

《機器視覺算法與套用(第2版)》是2019年7月清華大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是[德]卡斯特恩·斯蒂格、馬克烏斯·烏爾里克(Markus Ulrich)、克里斯琴·威德曼。


  • 中文名:機器視覺算法與套用(第2版)
  • 作者:[德]卡斯特恩·斯蒂格、馬克烏斯·烏爾里克(Markus Ulrich)、克里斯琴·威德曼
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年7月
  • 定價:128 元
  • ISBN:9787302519058


本書是機器視覺領域的暢銷書,自第1版出版以來廣受歡迎,是第一本有關機器視覺軟體的教材,詳細介紹了機器視覺的各種算法,以及有關這些算法的實際套用。第2版進行了全面更新、修訂和擴展,以反映了年來在圖像採集、機器視覺算法和套用領域的發展,新內容包括新的攝像機和圖像採集接口、三維感測器及技術、三維重建、三維物體識別以及最先進的分類算法,書中所有示例都基於MVTec公司最新版本的機器視覺軟體HALCON 13。


縮略詞 I
第 2版前言III
第 1版前言.VII
1 Introduction簡介1
2 Image Acquisition圖像採集 6
2.1 Illumination照明 . 6
2.1.1 Electromagnetic Radiation電磁輻射 . 6
2.1.2 Types of Light Sources光源類型. 9
2.1.3 Interaction of Light and Matter光與被測物間的相互作用 12
2.1.4 Using the Spectral Composition of the Illumination利用照明的光譜 14
2.1.5 Using the Directional Properties of the Illumination利用照明的方向性 18
2.2 Lenses鏡頭.25
2.2.1 Pinhole Cameras針孔攝像機 26
2.2.2 Gaussian Optics高斯光學. 27
2.2.3 Depth of Field景深 37
2.2.4 Telecentric Lenses遠心鏡頭 42
2.2.5 Tilt Lenses and the Scheimpflug Principle傾斜鏡頭和沙姆定律 48
2.2.6 Lens Aberrations鏡頭的像差 53
2.3 Cameras攝像機 61
2.3.1 CCD Sensors CCD感測器 62
2.3.2 CMOS Sensors CMOS感測器. 69
2.3.3 Color Cameras彩色攝像機 72
2.3.4 Sensor Sizes感測器尺寸 75
2.3.5 Camera Performance攝像機性能 77
2.4 Camera–Computer Interfaces攝像機 -計算機接口 .84
2.4.1 Analog Video Signals模擬視頻信號. 85
2.4.2 Digital Video Signals數字視頻信號 . 92
2.4.3 Generic Interfaces通用接口 .116
2.4.4 Image Acquisition Modes圖像採集模式131
2.5 3D Image Acquisition Devices三維圖像採集設備.134
2.5.1 Stereo Sensors立體視覺感測器.135
2.5.2 Sheet of Light Sensors片光(雷射三角測量)感測器.139
2.5.3 Structured Light Sensors結構光感測器 142
2.5.4 Time-of-Flight Cameras飛行時間攝像機 151
3 Machine Vision Algorithms機器視覺算法 .157
3.1 Fundamental Data Structures基本數據結構 .157
3.1.1 Images圖像 158
3.1.2 Regions區域 .160
3.1.3 Subpixel-Precise Contours亞像素精度輪廓 .164
3.2 Image Enhancement圖像增強 165
3.2.1 Gray Value Transformations灰度值變換 165
3.2.2 Radiometric Calibration輻射標定170
3.2.3 Image Smoothing圖像平滑 181
3.2.4 Fourier Transform傅立葉變換198
3.3 Geometric Transformations幾何變換205
3.3.1 Affine Transformations仿射變換206
3.3.2 Image Transformations圖像變換209
3.3.3 Projective Image Transformations投影圖像變換.216
3.3.4 Polar Transformations極坐標變換 .218
3.4 Image Segmentation圖像分割 220
3.4.1 Thresholding閾值分割.220
3.4.2 Extraction of Connected Components提取連通區域 .233
3.4.3 Subpixel-Precise Thresholding亞像素精度閾值分割 237
3.5 Feature Extraction特徵提取 240
3.5.1 Region Features區域特徵 241
3.5.2 Gray Value Features灰度值特徵 248
3.5.3 Contour Features輪廓特徵 254
3.6 Morphology形態學 .256
3.6.1 Region Morphology區域形態學257
3.6.2 Gray Value Morphology灰度值形態學282
3.7 Edge Extraction邊緣提取288
3.7.1 Definition of Edges邊緣定義289
3.7.2 1D Edge Extraction一維邊緣提取295
3.7.3 2D Edge Extraction二維邊緣提取305
3.7.4 Accuracy and Precision of Edges邊緣的準確度和精確度 .317
3.8 Segmentation and Fitting of Geometric Primitives幾何基元的分割和擬合 328
3.8.1 Fitting Lines直線擬合.329
3.8.2 Fitting Circles圓擬合 336
3.8.3 Fitting Ellipses橢圓擬合 .338
3.8.4 Segmentation of Contours輪廓分割 .341
3.9 Camera Calibration攝像機標定 .347
3.9.1 Camera Models for Area Scan Cameras with Regular Lenses普通鏡頭與面陣攝像機組成的攝像機模型.349
3.9.2 Camera Models for Area Scan Cameras with Tilt Lenses傾斜鏡頭和面陣攝像機組成的攝像機模型.357
3.9.3 Camera Model for Line Scan Cameras線陣攝像機的攝像機模型363
3.9.4 Calibration Process標定過程 .370
3.9.5 World Coordinates from Single Images從單幅圖像中提取世界坐標380
3.9.6 Accuracy of the Camera Parameters攝像機參數的準確度 .386
3.10 3D Reconstruction三維重構.390
3.10.1 Stereo Reconstruction立體重構 .390
3.10.2 Sheet of Light Reconstruction雷射三角測量法(片光)重建412
3.10.3 Structured Light Reconstruction結構光重建 416
3.11 Template Matching模板匹配 .424
3.11.1 Gray-Value-Based Template Matching基於灰度值的模板匹配 .426
3.11.2 Matching Using Image Pyramids使用圖形金字塔進行匹配 434
3.11.3 Subpixel-Accurate Gray-Value-Based Matching基於灰度值的亞像素精度匹配 .441
3.11.4 Template Matching with Rotations and Scalings帶旋轉與縮放的模板匹配.441
3.11.5 Robust Template Matching可靠的模板匹配算法.443
3.12 3D Object Recognition三維物體識別476
3.12.1 Deformable Matching變形匹配 478
3.12.2 Shape-Based 3D Matching基於形狀的三維匹配 493
3.12.3 Surface-Based 3D Matching基於表面的三維匹配 510
3.13 Hand–Eye Calibration手眼標定 .526
3.13.1 Introduction前言 527
3.13.2 Problem Definition問題定義 529
3.13.3 Dual Quaternions and Screw Theory對偶四元數和螺旋理論 .533
3.13.4 Linear Hand–Eye Calibration線性手眼標定540
3.13.5 Nonlinear Hand–Eye Calibration非線性手眼標定 .545
3.13.6 Hand–Eye Calibration of SCARA Robots SCARA機器人手眼標定 .547
3.14 Optical Character Recognition光學字元識別 (OCR) .551
3.14.1 Character Segmentation字元分割 552
3.14.2 Feature Extraction特徵提取 555
3.15 Classification分類 .560
3.15.1 Decision Theory決策理論 560
3.15.2 Classifiers Based on Estimating Class Probabilities基於估計機率的分類器 .566
3.15.3 Classifiers Based on Constructing Separating Hypersurfaces基於構造分離超曲面的分類器 .573
3.15.4 Example of Using Classifiers for OCR使用分類器用於 OCR的例子606
4 Machine Vision Applications機器視覺套用.608
4.1 Wafer Dicing半導體晶片切割 608
4.1.1 Determining the Width and Height of the Dies確定晶片的寬度和高度609
4.1.2 Determining the Position of the Dies確定晶片的位置 .612
4.1.3 exercises練習 616
4.2 Reading of Serial Numbers序列號讀取 .617
4.2.1 Rectifying the Image Using a Polar Transformation使用極坐標變換對圖像進行校正 618
4.2.2 Segmenting the Characters字元分割622
4.2.3 Reading the Characters讀取字元.624
4.2.4 exercises練習 625
4.3 Inspection of Saw Blades鋸片檢測 .626
4.3.1 Extracting the Saw Blade Contour提取鋸片的輪廓 627
4.3.2 Extracting the Teeth of the Saw Blade提取鋸片上的鋸齒.628
4.3.3 Measuring the Angles of the Teeth of the Saw Blade測量鋸片鋸齒的角度 .630
4.3.4 exercises練習 632
4.4 Print Inspection印刷檢測 632
4.4.1 Creating the Model of the Correct Print on the Relay創建繼電器上正確印刷信息的模型.633
4.4.2 Creating the Model to Align the Relays創建一個用於對齊繼電器的模型 .635
4.4.3 Performing the Print Inspection印刷檢測 636
4.4.4 exercises練習 637
4.5 Inspection of Ball Grid Arrays BGA封裝檢查 638
4.5.1 Finding Balls with Shape Defects找出有形狀缺陷的焊錫球.639
4.5.2 Constructing a Geometric Model of a Correct BGA構造一個正確的 BGA幾何模型 642
4.5.3 Finding Missing and Extraneous Balls檢測缺失或多餘的焊錫球644
4.5.4 Finding Displaced Balls檢測位置錯誤的焊錫球.647
4.5.5 exercises練習 649
4.6 Surface Inspection表面檢測.649
4.6.1 Segmenting the Doorknob分割門把手651
4.6.2 Finding the Surface to Inspect找到需要檢測的平面652
4.6.3 Detecting Defects缺陷檢測657
4.6.4 exercises練習 660
4.7 Measurement of Spark Plugs火花塞測量 660
4.7.1 Calibrating the Camera標定攝像機 .662
4.7.2 Determining the Position of the Spark Plug確定火花塞的位置 .664
4.7.3 Performing the Measurement測量 .666
4.7.4 exercises練習 669
4.8 Molding Flash Detection模製品披峰檢測 .669
4.8.1 Molding Flash Detection Using Region Morphology區域形態學方法檢測模製品毛邊 671
4.8.2 Molding Flash Detection with Subpixel-Precise Contours使用亞像素精度輪廓檢測模製品毛邊 .675
4.8.3 exercises練習 679
4.9 Inspection of Punched Sheets沖孔板檢查 .679
4.9.1 Extracting the Boundaries of the Punched Sheets提取沖孔板的邊界.681
4.9.2 Performing the Inspection邊緣檢測 .683
4.9.3 exercises練習 685
4.10 3D Plane Reconstruction with Stereo使用雙目立體視覺系統進行三維平面重構 .685
4.10.1 Calibrating the Stereo Setup標定立體視覺系統 686
4.10.2 Performing the 3D Reconstruction and Inspection進行三維重構及檢測 .688
4.10.3 exercises練習 695
4.11 Pose Verification of Resistors電阻姿態檢驗 .695
4.11.1 Creating Models of the Resistors創建電阻模型.696
4.11.2 Verifying the Pose and Type of the Resistors檢測電阻的位姿和類型 .700
4.11.3 exercises練習 703
4.12 Classification of Non-Woven Fabrics非織造布分類.704
4.12.1 Training the Classifier訓練分類器 704
4.12.2 Performing the Texture Classification進行紋理分類708
4.12.3 exercises練習 710
4.13 Surface Comparison表面比對.711
4.13.1 Creating the Reference Model創建參考模型 .711
4.13.2 Reconstructing and Aligning Objects重構和對齊物體 .714
4.13.3 Comparing Objects and Classifying Errors對比物體並且對錯誤進行分類.715
4.13.4 exercises練習 722
4.14 3D Pick-and-Place三維取放.722
4.14.1 Performing the Hand–Eye Calibration手眼標定 .723
4.14.2 Defining the Grasping Point定義抓取點 .728
4.14.3 Picking and Placing Objects取放物體 731
4.14.4 exercises練習 733
References參考文獻 735
Index索引 .751


