


個人簡介 (Summary)






以第一和通訊作者在Nat. Commun.、Adv. Mater.等期刊上發表論文35篇,其中ESI熱點論文1篇、高被引論文1篇。論文引用總計2600餘次,H因子為24。申請發明專利4件,其中2件已授權。獲批主持國家自然科學基金項目3項,參與科技部重點研發計畫1項。2018年入選廣東省青年珠江學者。獲中國儀表功能材料學會電子元器件關鍵材料與技術專業委員會2020年度學術新秀獎。


  • 中文名:樊貞
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:新加坡國立大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:信息功能材料、器件及類腦計算套用
  • 職務:碩士生導師
  • 學術代表作:Nanoscale topotactic phase transformation in SrFeOx epitaxial thin films for high-density resistive switching memory
    Ferroelectric photosensor network: an advanced hardware solution to real-time machine vision
  • 任職院校:華南師範大學華南先進光電子研究院
  • 職稱:研究員
個人經歷,發表論文,科研項目 ,學生培養,研究方向,學術成果,


廣東省青年珠江學者入選者。2011年本科畢業於上海交通大學,2015年獲新加坡國立大學博士學位,2016年至 今擔任華南師範大學副研究員。
教育及工作經歷 (Education Background and Work Experience):
2020 - Now Professor, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
2020 - 現在 研究員,華南師範大學,廣州,中國
2016 - 2020 Associate Professor, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
2016 - 2020 副研究員,華南師範大學,廣州,中國
2011 - 2015 PhD student, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2011 - 2015 博士研究生新加坡國立大學,新加坡
2007 - 2011 Undergraduate student, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
2007 - 2011本科生,上海交通大學,上海,中國


Selected Journal Articles:
35. Boyuan Cui, Zhen Fan*, Wenjie Li, Yihong Chen, Shuai Dong, Zhengwei Tan, Shengliang Cheng, Bobo Tian, Ruiqiang Tao, Guo Tian, Deyang Chen, Zhipeng Hou, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Ferroelectric photosensor network: an advanced hardware solution to real-time machine vision. Nat. Commun. (in press).
34. Wenda Yang, Guo Tian*, Hua Fan, Yue Zhao, Hongying Chen, Luyong Zhang, Yadong Wang, Zhen Fan*, Zhipeng Hou, Deyang Chen, Jinwei Gao, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Minghui Qin, Xingsen Gao*, Jun-Ming Liu, Nonvolatile Ferroelectric-Domain-Wall Memory Embedded in a Complex Topological Domain Structure, Adv. Mater. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202107711 (2022).
33. Yihong Chen, Zhen Fan*, Shuai Dong, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Gougu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, A Multifault-Tolerant Training Scheme for Nonideal Memristive Neural Networks, Adv. Intell. Syst. DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202100237 (2022).
32. Qicheng Huang, Zhen Fan,* Jingjing Rao, Tieying Yang, Xingmin Zhang, Deyang Chen, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, and Jun-Ming Liu, Significant Modulation of Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Behavior by a Giant Macroscopic Flexoelectric Effect Induced by Strain-Relaxed Epitaxy, Adv. Electron. Mater. 8, 2100612 (2022).
31. Chenglong She#, Qicheng Huang#, Cong Chen, Yue Jiang, Zhen Fan*, Jinwei Gao*, Machine learning-guided search for high-efficiency perovskite solar cells with doped electron transport layers, J. Mater. Chem. A 9, 25168 (2021).
30. Fengyuan Zhang, Hua Fan, Bing Han, Yudong Zhu, Xiong Deng, David Edwards, Amit Kumar,Deyang Chen, Xingsen Gao, Zhen Fan*, Brian J. Rodriguez*, Boosting Polarization Switching-Induced Current Injection by Mechanical Force in Ferroelectric Thin Films, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 26180-26186 (2021).
29. Jiali Zhao, Kaihui Chen, Shi-En Li, Qinghua Zhang, Jia-OuWang, Er-Jia Guo, Haijie Qian, Lin Gu, Tian Qian, Kurash Ibrahim, Zhen Fan*, Haizhong Guo*, Electronic-structure evolution of SrFeO3–x during topotactic phase transformation, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34, 064001 (2022).
28. Xuepeng Xiang, Zuyun He, Jingjing Rao, Zhen Fan*, Xinwei Wang, Yan Chen*, Applications of Ion Beam Irradiation in Multifunctional Oxide Thin Films: A Review, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 3, 1031-1042 (2021).
27. Jingjing Rao, Zhen Fan*, Lanqing Hong, Shengliang Cheng, Qicheng Huang, Jiali Zhao, Xuepeng Xiang, Er-Jia Guo, Haizhong Guo, Zhipeng Hou, Yan Chen, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, An electroforming-free, analog interface-type memristor based on a SrFeOx epitaxial heterojunction for neuromorphic computing, Mater. Today Phys. 18, 100392 (2021).
26. Shengliang Cheng, Zhen Fan*, Jingjing Rao, Lanqing Hong, Qicheng Huang, Ruiqiang Tao, Zhipeng Hou, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Guoliang Yuan, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Highly Controllable and Silicon-Compatible Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Synapses for Neuromorphic Computing, iScience 23, 101874 (2020).
25. Junjiang Tian#, Yang Zhang#, Zhen Fan*, Haijun Wu*, Lei Zhao, Jingjing Rao, Zuhuang Chen, Haizhong Guo, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Stephen J. Pennycook, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Nanoscale Phase Mixture and Multifield-Induced Topotactic Phase Transformation in SrFeOx, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 12, 21883 (2020).
24. Qicheng Huang, Zhen Fan*, Lanqing Hong, Shengliang Cheng, Zhengwei Tan, Guo Tian, Deyang Chen, Zhipeng Hou, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Machine Learning Based Distinguishing between Ferroelectric and Non-Ferroelectric Polarization–Electric Field Hysteresis Loops, Adv. Theory Simul. 3, 2000106 (2020).
23. Lei Zhao, Zhen Fan*, Shengliang Cheng, Lanqing Hong, Yongqiang Li, Guo Tian, Deyang Chen, Zhipeng Hou, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, An artificial optoelectronic synapse based on a photoelectric memcapacitor, Adv. Electron. Mater. 6, 1900858 (2020).
22. Junjiang Tian#, Haijun Wu#, Zhen Fan*, Yang Zhang, Stephen J. Pennycook*, Dongfeng Zheng, Zhengwei Tan, Haizhong Guo, Pu Yu, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Nanoscale topotactic phase transformation in SrFeOx epitaxial thin films for high-density resistive switching memory, Adv. Mater. 31, 1903679 (2019).
21. Junjiang Tian, Zhengwei Tan, Zhen Fan*, Dongfeng Zheng, Yadong Wang, Zoufei Chen, Fei Sun, Deyang Chen, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Depolarization-field-induced retention loss in ferroelectric diodes, Phys. Rev. Appl. 11, 024058 (2019).
20. Zhengwei Tan, Lanqing Hong, Zhen Fan*, Junjiang Tian, Luyong Zhang, Yue Jiang, Zhipeng Hou, Deyang Chen, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Jinwei Gao, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Thinning ferroelectric films for high-efficiency photovoltaics based on the Schottky barrier effect, NPG Asia Mater. 11, 20 (2019). Featured Article.
19. Shengliang Cheng, Zhen Fan*, Lei Zhao, Haizhong Guo, Dongfeng Zheng, Zoufei Chen, Min Guo, Yue Jiang, Sujuan Wu, Zhang Zhang, Jinwei Gao, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Enhanced photovoltaic efficiency and persisted photoresponse switchability in LaVO3/Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 perovskite heterostructures, J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 12482 (2019). Back Cover.
18. Dong Gao, Zhengwei Tan, Zhen Fan*, Min Guo, Zhipeng Hou, Deyang Chen, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Xubing Lu*, Jun-Ming Liu, All-Inorganic Flexible Ba0.67Sr0.33TiO3 Thin Films with Excellent Dielectric Properties over a Wide Range of Frequencies, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 11, 27088 (2019).
17. Z Li, Z. Fan*, G Zhou, Nanoscale ring-shaped conduction channels with memristive behavior in BiFeO3 Nanodots, Nanomaterials 8, 1031 (2018).
16. Z. Tan, J. Tian, Z. Fan*, Z. Lu, L. Zhang, D. Zheng, Y. Wang, D. Chen, M. Qin, M. Zeng, X. Lu, X. Gao, J.-M. Liu, Polarization imprint effects on the photovoltaic effect in Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 152905 (2018).
15. Z. Huang, P. Li, Z. Fan*, H. Fan, Q. Luo, C. Chen, D. Chen, M. Zeng, M. Qin, Z. Zhang, X. Lu, X. Gao*, J.-M. Liu, Thickness dependence of photoconductance in strained BiFeO3 thin films with planar device geometry, Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 12, 1770401 (2018). Front Cover.
14. H. Fan, C. Chen, Z. Fan*, L. Zhang, Z. Tan, P. Li, Z. Huang, J. Yao, G. Tian, Q. Luo, Z. Li, X. Song, D. Chen, M. Zeng, J. Gao, X. Lu, Y. Zhao, X. Gao*, J.-M. Liu, Resistive switching and photovoltaic effects in ferroelectric BaTiO3-based capacitors with Ti and Pt top electrodes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 252901 (2017). Featured Article.
13. P. Li, Z. Huang, Z. Fan*, H. Fan, Q. Luo, C. Chen, D. Chen, M. Zeng, M. Qin, Z. Zhang, X. Lu, X. Gao*, J.-M. Liu, An unusual mechanism for negative differential resistance in ferroelectric nanocapacitors: polarization switching-induced charge injection followed by charge trapping, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 27120 (2017).
12. Z. Fan*, H. Fan*, L. Yang, P. Li, Z. Lu, G. Tian, Z. Huang, Z. Li, J. Yao, Q. Luo, C. Chen, D. Chen, Z. Yan, M. Zeng, X. Lu, X. Gao, J.-M. Liu, Resistive switching induced by charge trapping/detrapping: a unified mechanism for colossal electroresistance in certain Nb: SrTiO3-based heterojunctions, J. Mater. Chem. C 5, 7317-7327 (2017).
11. Z. Fan*, H. Fan, Z. Lu, P. Li, Z. Huang, G. Tian, L. Yang, J. Yao, C. Chen, D. Chen, Z. Yan, X. Lu, X. Gao*, and J.-M. Liu, Ferroelectric diodes with charge injection and trapping, Phys. Rev. Appl., 7, 014020 (2017).
10. J. Wu*, Z. Fan*. D. Xiao, J. Zhu, and J. Wang*, Multiferroic bismuth ferrite-based materials for multifunctional applications: ceramic bulks, thin films and nanostructures, Prog. Mater. Sci. 84, 335-402 (2016). ESI highly cited paper.
9. Z. Fan*, J. Xiao, J. Wang, L. Zhang, J. Deng, Z. Liu, Z. Dong, J. Wang, and J. Chen*, Ferroelectricity and ferroelectric resistive switching in sputtered Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 232905 (2016).
8. Z. Fan*, J. Deng, J. Wang, Z. Liu, P. Yang, J. Xiao, X. Yan, Z. Dong, J. Wang, and J. Chen*, Ferroelectricity emerging in strained (111)-textured ZrO2 thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 012906 (2016).
7. Z. Fan, K. Sun, and J. Wang*, Perovskties for photovoltaics: a combined review of organic-inorganic halide perovskites and ferroelectric oxide perovskites, J. Mater. Chem. A 3, 18809-18828 (2015).
6. Z. Fan, J. Xiao, K. Sun, L. Chen, Y. Hu, J. Ouyang, K. P. Ong, K. Zeng, and J. Wang*, Ferroelectricity in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 1155-1161 (2015). ESI hot paper.
5. Z. Fan, J. Xiao, K. Yao*, K. Zeng, and J. Wang*, Ferroelectric polarization relaxation in Au/Cu2O/ZnO/BiFeO3/Pt heterostructure, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 102902 (2015).
4. Z. Fan, W. Ji, T. Li, J. Xiao, P. Yang, K. P. Ong, K. Zeng, K. Yao*, and J. Wang*, Enhanced photovoltaic effects and switchable conduction behavior in BiFe0.6Sc0.4O3 thin films, Acta Materialia 88, 83-90 (2015).
3. Z. Fan, J. Xiao, H. Liu, P. Yang, Q. Ke, W. Ji, K. Yao*, K. P. Ong, K. Zeng, and J. Wang*, Stable ferroelectric perovskite structure with giant axial ratio and polarization in epitaxial BiFe0.6Ga0.4O3 thin films, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 2648-2653 (2015).
2. Z. Fan, K. Yao*, and J. Wang*, Photovoltaic effect in an ITO/ZnO/BiFeO3/Pt heterostructure, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 162903 (2014).
1. Z. Fan, J. Wang, M. B. Sullivan, A. Huan, D. J. Singh, and K. P. Ong*, Structural instability of BiFeO3 (001) thin films under tensile strain, Sci. Rep. 4, 4631 (2014).


5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 52172143, 2022.01-2025.12, 58萬,主持人
4. 國家自然科學基金大科學裝置聯合基金培育項目,U1932125, 2020.01-2022.12, 60萬, 主持人
3. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目, 51602110, 2017.01-2019.12, 20萬, 主持人
2. 廣東省科技創新戰略專項資金面上項目, 2020.01-2022.12, 10萬, 主持人
1. 國家科技部納米科技重點專項, 2016YFA0201002, 2016.07-2021.06, 623萬, 主要骨幹成員
2.國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目, 51602110, 2017.01-2019.12, 20萬,主持人
3.廣東省科技創新戰略專項資金面上項目, 2020.01-2022.12, 10萬,主持人
4.國家科技部納米科技重點專項,2016YFA0201002, 2016.07-2021.06, 623萬,主要骨幹成員
邀請報告 (Invited Talks)
7.國際先進科技材料會議(ICMAT),新加坡, 2017年3月。


Students in My Group:
12. 陳智威,2021級碩士,目前在讀,研究課題為神經形態計算及其硬體電路實現。本科來自南京郵電大學。平時喜歡跑步、打羽毛球。
11. 李文杰,2021級碩士,目前在讀,研究課題為鐵電阻變器件的性能調控與機理研究。本科來自華南師範大學。愛好刻紙、摺紙。
10. 崔玻源,2021級碩士,目前在讀,研究課題為鐵電光伏器件在神經形態計算中的套用。本科來自華中科技大學。愛好寫作、唱歌。
9. 董帥,2020級碩士,目前在讀,研究課題為憶阻神經網路。本科來自重慶大學。平時喜歡跑步。
8. 陳開輝,2020級碩士,目前在讀,研究課題拓撲相變憶阻器在脈衝神經網路中的套用。本科來自東北大學。平時喜歡看書、看電影。
7. 陳奕宏,2020級碩士,目前在讀,研究課題為憶阻神經網路。本科來自暨南大學。平時喜歡打球、運動。
6. 饒晶晶,2019級碩士,目前在讀,研究課題為神經形態器件的性能調控與機理研究。本科來自江西理工大學。愛好攝影、爬山。
5. 黃啟成,2019級碩士,目前在讀,研究課題為機器學習指導下的鐵電材料與器件研發。本科來自華南師範大學。平時喜歡人文、歷史、地理領域的探索。
4. 趙磊,2018級碩士,已畢業,研究課題為基於光電憶容器的人工光電突觸器件。本科來自武漢科技大學,現就職於紫光展銳公司。愛好健身、戶外運動。
3. 成聲亮,2018級碩士,已畢業,研究課題為鐵電光伏突觸器件。本科來自湖南科技大學,現於中山大學攻讀博士學位。愛好跑步、爬山。
2. 田浚江,2017級碩士,已畢業,研究課題為新型阻變式存儲器機理及性能研究。本科畢業於復旦大學,現於南方科技大學攻讀博士學位。平時愛好steam蒸汽平台。
1. 譚政偉,2017級碩士,已畢業,研究課題為高效率鐵電光伏器件的製備及機理研究。本科來自武漢科技大學,現於巴塞隆納自治大學攻讀博士學位。平時喜歡打籃球。


1. 鐵電(Ferroelectrics):晶體結構和疇結構;結構與物性(鐵電性、介電性、壓電性)的關聯;鐵電存儲器的製備和機理研究。Crystal structures and domain structures; correlations between structures and physical properties (ferroelectricity, dielectricity, and piezoelectricity); Fabrication of ferroelectric memories and their operation mechanisms.
2. 阻變(Resistive Switching):新型氧化物阻變材料;高密度阻變存儲器和憶阻器。Emerging oxide materials for resistive switching; high-density resistive switching memories and memristors.
3. 光電(Optoelectronics):基於鐵電光伏效應的光電感測器和存儲器。Optoelectronic sensors and memories based on ferroelectric photovoltaic effect.


包括Adv. Mater.、Prog. Mater. Sci. (高被引)、J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (高被引)、NPG Asia Mater. (亮點文章)、Phys. Rev. Appl. (2篇)、Appl. Phys. Lett. (6篇,其中1篇為亮點文章)、Phys. Status Solidi RRL (正封面)等論文。主持國家自然科學基金2項、廣東省自然科學基金1項,參與國家重點研發計畫1項。在國際學術會議做邀請報告7次。
部分發表論文 (Selected Journal Articles)
1. Junjiang Tian#, Haijun Wu#, Zhen Fan*, Yang Zhang, Stephen J. Pennycook*, Dongfeng Zheng, Zhengwei Tan, Haizhong Guo, Pu Yu, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Nanoscale topotactic phase transformation in SrFeOxepitaxial thin films for high-density resistive switching memory, Adv. Mater. 31, 1903679 (2019).
2. Junjiang Tian, Zhengwei Tan,Zhen Fan*, Dongfeng Zheng, Yadong Wang, Zoufei Chen, Fei Sun, Deyang Chen, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Depolarization-field-induced retention loss in ferroelectric diodes,Phys. Rev. Appl. 11, 024058 (2019).
3. Zhengwei Tan, Lanqing Hong,Zhen Fan*, Junjiang Tian, Luyong Zhang, Yue Jiang, Zhipeng Hou, Deyang Chen, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Jinwei Gao, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Thinning ferroelectric films for high-efficiency photovoltaics based on the Schottky barrier effect, NPG Asia Mater. 11, 20 (2019).Featured Article.
4. Shengliang Cheng,Zhen Fan*, Lei Zhao, Haizhong Guo, Dongfeng Zheng, Zoufei Chen, Min Guo, Yue Jiang, Sujuan Wu, Zhang Zhang, Jinwei Gao, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Jun-Ming Liu, Enhanced photovoltaic efficiency and persisted photoresponse switchability in LaVO3/Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3perovskite heterostructures, J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 12482 (2019).BackCover.
5. Lei Zhao,Zhen Fan*, Shengliang Cheng, Lanqing Hong, Yongqiang Li, Guo Tian, Deyang Chen, Zhipeng Hou, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Xubing Lu, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, and Jun-Ming Liu, An artificial optoelectronic synapse based on a photoelectric memcapacitor, Adv. Electron. Mater. DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201900858(2019).
6. Dong Gao, Zhengwei Tan,Zhen Fan*, Min Guo, Zhipeng Hou, Deyang Chen, Minghui Qin, Min Zeng, Guofu Zhou, Xingsen Gao, Xubing Lu*, Jun-Ming Liu, All-Inorganic Flexible Ba0.67Sr0.33TiO3Thin Films with Excellent Dielectric Properties over a Wide Range of Frequencies, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 11, 27088 (2019).
7. Z Li,Z. Fan*, and G Zhou, Nanoscale ring-shaped conduction channels with memristive behavior in BiFeO3Nanodots, Nanomaterials 8, 1031 (2018).
8. Z. Tan, J. Tian,Z. Fan*, Z. Lu, L. Zhang, D. Zheng, Y. Wang, D. Chen, M. Qin, M. Zeng, X. Lu, X. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Polarization imprint effects on the photovoltaic effect in Pb(Zr,Ti)O3thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 152905 (2018).
9. Z. Huang, P. Li,Z. Fan*, H. Fan, Q. Luo, C. Chen, D. Chen, M. Zeng, M. Qin, Z. Zhang, X. Lu, X. Gao*, and J.-M. Liu, Thickness dependence of photoconductance in strained BiFeO3thin films with planar device geometry, Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 12, 1770401 (2018).Front Cover.
10. H. Fan, C. Chen,Z. Fan*, L. Zhang, Z. Tan, P. Li, Z. Huang, J. Yao, G. Tian, Q. Luo, Z. Li, X. Song, D. Chen, M. Zeng, J. Gao, X. Lu, Y. Zhao, X. Gao*, J.-M. Liu, Resistive switching and photovoltaic effects in ferroelectric BaTiO3-based capacitors with Ti and Pt top electrodes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 252901 (2017).Featured Article.
11.P. Li, Z. Huang,Z. Fan*, H. Fan, Q. Luo, C. Chen, D. Chen, M. Zeng, M. Qin, Z. Zhang, X. Lu, X. Gao*, J.-M. Liu, An unusual mechanism for negative differential resistance in ferroelectric nanocapacitors: polarization switching-induced charge injection followed by charge trapping, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 27120 (2017).
12.Z. Fan*, H. Fan*, L. Yang, P. Li, Z. Lu, G. Tian, Z. Huang, Z. Li, J. Yao, Q. Luo, C. Chen, D. Chen, Z. Yan, M. Zeng, X. Lu, X. Gao, J.-M. Liu, Resistive switching induced by charge trapping/detrapping: a unified mechanism for colossal electroresistance in certain Nb: SrTiO3-based heterojunctions, J. Mater. Chem. C 5, 7317-7327 (2017).
13.Z. Fan*, H. Fan, Z. Lu, P. Li, Z. Huang, G. Tian, L. Yang, J. Yao, C. Chen, D. Chen, Z. Yan, X. Lu, X. Gao*, and J.-M. Liu, Ferroelectric diodes with charge injection and trapping, Phys. Rev. Appl., 7, 014020 (2017).
14. J. Wu*,Z. Fan*. D. Xiao, J. Zhu, and J. Wang*, Multiferroic bismuth ferrite-based materials for multifunctional applications: ceramic bulks, thin films and nanostructures, Prog. Mater. Sci. 84, 335-402 (2016).Highly cited paper.
15.Z. Fan*, J. Xiao, J. Wang, L. Zhang, J. Deng, Z. Liu, Z. Dong, J. Wang, and J. Chen*, Ferroelectricity and ferroelectric resistive switching in sputtered Hf0.5Zr0.5O2thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 232905 (2016).
16.Z. Fan*, J. Deng, J. Wang, Z. Liu, P. Yang, J. Xiao, X. Yan, Z. Dong, J. Wang, and J. Chen*, Ferroelectricity emerging in strained (111)-textured ZrO2thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 012906 (2016).
17.Z. Fan, K. Sun, and J. Wang*, Perovskties for photovoltaics: a combined review of organic-inorganic halide perovskites and ferroelectric oxide perovskites, J. Mater. Chem. A 3, 18809-18828 (2015).
18.Z. Fan, J. Xiao, K. Sun, L. Chen, Y. Hu, J. Ouyang, K. P. Ong, K. Zeng, and J. Wang*, Ferroelectricity in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 1155-1161 (2015).Hot paper highlighted by Web of Science.
19.Z. Fan, J. Xiao, K. Yao*, K. Zeng, and J. Wang*, Ferroelectric polarization relaxation in Au/Cu2O/ZnO/BiFeO3/Pt heterostructure, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 102902 (2015).
20.Z. Fan, W. Ji, T. Li, J. Xiao, P. Yang, K. P. Ong, K. Zeng, K. Yao*, and J. Wang*, Enhanced photovoltaic effects and switchable conduction behavior in BiFe0.6Sc0.4O3thin films, Acta Materialia 88, 83-90 (2015).
21.Z. Fan, J. Xiao, H. Liu, P. Yang, Q. Ke, W. Ji, K. Yao*, K. P. Ong, K. Zeng, and J. Wang*, Stable ferroelectric perovskite structure with giant axial ratio and polarization in epitaxial BiFe0.6Ga0.4O3thin films, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 2648-2653 (2015).
22.Z. Fan, K. Yao*, and J. Wang*, Photovoltaic effect in an ITO/ZnO/BiFeO3/Pt heterostructure, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 162903 (2014).
23.Z. Fan, J. Wang, M. B. Sullivan, A. Huan, D. J. Singh, and K. P. Ong*, Structural instability of BiFeO3(001) thin films under tensile strain, Sci. Rep. 4, 4631 (2014).


