- 中文名:樊李紅
- 出生日期:1970.10
- 畢業院校:武漢大學化學系高分子專業
- 性別:男
性別:男 | ![]() |
出生年月:1970,10 | |
學位:博士 | |
職稱與職位:教授 |
1) 國家自然科學基金面上項目:新型RGD肽修飾類肝素多糖材料的製備及對皮膚細胞、組織增殖的影響(項目批准號:51173143)2011-2013(主持)
2) 科技部中小企業技術創新基金項目:聚醚醚酮(PEEK)在KW系列骨科用外固定系統套用開發(批准號:11C26214202642)2011,2-2013,2 (主持)
3) 科技部中小企業技術創新基金項目:新型負壓引流生物海綿材料 (批准號:11C26214212743)2011,2-2013,2 (主持)
4) 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金課題:新型可注射水凝膠的製備及對皮膚微粒增殖影響的研究(批准號:200804971074)2009.1-2011.1(主持)
5) 湖北省自然科學基金:新型原位交聯羧甲基殼聚糖水凝膠對皮膚微粒增殖影響的研究2009.1-2011.1(批准號:2008CDB282) (主持)
6) 武漢市科技攻關:新型醫用海藻酸複合纖維及其製品的研發 (批准號201060623262)2010.5-2012,5(主持)
7) 2010年武漢市中小企業創新基金:新型負壓引流生物海綿材料(主持)
8) 2010年武漢市科技供需對接計畫項目:聚醚醚酮(PEEK)在KW系列骨科用外固定系統套用開發(主持)
9) 河南省自然科學基金:新型創傷敷料的製備與性能研究,(批准號:200512058002)2005,7-2008,7. (主持)
10)河南省科技攻關項目:活性生物醫用材料的研製,(批准號:0624240009) 2006,1-2008,12. (主持)
11)河南省科技攻關項目:殼聚糖新型生物農藥、植物生長調節劑的研發,(批准號:0524040005),2005,1-2007,12. (主持)
15)木質素增強增韌的高分子材料, 華南理工大學製漿造紙工程國家重點實驗室開放基金(批准號:200514), 2005, 12 – 2007, 12. (參加)
1、 武漢東湖高新區“3351人才計畫”,2011年6月
2、 湖北省技術發明獎三等獎:塗布紙塗料保水劑及其製備方法,2009年12月
3、 武漢市科技進步獎三等獎:機車輪軌固體潤滑劑 2010年9月
1) L. Fan, Mi Cao, Song Gao, Weiping Wang, Kai Peng, Chang Tan, Feng Wen, Shengxiang Tao, Weiguo Xie. Preparation and characterization of a quaternary ammonium derivative of pectin. Carbohydrate Polymers 2012, 88(2):707-712.
2) L. Fan, Song Gao, Libo Wang, Penghui Wu, Mi Cao, Hua Zheng, Weiguo Xie, Jinping Zhou. Synthesis and anticoagulant activity of pectin sulfates. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2012, 124(3):2171-2178.
3) L. Fan, Penghui Wu, Jinrong Zhang, Song Gao, Libo Wang, Mingjia Li, Mingming Sha, Weiguo Xie, Min Nie. Synthesis and anticoagulant activity of the quaternary ammonium chitosan sulfates. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2012, 50(1):31-37.
4) L. Fan, Lan Jiang, Yongmei Xu, Yue Zhou, Yuan Shen,Weiguo Xie, Z Long, J Zhou. Synthesis and anticoagulant activity of sodium alginate sulfates. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2011, 83, 1797-1803.
5) L. Fan, Libo Wang, Song Gao, et al. Synthesis, characterization and properties of carboxymethyl kappa carrageenan, Carbohydrate Polymers.2011,86,3,1167-1174.
6)L. Fan, Xiao-ran Pan, Yue Zhou, Ling-yun Chen, Wei-guo Xie, Zhong-heng Long, Hua Zheng,Preparation and Characterization of Crosslinked Carboxymethyl Chitosan-Oxidized Sodium Alginate Hydrogels,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2011,122,4,2331-2337
7) L. Fan, L. Yu, Y. Xu, et al. The Novel Alginate/N-Succinyl-Chitosan Antibacterial Blend Fibers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2010,116, 2151-2156
8) L. Fan, H. Zheng, Y. Xu, et al. Preparation and Properties of Chitosan/Konjac Glucomannan Blend Fibers,Journal of Macromolecular Science: Pure and Applied Chemistry 2007, 44, 439–443.
9) L. Fan, H. Zhu, H. Zheng, Y. Xu, C. Zhang, Structure and Properties of Blend Fibers Prepared from Alginate and Konjac Glucomannan, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 106, 3903–3907.
10) L. Fan, Y. Du, B. Zhang, et al. Preparation and Properties of Carboxymethyl chitosan/ alginate blend fibers, Carbohydrate Polymer, 2006, 65, 447-452.
11) L. Fan, Y. Du, R. Huang, et al.Preparation and Characterization of Alginate/Gelatin Blend Fibers,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005, 96, 1625-1629.
12) L. Fan, Y. Du, X. Wang, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Alginate/ Poly (vinyl alcohol) Blend Fibers. Journal Macromolecular Science: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2005, 42(1), 47-57.
13) L. Fan, Y. Du, B. Zhang, et al.Preparation and Properties of Alginate/Water-Soluble Chitin Blend Fibers, Journal Macromolecular Science: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2005,42(6),723-732.
14) R. Huang, Y. Du, J. Yang,L. Fan, Influence of functional groups on in vitro anticoagulant activity of chitosan sulfate, Carbohydrate Research,2003, 338, 483~489.
15) R. Huang, Y. Du, L. Zheng, H. Liu, L. Fan. A new approach to chemically modied chitosan sulfates and study of their influences on the inhibition of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus growth, Reactive & Functional Polymers 2004, 59, 41–51.
16) L. Fan, Hua Zheng, Jin Huang, Peihu Xu ,Biomedical Fibers Based on Chitosan/Konjac Glucomannan Blend,ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 231: - 344-PMSE MAR 26 2006
17) L. Fan, Yumin Du, Baozhong Zhang, et al. Preparation of alginate/half-acetylation chitosan blend fibers, Polymer Preprints (2005), 46(1), 304.
18) 樊李紅,沈元,徐詠梅,江瀾,王曉東,周月,潘曉然,陽離子澱粉硫酸酯的製備及其抗凝血活性,武漢大學學報(理學版)2011, 57, 283-288.
19) 樊李紅,潘曉然,周月,江瀾,沈元,羥丙基殼聚糖氧化海藻酸鈉水凝膠的製備及表征,武漢大學學報(理學版) 2010,56,501-506.
20) 樊李紅,周月,潘曉然,鄭化,聚乙烯醇/海藻酸鈉海綿的製備及性能研究,武漢理工大學學報,2010,33,67-73.
21) 樊李紅, 趙喆, 黃進, 徐詠梅,殼聚糖/海藻酸鈉聚電解質海綿及抗菌功能,武漢理工大學學報2006,28,25-28。
22) 樊李紅,吁磊,周月,潘曉然,徐詠梅,新型海藻酸鹽複合納米銀抗菌纖維的製備與表征,武漢大學學報(理學版),2008,54, 682-686.
23) 樊李紅、杜予民、唐汝培、黃榮華,海藻酸鈉/水性聚氨酯共混膜的結構表征和性能測試,分析科學學報,2002,18,441-444。
24) 樊李紅、杜予民、鄭化、黃榮華、唐汝培,海藻酸/明膠共混膜結構表征及性能,武漢大學學報(理學版),2001,47,712-716。
25) 樊李紅、杜予民、張寶忠 等,海藻酸鈉/殼聚糖衍生物複合抗菌纖維,功能高分子學報,2005,18,3,488-492。
26) L. Sun, Y. Du, L. Fan, X. Chen, J. Yang, Preparation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of quaternized carboxymethyl chitosan and application as pulp-cap, Polymer, 2006, 47, 1796-1804.
27) Y. Xu, C. Zhan, L. Fan, Preparation of dual crosslinked alginate-chitosan blend gel beads and in vitro controlled release in oral site-specific drug delivery system, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2007, 336, 329-337.
28) M. Wei, L. Fan, J. Huang, Y. Chen, Role of star-like hydroxylpropyl lignin in soy-protein plastics, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2006, 291 (5): 524-530.
29) J. Cai, J. Yang, Y. Du, L. Fan, Y. Qiu, J. Li, John F. Kennedy, Enzymatic preparation of chitosan from the waste Aspergillus niger mycelium of citric acid production plant, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2006, 64, 151-157.
30) W. He, Y. Du, L. Fan,Study on Volume Ratio and Plasticizer Screening of Free Coating Membranes Composed of Ethyl Cellulose and Chitosan, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2006, 100, 1932-1939.
31) J. Li, J. Cai, L. Fan, Effect of sonolysis on kinetics and physicochemical properties of treated chitosanJournal of Applied Polymer Science 2008, 109, 2417-2425.
32) R. Tang, Y. Du, L. Fan. Dialdehyde starch-crosslinked chitosan films and their antimicrobial effects, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 2003, 41, 993-997.
33) Q. Wang, Y. Du, L. Fan. Properties of chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) films for drug-controlled release,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005, 96, 808-813.
34) R. Tang, Y. Du, L. Fan, Preparation and characterization of soy protein isolate-carboxymethylated konjac glucomannan blend films, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2003,88, 1095-1099.
35) X. Wang, Y. Du, L. Fan, Chitosan- metal complexes as antimicrobial agent:Synthesis, characterization and Structure-activity study, Polymer Bulletin, 2005, 55, 105-113.
36) Q. Wang, Y. Du, X. Hu, J. Yang, L. Fan, T. Feng, Preparation of alginate/soy protein isolate blend fibers through a novel coagulating bath, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 101, 425–431
37) X. Wang, Y. Du, S. Ding, L. Fan, et al. Large two-photon absorbance of chitosan-ZnS quantum dots nanocomposite film, Physical E-Low-Demensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2005, 30, 96-100
38) 王群、杜予民、樊李紅、劉慧、王小慧,殼聚糖/澱粉/苯甲酸鈉三元共混膜的結構和性能,武漢大學學報(理學版),2003,49,725-730。
39) 唐汝培、杜予民、樊李紅,魔芋葡甘聚糖/羧甲基澱粉共混膜及其阻水性能,高分子材料科學與工程,2003,19,181-184。
40) 董戰峰、杜予民、樊李紅、聞燕、劉慧、王小慧,殼聚糖/明膠/TiO2 三元複合膜的製備與功能特性,功能高分子學報,2004,17,61-66。
41) 黃榮華、杜予民、陳凌雲、 樊李紅、孫立苹,pH值對殼聚糖/羧甲基殼聚糖水凝膠溶脹行為的影響,武漢大學學報(理學版),2003,49,465-469。
42) 張寶忠、杜予民、樊李紅等,明膠羧甲基殼聚糖共混膜結構表征與吸濕保濕性能,分析科學學報,2005,3,245-248。
1) 樊李紅,李名家,貢玉圭,彭鍇。“新型海藻酸鈉/羥丙基殼聚糖抗菌共混纖維的製備方法”,專利申請號:201110005016.8
2) 樊李紅,李名家,王麗波,彭鍇。“可溶性海藻酸鹽羧甲基卡拉膠複合抗菌纖維及其製備方法”專利申請號:201110210130.4
3) 樊李紅,江瀾,潘曉然,周月。“一種海藻酸鈉硫酸酯纖維的製備方法及其產品”,專利申請號:201110000347.2
4) 樊李紅,潘曉然,江瀾,周月,鄭化。“以氧化魔芋為交聯劑的殼聚糖衍生物自交聯抗菌水凝膠及其製備方法”,專利申請號:201110076684.X
5) 樊李紅, 黃進, 鄭化, 徐詠梅,“一種抑菌聚電解質多孔材料及其製備方法”,專利號ZL200610018182.0
6) 樊李紅,吁磊,周月,鄭化,“一種甲殼素/聚乙烯醇複合泡沫材料及其製備方法”,專利號ZL 200810197276.8
7) 樊李紅,吁磊,鄭化,周月,潘曉然,“羥丙基殼聚糖/氧化海藻酸鈉自交聯抗菌水凝膠材料”專利號ZL200910060488.6
8) 樊李紅,吁磊,潘曉然,鄭化,“一種納米銀抗菌纖維及其製備方法”,專利申請號200810197275.3。
9) 樊李紅,吁磊,鄭化,周月,潘曉然,“一種海藻酸鈉和聚乙烯醇複合泡沫材料及其製備方法”專利申請號200910060414.2
10) 樊李紅,吁磊,鄭化,周月,潘曉然,“羧甲基殼聚糖/氧化海藻酸鈉自交聯抗菌水凝膠材料”專利申請號200910060490.3
11) 樊李紅,周月,“一種明膠/聚乙烯醇複合海綿及其製備方法”專利申請號201010523342.3
12) 樊李紅,周月,“一種羧丁醯殼聚糖/聚乙烯醇複合海綿及其製備方法”專利申請號201010523341.9
13) 杜予民,樊李紅,張寶忠,王群,“海藻酸鈉/明膠共混纖維及其制備方法和用途”專利號ZL200510018615.8
14) 杜予民,樊李紅,張寶忠,楊建紅,“海藻酸鈉/水溶性甲殼素共混纖維及其製備方法和用途”,專利號ZL200510018616.2
15) 杜予民, 唐汝培,樊李紅,“高強度抗菌性雙醛澱粉交聯殼聚糖膜及其製法和用途” 專利號ZL03118535.5
16) 杜予民, 王群,樊李紅,“海藻酸鈉/大豆分離蛋白共混纖維及其製備方法和用途” 專利號ZL200510018541.8
17) 徐詠梅,鄭化,樊李紅, 黃進, 占昌友,“一種藥物載體羧甲基殼聚糖納米粒及其製備方法”專利公開號1846788
18) 黃進, 鄭化, 樊李紅, 徐詠梅, “羥丙基木質素改性大豆蛋白塑膠及其製備方法”, 專利公開號1807490
19) 黃進, 周紫燕, 鄭化, 樊李紅, 徐詠梅, “纖維素衍生物改性大豆蛋白塑膠及其製備方法”, 專利號ZL200610018181.6
20) 黃進, 崔國娟, 艾福金, 樊李紅,徐詠梅, “大豆蛋白納米複合塑膠及其製備方法” 專利公開號1817968
21) 徐詠梅, 占昌友, 鄭化, 黃進, 樊李紅, “一種海藻酸鹽殼聚糖共混凝膠粒及其製備方法” 專利公開號1810867