


  • 中文名:欒雲霞
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院上海生命科學研究院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:昆蟲變態發育的演化歷程和翅的發生
  • 任職院校:華南師範大學




(1) 昆蟲變態的起源和翅的發生:選取不變態昆蟲和變態昆蟲的代表類群,建立演化發育生物學(Evo-Dev)研究平台,通過比較基因組和關鍵基因功能比對研究,探討昆蟲變態發育的演化和翅的發生與分化的分子機制。
(2) 六足動物基部類群的分子演化和昆蟲的起源:基於早期出現的六足動物類群處於從水生甲殼動物演化到陸生昆蟲中間的重要“過渡”地位,選取各類群代表物種,使用組學數據構建系統發生關係,並結合發育生物學方法探討關鍵性狀的演化規律和分子機制。
(3) 六足動物基部類群的系統分類:長期開展原尾綱、雙尾綱和衣魚目的生物多樣性研究,進行種類修訂,並結合形態學特徵和分子序列比對,探討各級階元的系統發生,建立各類群合乎自然演化規律的系統關係。


自1999年起師從中國科學院上海生命科學研究院尹文英先生,從事六足動物(昆蟲)基部類群(原尾綱、彈尾綱、雙尾綱、石蛃目和衣魚目)的系統演化研究。2004年獲得博士學位,並留院工作,2014年競聘為研究員。2018年8月作為青年拔尖人才加入華南師範大學生命科學院。曾獲中國昆蟲學會第六屆青年科學技術獎,周堯昆蟲分類學獎勵基金二等獎,入選中國科學院青年創新促進會。先後主持和參與多項國家自然科學基金、國家轉基因生物新品種培育科技重大專項和國家重點研發計畫等項目。迄今,在演化生物學、昆蟲學和系統學領域的權威雜誌Mol Biol Evol、Methods Ecol Evol、Genome Biol Evol、Insect Biochem Mol Biol和System Entom等期刊上發表論文45篇,部分成果獲得Faculty of 1000的推薦。
Ai-Min Liu, Wan-Jun Chen, Cheng-Wang Huang, Chang-Yuan Qian, Yan Liang, Sheng Li, Shuai Zhan, Yun-Xia Luan. MicroRNA evolution provides new evidence for a close relationship of Diplura to Insecta. 2020, Systematic Entomology. 45, 365–377.
Yun Bu, Yan Xiong, Yun-Xia Luan, Wen-Yin Yin. Protura from Hainan Island, China: new species, checklist and distribution. 2019, ZooKeys. 879, 1–21.
Antonio Carapelli, Yun Bu, Wan-Jun Chen, Francesco Nardi, Chiara Leo,Francesco Frati, Yun-Xia Luan. Going deeper into high and low phylogenetic relationships of Protura. 2019, Genes (Basel). 10, 292.
Yan Liang, Wei Xie, Yun-Xia Luan. Developmental expression and evolution of hexamerin and haemocyanin from Folsomia candida (Collembola). 2019, Insect Molecular Biology. 28, 716–727.
Cheng-Wang Huang, Wan-Jun Chen, Xin Ke, Yunhe Li, Yun-Xia Luan. A multi-generational risk assessment of Cry1F on the non-target soil organism Folsomia candida (Collembola) based on whole transcriptome profiling. 2019, PeerJ. 7, e6924.
Feng Zhang, Yinhuan Ding, Chao-Dong Zhu, Xin Zhou, Michael C. Orr, Stefan Scheu, Yun-Xia Luan. Phylogenomics from low-coverage whole-genome sequencing. 2019, Methods Ecology and Evolution. 10, 507–517.
Ji-Gang Jiang, Cheng-Wang Huang, Yun-Xia Luan. A new species of Lobellina and first record of Vietnura from China (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae). 2018, ZooKeys. 807, 13–28.
Chang-Yuan Qian, Yun Bu, Yun-Xia Luan. DNA barcoding and an updated key to the genus Hesperentomon (Protura: Acerentomata: Hesperentomidae), with a new species from Northwest China. 2018, Zootaxa. 4462, 523–534.
Jun Wu, Cheng-Wang Huang, Yun-Xia Luan. A new species and a new record of Sinella Brook (Collembola: Entomobryidae) from Guizhou Province, China. 2018, Zootaxa. 4444, 484–490.
Chang-Yuan Qian, Yun Bu, Yan Dong, Yun-Xia Luan. Study on the Pauropoda from Tibet, China. Part I. The genera Decapauropus and Hemipauropus (Myriapoda). 2018, ZooKeys. 754: 33–46.
Yun Bu, Chang-Yuan Qian, Yun-Xia Luan. Three newly recorded species of Acerentomata (Hexapoda: Protura) from China, with analysis of DNA barcodes. 2017 Entomotaxonomia.39: 1–14.
Yao Ma, Wan-Jun Chen, Zhao-Hui Li, Feng Zhang, Yan Gao, Yun-Xia Luan. Revisiting the phylogeny of Wolbachia in Collembola. 2017, Ecology and Evolution. 7, 2009–2017.
Yun Bu, Yao Ma, Yun-Xia Luan. Paracerella Imadaté in China: the description of a new species and the analysis of genetic differences between populations (Protura, Acerentomata, Nipponentomidae). 2016, ZooKeys. 604, 1–11.
Ya-Nan Hou, Sheng Li, Yun-Xia Luan. Pax6 in Collembola: adaptive evolution of eye regression. 2016, Scientific Reports. 6, 20800.
Wei Xie, Yun-Xia Luan. Evolutionary implications of dipluran hexamerins. 2014, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 46, 17–24
Wan-Jun Chen, Markus Koch, Mallatt JM, Yun-Xia Luan. Comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes in Diplura (Hexapoda, Arthropoda): taxon sampling is crucial for phylogenetic inferences. 2014, Genome Biology and Evolution. 6, 105–120. (F1000recommendation)
Yun Bu, Yan Gao, Mikhail B. Potapov, Yun-Xia Luan. Redescription of arenicolous dipluran Parajapyx pauliani (Diplura, Parajapygidae) and DNA barcoding analyses of Parajapyx from China. 2012, ZooKeys.221, 19–29.
Ji-Gang Jiang, Yun-Xia Luan, Wen-Ying Yin. Paralobella palustris sp. nov. (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae) from China, with remarks and key to species of the genus. 2012, Zootaxa. 3500, 70–76.
Wan-Jun Chen, Yun Bu, Antonio Carapelli, Romano Dallai, Sheng Li, Wen-Ying Yin, Yun-Xia Luan. The mitochondrial genome of Sinentomon erythranum (Arthropoda: Hexapoda: Protura): an example of highly divergent evolution. 2011, BMC Evolutionary Biology. 11, 246.
謝維, 欒雲霞.節肢動物血藍蛋白家族的組成與演化. 2011, 生命科學. 23, 106–114.
Yan Xiong, Yan Gao, Wen-Ying Yin, Yun-Xia Luan. Molecular phylogeny of Collembola inferred from ribosomal RNA genes. 2008, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 49, 728–735.
Yan Gao, Yun Bu,Yun-XiaLuan. Phylogenetic relationships of basal hexapods reconstructed from nearly complete 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences. 2008, Zoological Science. 25, 1139–1145.
欒雲霞, 卜雲, 謝榮棟. 基於形態和分子數據訂正黃副鋏蟲八的一個異名 (雙尾綱: 副鋏蟲八科). 2007, 動物分類學報. 32, 1006-1007.
高艷, 卜雲, 欒雲霞, 尹文英. 白符䖴胚胎髮育的形態觀察 (彈尾綱: 等節䖴科). 2006, 動物學研究. 27, 519–524.
Yun-Xia Luan, Jon M. Mallatt, Rong-Dong Xie, Yi-Ming Yang, Wen-Ying Yin. The phylogenetic positions of three basal-hexapod groups (Protura, Diplura, and Collembola) based on ribosomal RNA gene sequences. 2005, Molecular Biology and Evolution. 22: 1579–1592.
欒雲霞, 尹文英, 付榮恕, 謝榮棟, 楊毅明. 原尾綱高級階元系統學的分子佐證. 2005, 自然科學進展.15, 678–683.
Yun-Xia Luan, Yong-gang Yao, Rong-Dong Xie, Yi-Ming Yang, Ya-Ping Zhang, Wen-Ying Yin. Analysis of 18S rRNA gene of Octostigma sinensis (Projapygoidea: Octostigmatidae) supports the monophyly of Diplura. 2004, Pedobiologia. 48, 453–459.
Yun-Xia Luan, Ya-Ping Zhang, Qiao-Yun Yue, Jun-Feng Pang, Rong-Dong Xie, Wen-Ying Yin. Ribosomal DNA gene and phylogenetic relationships of Diplura and lower Hexapods. 2003, Science in China (C). 46, 67–76.
欒雲霞, 張亞平, 岳巧雲, 龐俊峰, 謝榮棟, 尹文英. 從核糖體RNA基因序列探討雙尾蟲的系統進化. 2002, 中國科學(C輯). 32, 535–543.
欒雲霞, 謝榮棟, 尹文英. 雙尾蟲系統進化的初步探討. 2002, 動物學研究. 23, 149–154.


(2) 2013年中國昆蟲學會第六屆青年科學技術獎


