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  • 中文名機械製圖習題集(第二版)
  • 作者:程蓮萍
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787030483393




第一章 製圖的基本知識(Basic Knowledge of Drawing)
1-1 字型練習(Lettering exercises)1
1-2 圖線練習(Lines exercises)2
1-3 標註尺寸(Dimensioning)3
1-4 幾何作圖(Geometric construction)4
1-5 作業1基本練習(Basic exercises)5
第二章 正投影法基礎(Basic Orthographic Projection Theory)
2-1投影基礎(Basis of projection)6
2-2畫平面立體的三面投影(Draw three projections of the polyhedral solids)7
第三章 點、直線、平面的投影以及平面與平面立體相交(The Projection ofPoints, Lines ,Planes and Intersection of Planes and Solids)
3-1 點的投影(Projection of points)8
3-2 直線的投影(一)(Projection of lines)9
3-3 直線的投影(二)(Projection of lines)10
3-4 平面的投影(一)(Projection of planes)11
3-5 平面的投影(二)(Projection of Planes)12
3-6 平面上的點和線、平面與平面立體相交(Points and lines on the plane, intersection of planes and polyhedral solids)13
3-7 平面立體的切割與穿孔(Cutting and perforating on polyhedral solids )14
第四章 基本曲面立體的投影(Projection ofCurved Solids)
4-1 迴轉體及其表面上的點、線(Rotary solids and elements on their surfaces)15
4-2 平面與迴轉體表面相交(一)(Intersection of planes and rotary solids)16
4-3 平面與迴轉體表面相交(二)(Intersection of planes and rotary solids)17
4-4 兩迴轉體表面相交(一)(Intersection of two rotary solids)18
4-5 兩迴轉體表面相交(二)(Intersection of two rotary solids)19
4-6 根據所給的水平投影,指出能構成立體的正面投影 (Select correct frontal projection)20
4-7 根據所給的正面投影及水平投影,指出能構成立體的側面投影(Select correct profile projection)21
第五章 組合體 (Composite Solids )
5-1 根據立體圖補畫投影中所缺圖線(Add missing details according to the pictorial drawings)22
5-2 補畫投影中所缺圖線(Add missing details)23
5-3 畫組合體三面投影(Draw threeprojections of composite solids )24
5-4 選擇題(一)(Choice question)25
5-5 選擇題(二)(Choice question) 26
5-6 標註組合體尺寸(一)(Dimension composite solids)27
5-7 標註組合體尺寸(二)(Dimension composite solids)28
5-8 第1、2、3題補漏線,第4、5、6題讀懂組合體的兩面投影,補畫第三面投影(一)(Add missing details and draw the third projections)29
5-9 補畫第三面投影(二)(Draw the third projection)30
5-10 補畫第三面投影(三)(Draw the third projections)31
5-11 作業2 組合體三面投影(Three projections of composite solids)32
第六章 軸測圖(Axonometric projections)
6-1根據立體的投影圖,在指定位置畫出立體的軸測圖(Draw axonometricprojections at specified positions according to the projections of solids)33
6-2根據所給投影圖,徒手畫立體的軸測圖(Draw isometric projections and cabinet axonometry projections Freehand according to the projections given)34
第七章 機件常用的表達方法(Common Representations for Parts)
7-1 基本視圖及其他視圖( Principle views and the other views)35
7-2 剖視圖的基本概念(一)(Basic concept of sectional views)36
7-3 剖視圖的基本概念(二)(Basic concept of sectional views)37
7-4 全剖視圖(Full sectional views)38
7-5 半剖視圖(Half-sectional views)39
7-6 局部剖視圖(Local sectional views)40
7-7 單一剖切、幾個平行的剖切面剖切、幾個相交的剖切面剖切(Single cutting plane, multiple parallel cutting planes, multiple intersecting cutting lanes)41
7-8 斷面圖(Cuts) 42
7-9 局部放大圖及常用簡化畫法(Drawing of partial enlargement and general simplified representations)43
7-10 表達方法的綜合套用(Comprehensive application of representation principles)44
7-11 作業3 機件的表達方法(Representation methods of parts)45
第八章 標準件、齒輪和彈簧(Standard Parts, Gears and Springs)
8-1 螺紋的規定畫法和標註(Specified drawing and marking of threads)46
8-2 螺紋緊固件(一)(Screw fasteners )47
8-3 螺紋緊固件(二)(Screw fasteners )48
8-4 作業4螺紋緊固件連線( Joint of screw fasteners )49
8-5 直齒圓柱齒輪、圓柱銷(Spur cylindrical gear, parallel pin)50
8-6 普通平鍵、圓柱螺旋壓縮彈簧(Square and rectangular key, cylindrical helical compression spring)51
第九章 零件圖(Detail Drawings)
9-1 表面結構、幾何公差、極限與配合(Surface texture, geometrical tolerance, limits and fits)52
9-2 讀零件圖(一)軸(Read detail drawing of a shaft)53
9-3 讀零件圖(二)軸承蓋(Read detaildrawing of a baring cover) 54
9-4 讀零件圖(三)十字接頭(Read detail drawing of a cruciform)55
9-5 讀零件圖(四)底座 (Read detail drawing of a base) 56
9-6 作業5零件測繪 (Mapping parts)57
第十章 裝配圖 (Assembly Drawings)
10-1 根據千斤頂的軸測圖和零件圖拼畫裝配圖(Make an assembly drawing of a jack according to the axonometric projection of a jack and detail drawings)58
10-2 作業6由零件圖拼畫裝配圖(Draw an assembly drawing from detail drawings)作業7由裝配圖拆畫零件圖 (dismantle detail drawings from an assembly drawing) 59
10-3 讀螺紋調節支承裝配圖(Read the assembly drawing ofthread adjustment bearing)60
10-4 讀虎鉗裝配圖(Read the assembly drawing ofjaw vice)61
10-5 讀蝴蝶閥裝配圖(Read the assembly drawing of butterfly valve)62
10-6 讀柱塞泵裝配圖(Read the assembly drawing of piston pump)63

