



  • 中文名:機械工程製圖基礎習題集(第2版)
  • 作者:萬靜
  • ISBN:9787111390244
  • 定價:36元
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年12月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:8開




Jing Wan and Ping ChenTable of Contents目錄
Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge and Skill of Drawing製圖基本知識與技能1
1.1Basic drawing exercises基本手法練習1
1.2Lettering exercises using HB pencil字型練習(要求用HB鉛筆書寫)3
1.3Dimensioning exercises尺寸標註練習4
1.4Complete 2D objects using Inventor software用Inventor軟體繪製平面圖形5
Chapter 2 Basis of Projection投影基礎6
2.1Draw three views according to the cabinet axonometric projection由斜二等軸測圖畫
2.2Find out the corresponding three views(Page 7 and 8)記物尋圖7
2.3Draw cabinet axonometric projections according to three views由三視圖畫斜二等軸測圖9
2.4Complete the third view補畫第三視圖10
2.5Choice(mark “√” in the brackets)選擇12
2.6Add the missing details補畫缺漏的線14
Chapter 3 Projection of Points, Lines and Planes點、直線、平面的投影15
3.1Projection of points點的投影15
3.2Projection of lines直線的投影16
3.3Projection of planes平面的投影17
3.4Relative position of lines and planes線面的相對位置18
3.5Complete the third view by analysis of lines and planes線面分析法補畫第三視圖19
Chapter 4 Projection of Solids立體的投影20
4.1Curved solids曲面立體20
4.2Intersection of planes and solids平面與立體相交21
4.3Intersection of two solids兩立體相交24
4.4Combined exercises of intersection截交、相貫綜合練習26
Chapter 5 Composite Solids組合體28
5.1Add the missing details of composite solids添加組合體視圖中漏畫的線條28
5.2Concept composite solids組合體的構形設計29
5.3Complete the third view of composite solids by shape analysis用形體分析法補畫第三視圖30
5.4Complete the third view of composite solids by analysis of lines and planes用線面分析法補
5.5Dimensioning exercises of composite solids組合體的尺寸標註練習35
5.63D Models三維建模37
Chapter 6 Representation Methods of Machine Components機件的各種表達方法38
6.1Basic views基本視圖38
6.2Add the missing details of the following sectional views補畫下列剖視圖中漏畫的線條39
6.3Sectional view exercises剖視圖練習40
6.4Cut view exercises斷面圖練習45
6.5Combined exercises of sectional view and cut view剖視圖、斷面圖綜合練習46
6.6Dimensioning exercises尺寸標註練習47
Chapter 7 Standard Parts and Commonly Used Parts標準件及常用件48
7.1Specified representation of threads螺紋的規定畫法48
7.2Thread marks螺紋標註49
7.3Screw fasteners螺紋聯接件50
7.4Key joints and gears鍵聯接和齒輪51
Chapter 8 Detail Drawings零件圖53
8.1Surface texture表面結構53
8.2Limits and fits極限與偏差54
8.4Read detail drawings讀零件圖56
Chapter 9 Assembly Drawings裝配圖58
9.1Draw assembly drawings畫裝配圖58
9.23D assembly and correct assembly drawings三維裝配與裝配圖改錯60
9.3Read assembly drawings讀裝配圖61
Chapter 10 Appendices附錄63
10.1Foreign engineering drawing (1)國外工程圖實例(1)63
10.2Foreign engineering drawing (2)國外工程圖實例(2)64
10.3Foreign engineering drawing (3)國外工程圖實例(3)65


