

《樂而學:上冊(新版)》通過大量極富趣味的聽、誦、念以及表演,讓孩子學會“似歌唱般的說英語”。《樂而學:上冊(新版)》以字母、數詞、人體部位、顏色等為主線,引出帶韻律的兒歌、童謠,讓孩子通過吟唱,輕鬆、愉快地練習發音,記憶、拼讀單詞,學習對話。 《樂而學:上冊(新版)》內容豐富,練習形式多樣,特別注重孩子的自主學習和智力開發;特別注重單詞的復現、發音以及拼讀。 《樂而學:上冊(新版)》每句話都力爭朗朗上口,不用教,一讀就能誦。


  • 書名:樂而學:上冊
  • 作者:黃才豪 黃樂佳
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年5月1日
  • 頁數:74 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787544626750
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Unit 1 It's me.
Unit 2 I love coffee.
Unit 3 Look at the sea
Unit 4 I like sweets.
Unit 5 I like apple-pie.
Unit 6 I can touch the sky.
Unit 7 It's a fly.
Unit 8 What's your name?
Unit 9 Here comes Mum.
Unit 10 May Day is Labour Day.
Unit 11 It is a big car.
Unit 12 You can drive a car.
Unit 13 It's you!
Unit 14 A cat is in the hat.
Unit 15 Don't read in bed.
Unit 16 It's a cock.
Unit 17 Revision Lesson
Unit 18 How do you do?
Unit 19 Judy sits by the pool.
Unit 20 Please shut the door.
Unit 21 Jerry Hall is so small.
Unit 22 Pick up the sticks.
Unit 23 Please come in.
Unit 24 Mary's at the gate.
Unit 25 I let it go again.
Unit 26 Do well is better.
Unit 27 My face.
Unit 28 Roses come and roses go.
Unit 29 We shake hands.
Unit 30 Green is the grass.
Unit 31 A brown cow.
Unit 32 Snowman.
Unit 33 I want an apple.
Unit 34 Revision Lesson
Key to the Activities and Exercises in the Book


