

《極端相對論性重離子碰撞(英文影印版)》是2014年09月17日北京大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是沃格特 (R. Vogt)。


  • 中文名:極端相對論性重離子碰撞(英文影印版)
  • 書號:24515
  • 作者:(美)沃格特 (R. Vogt)
  • 開本:大32開
  • 字數:586 千字
  • 頁數:492
  • 瀏覽次數:249
  • 出版日期:2014-09-17
  • ISBN:978-7-301-24515-6
  • 版次:1
  • 裝訂:平
  • 定價:¥83.00
  • 叢書名:中外物理學精品書系


本書講述了高能重離子碰撞的基本理論和現象。首先,本書介紹了諸如動理學、交叉截面(包括夸克模型和部分子分布函式)、 核碰撞幾何、熱力學、流體力學,以及相關的有限溫度下的格點規範理論等這一領域的基本原理。然後,本書探討了更為專門的一些領域,介紹了以下能標的重離子碰撞:高質量熱雙輕子,夸克偶素和強子化。 本書適合高能重離子物理領域的,特別是即將在RHIC和LHC所探測的課題領域工作的研究者或研究生閱讀。


Preface v
Contents vii I
Basics 1
Kinematics and invariants 3
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Four-vectors and kinematic variables .
1.3 Invariants 14
2 Cross sections 25
2.1 Introduction .
2.2 Derivation of the cross section from nonrelativistic perturbation theory . 26
2.3 The wave-optical model and total cross sections
2.4 The quark model, hadron-hadron interactions and partondistribution functions 60
2.5 Photoproduction and two-photon physics in heavy-ion collisions . .
3 Geometry
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Nuclear density distributions
3.3 Geometry of nucleus-nucleus collisions
3.4 Probes of centrality
4 Thermodynamics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Review of thermodynamics
4.3 Phase transitions
4.4 Phase transitions in nuclear physics
5 Hydrodynamics
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Energy-momentum tensor
5.3 Hydrodynamic equations
5.4 Solutions to the hydrodynamic equations: longitudinal expansion
5.5 Solutions to the hydrodynamic equations: transverse (radial) expansion
5.6 Observable consequences
6 Lattice gauge theory
6.1 Introduction .
6.2 Symmetries and the Lagrangian
6.3 Basics of lattice gauge theory
6.4 Chiral symmetry and spontaneous symmetry breaking
6.5 Selected results from lattice QCD
II Probes 357
7 Thermal dileptons
7.1 Introduction
7.2 High mass thermal dilepton rate
7.3 Initial conditions
7.4 Numerical results
7.5 Other dilepton sources
8 Quarkonium
8.1 Introduction to quarkonium in heavy-ion collisions
8.2 Quarkonium levels at T = 0
8.3 Quarkonium production
8.4 Quarkonium suppression by a quark-gluon plasma .
8.5 Quarkonium suppression by hadrons
8.6 Nucleus-nucleus collisions
9 Hadronization
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Fragmentation in pp collisions
9.3 Nuclear effects
Bibliography 455
Index 469




