欒勝華是中國科學院心理研究所RAUM(Risk And Uncertainty Management “風險與不確定性管理”)研究組組長,於1999年畢業於北京大學,2004年在美國佛羅里達大學獲得認知心理學博士,曾在新加坡管理大學(Singapore Management University)和德國馬普協會人類發展所(Max Planck Institute for Human Development)從事研究教學工作。2018年6月,由欒勝華負責的“風險與不確定性管理實驗室”(Risk And Uncertainty Management Lab)在中科院心理所成立。
- 中文名:欒勝華
- 外文名:Shenghua Luan
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 畢業院校:美國佛羅里達大學心理學系博士
- 代表作品:研究成果已發表在心理學和決策科學的國際頂級期刊,如Psychological Review等。
- 實驗室:風險與不確定性管理實驗室(RAUM)
- 職稱:研究員
代表論著: |
Gigerenzer, G.,Luan, S., & Reb, J. (forthcoming). Smart heuristics for individuals, teams, and organization. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. Luan, S., Schooler, L. J., & Tan, J. H. (in press). Improving judgment accuracy by sequential adjustment.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. GerdGigerenzer, 欒勝華, 劉永芳. (2019). 人非理性且難教化?論支持自由家長主義的證據. 心理學報, 51(4): 395-406. Luan, S., Reb, J., & Gigerenzer, G. (2019). Ecological Rationality: Fast-and-Frugal Heuristics for Managerial Decision Making under Uncertainty.Academy of Management Journal. Reb, J., Greguras, G. J., &Luan, S. (in press). Performance trends matter: But why, how, and when?Academy of Management Discoveries. Tan, J. H. , Luan, S. , Gonzalez, T. , & Jablonskis, E. . (2017). Testing error-management predictions in forgiveness decisions with cognitive modeling and process-tracing tools. Ruggeri, A.,Luan, S., Keller, M., & Gummerum, M. (2017).The influence of adult and peer role models on children’s and adolescents’ sharing decisions.Child Development. Luan, S., & Reb, J. (2017). Fast-and-frugal trees as process models of performance-based personnel decisions.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 141, 29-42. Tan, J. H.,Luan, S, & Katsikopoulos, K. V. (2017). A signal-detection approach to modeling forgiveness decisions.Evolution and Human Behavior, 38, 21-38. Hozo, I., Djulbegovic, B.,Luan, S., Tsalatsanis, A., Gigerenzer, G. (2015). Towards theory integration: Threshold model as a link between signal detection theory, fast-and-frugal trees, and evidence accumulation theory.Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. Luan, S., Schooler, L. J., & Gigerenzer, G. (2014). From perception to preference and on to inference: An approach-avoidance analysis of thresholds.Psychological Review, 121, 501-525. Reb, J., Greguras, G.,Luan, S., & Daniels, M. (2013). Making performance judgments. In Highhouse, S., Dalal, R. S., & Salas, E. (Eds.),Judgment and decision making at work(pp. 13-36). New York: Routledge. Luan S., Katsikopoulos K. V., & Reimer, T. (2012) When does diversity trump ability (and vice versa) in group decision making? A simulation study.PLoS ONE7(2): e31043. Verweij, M.,Luan, S., & Nowacki, M. (2011). How to test cultural theory: Suggestions for future research.PS: Political Science and Politics,44, 745-748. Luan, S., Schooler, L. J., & Gigerenzer, G. (2011). A signal detection analysis of fast-and-frugal trees.Psychological Review, 118, 316-338. Reprinted in Decision, Supplementary Issue(2013), 24-55. Luan, S., Sorkin, R. D., & Itzkowitz, J. (2004). Weighting information from outside sources: A biased process.Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 17, 95-116. |