanyin Jiang, Di Wu, Jianlong Xia, Jun Yin, Shan Jin, Guang-Ao Yu, Sheng Hua Liu*, Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties of Anthracene-Bridged Bimetallic Ruthenium Vinyl Complexes [RuCl(CO)(PMe3)3]2(μ-CH=CH-anthracene-CH=CH). Organometallics 2011,30, 5763-5770.
9. Yaping Ou, Gang Chen, Jun Yin, Guang-Ao Yu, Sheng Hua Liu*, Rotaxane based on terpyridyl bimetal ruthenium complexes and β-cyclodextrin as organic sensitizer for dye-sensitized solar cells. J. Coord. Chem. 2011, 64, 3062-3067.

