於新加坡國立大學獲得信息系統專業博士學位。曾擔任新加坡國立大學信息系統系的助教、講師,香港城市大學高級研究員,喬治亞大學商學院、喬治亞理工學院商學院訪問學者,並曾參加哈佛商學院案例教學研討會。研究成果發表在三十多個國內外一流期刊以及國際會議,並在國際會議及國內外知名大學發表學術講座二十多次。負責國家自然科學基金(青年基金與面上基金)、南大文科校級規劃項目、商學院青年研究基金、商學院案例開發等多個項目,參與國家社會科學基金重大項目,獲江蘇社科優青、江蘇省高校“青藍工程”優秀青年骨幹教師培養對象、南京大學商學院青年骨幹教師、商學院科研新星獎、南京大學杜廈獎勵基金獎教金、商學院教學獎、商學院英文精品課程、新加坡國立大學校長研究生獎學金等獎勵。自2004年起擔任國際信息系統協會及中國信息系統協會會員。目前擔任SSCI期刊《Information & Management》、《Electronic Commerce Research》、《Journal of Global Information Management》、《Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems》副主編(Associate Editor)與《南大商學評論》執行編輯,擔任十多個國際會議的委員會委員、分會場主席、副主編或會議主持等,並擔任國家自然科學基金委、教育部學位與研究生教育發展中心學位論文通訊評議專家、近四十個知名國際期刊、國際會議匿名評審專家。目前擔任深交所上市公司獨董。
1. Electronic Commerce, Mobile Commerce and Social Commerce
2. Spontaneous Virtual Team Behavior and Performance
3. Organizational and Individual Information System/Technology Usage
4. Online Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Psychology and Decision Making
1. 管理信息系統 Management Information Systems(English, Chinese)
2. 移動商務與社會化商務 Mobile Commerce and Social Commerce(English, Chinese)
3. 電子商務研究主題:理論、方法與前沿 Advanced Research Topics on E-business: Theory, Method and Future Research(English, Chinese)
4. 電子商務商業模式、戰略與運營 Electronic Commerce Business Model, Strategy and Operation(English, Chinese)
5. 管理研究方法論基礎 Management Research Method Basics
6. 管理研究分析方法論與套用 Management Research Methods and Applications
1. 楊雪, 2017,南京大學杜廈獎教金 Duxia Teaching Award of Nanjing University
2. 楊雪, 2014-2016, 南京大學商學院英文精品課程, Excellent English Course, School of Business, Nanjing University
3. 楊雪, 2012, 南京大學商學院教學獎三等獎 Teaching Award (Third Prize), School of Business, Nanjing University , 南京大學商學院
1. Xue Yang, 2019, 江蘇社科優青Outstanding Young Scholar in Social Science,江蘇省教育廳Jiangsu Province Office of Education
2. Xue Yang, 2017, 南京大學商學院科研新星獎 Research Excellence Award, School of Business, Nanjing University
3. Xue Yang, 2016-2018, 2016年度江蘇高校“青藍工程”優秀青年骨幹教師培養對象Qin Lan Project for Excellence Junior Faculty , 江蘇省教育廳 Jiangsu Province Office of Education
4. Xue Yang, 2011-2013, 南京大學商學院青年骨幹教師 Excellent Junior Faculty, School of Business, Nanjing University, 南京大學商學院
5. Xue Yang, 2007-2008, President's Graduate Fellowship, National University of Singapore
6. Xue Yang, 2004-2008, International Conference Grant, National University of Singapore
7. Xue Yang, 2003-2007, Research Scholarship, National University of Singapore
1. Xue Yang(PI),2019.1-2022.12,網路股權眾籌融資、項目發展與平台績效的影響因素分析與預測——基於機器學習與計量經濟學的方法(Analysis and Prediction of Influencing Factors of Network Equity Crowdfunding, Project Development and Platform Performance——Based on Machine Learning and Econometrics),國家自然科學基金面上項目(NSFC General Program),項目批准號:71872086
2. Xue Yang(PI), 2016.1-2019.12, 自發虛擬團隊共同領導機制、團隊衝突與團隊績效的研究——跨層次縱向方法的視角 (Shared Leadership, Team Conflict and Spontaneous Virtual Team Performance -- A Multilevel Longitudinal Perspective), 國家自然科學基金面上項目 (NSFC General Program), 項目批准號:71572079
3. Xue Yang(co-PI in sub-topics),2015-2018, 面向大數據的數字圖書館移動視覺搜尋機制及套用研究,國家社會科學基金重大項目(第二批),項目批准號:15ZDB126,主持人:朱慶華。
4. Xue Yang(PI), 2012.1-2014.12, 自發虛擬團隊績效的影響機理研究——社會網路關係的視角 (Spontaneous Virtual Team Performance -- A Social Network Perspective), 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目 (NSFC Youth Program), 項目批准號:71102039
5. Xue Yang(co-PI),2014-2017, 網際網路平台網路效應的激發:基於社交網路與產品網路的產品推薦策略的作用機理研究, 國家自然科學基金委員會, 編號:71372035, 主持人:王全勝。
6. Xue Yang(co-PI),2011-2013, 群體言論、企業反駁與消費者企業認同對網路謠言傳播影響的實驗研究, 國家自然科學基金委員會, 編號:71072045, 主持人:王全勝。
7. Xue Yang(PI), 2010-2012, 消費者移動購物中的信息過載問題研究——形成機制、決策影響及調節因素 (Information Overload in Mobile Shopping and Consumer Decision Making), 南京大學文科校級規劃項目 (Nanjing University Research Planning Program)
8. Xue Yang(PI), 2010, 江蘇移動12580移動網際網路業務的創新實踐 (Mobile Internet Innovative in China Mobile 12580), 南京大學商學院案例中心 (Case Research Center, Nanjing University School of Business)
9. Xue Yang(PI), 2009-2012, 關於企業及個人採納移動商務的實證分析研究 (Empirical Research on Corporate and Individual adoption of Mobile Applications), 南京大學商學院青年教師科學研究基金 (Junior Faculty Research Fund, Nanjing University School of Business), 編號:2009-08
1. Yang, X., Yue, W. T., Wang, X. W., Sia,C. L. and Luo, X. “Security Policy Opt-In and Compliance Decisions inBring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) – A Cognitive Elaboration Perspective,” Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce,accepted, SSCI.
2. Wang, L., Luo, X., Yang, X.,and Qiao, Z. “Easy Come or Easy Go? Empirical Evidence on Switching Behaviors in Mobile Payment Applications,” Information & Management, Volume 56, Issue 7, November 2019, 103150,
3. Yu, L., Zang, Z., and Yang, X. “Trust to Share: Investigating the Key Factors toInfluence Tenants’ Participation in Online Short-Term Rent,” Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems,June 2019, Vol. 29 No. 2, 308~327
5. Yang, X., Tan,C.H., Li, Y., and Teo, H. H. “The Conflict between Cognitive Absorption and Self-Controlin Playing Computer Games: The Effects of Free Trial Restrictions”, Information & Management, Volume 55, Issue 5, July2018, Pages 608-620.(SSCI/SCI, ISSN: 0378-7206, DOI:8.01.002,corresponding author)
6. Wang, Q. S., Yang, X., and Xi, W. 2017,“Effects of Group Arguments on Rumor Belief and Transmission in Online Communities: An Information Cascade and Group Polarization Perspective”, Information & Management, Volume 55, Issue 4, June2018, Pages 441-449. (.2017.10.004,Corresponding author, SSCI/SCI)
7. Yang, X.,Liu, N., and Teo, H. H. 2017,“How do Users Cope with Free Trial Software Restrictions?A Longitudinal Study,” International Journal on Information Management, Volume 37, Issue 4, August 2017, Pages339-349. (.2017.03.007,SSCI)
8. Yang, X.,Schiller, S., Teo, H. H., and Wang, Q.S. 2017,“The Effects of Stopping Rules in FreeTrial Software Evaluation: An Experimental Exploration,” AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interaction, June 2017, (9) 2,pp. 123-148.
9. Yang, X., Li, Y., and Liao, Q. 2016, Exploring Continued Use of Mobile Shopping Channel in China: The Effects of Active Coping and its Antecedents, Electronic Commerce Research, Vol.16, Number 2, June2016, pp.245-268. (DOI: 10.1007/s10660-016-9224-9)
10. 徐盛、施其勇、繆承凱、楊雪與鄭稱德。“從決策角度探討線上免費產品試用行為的心理動機及其影響因素—以淘寶試用中心為例,”南大商學評論,2016年,第34輯第2期(2016/10/31),pp. 160-185.(CSSCI)
11. 施其勇、繆承凱、楊雪與鄭稱德。“網上產品試用報告對消費者行為影響機制的研究——網路口碑的視角,”南大商學評論,2015年,第32輯第4期(2015/12/31),pp.148-167。(CSSCI)
12. Yang, X., Tong, Y., and Teo, H. H., 2015, Enhancing Fast-Response Spontaneous Virtual Team Cohesion and Outcomes: Effects of Member Skill Awareness and Shared Governance, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 16: Iss. 11, Article 2, SSCI
13. Zhang, W., Yang, X.,, Wang, Q.S., Zheng, C.D. and Sia, C. L., 2015, Investigation on the Factors Determining Consumers’ Use of Online Intermediated Shopping (OIS) - A Behavioral Intention Perspective, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 77-97.(DOI: 10.4018/joeuc.2015010104) corresponding author, SSCI/SCI
14. Tan, C. H., Goh, K. Y., Teo, H. H. and Yang, X. , 2014 , Consumer Response to Buyout Options in Internet Auctions, IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, 61: 2, pp. 285-297. (DOI:10.1109/TEM.2013.2282866) corresponding author, SSCI/SCI
15. Wang, Q. S., Yang, X., Song, P. J., and Sia, C., 2014, Consumer Segmentation Analysis of Multichannel and Multistage Consumption: A Latent Class MNL Approach, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 15:4, pp. 339-358. SSCI, corresponding author
16. 楊雪、王詠與王全勝, 2013年, 移動商務採納、使用、持續使用:多視角的研究回顧, 南大商學評論, 總第23輯,第10卷第3期,pp.140-162。
17. Li, Y., Tan, C. H., and Yang, X., 2013, It is All about What We Have: A Discriminant Analysis of Organizations’ Decision to Adopt Open Source Software, Decision Support Systems, Volume 56, December 2013, pp. 56–62., (DOI: 10.1016/j.dss.2013.05.006) corresponding author, SCI.
18. Wang, Q. H., Mayer-Schönberger, V., and Yang, X., 2013, The Determinants of Monetary Value of Virtual Goods: An Empirical Study for a Cross-Section of MMORPGs, Information Systems Frontiers, 15:3, pp. 481-495. corresponding author, SCI
19. Li, Y., Tan, C. H., and Yang, X., 2013, Open Source Adoption: Organizational Investment in Cultivating Internal Human Capital, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Volume 54, Number 1, pp. 42-52. (DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2013.11645670) corresponding author, SCI
20. Tong Y., Yang, X., and Teo, H. H., 2013, Spontaneous Virtual Teams: Improving Organization Performance through Information and Communication Technology, Business Horizons, 56: 3, pp. 361-375. SSCI, corresponding author
21. Liu, N., Yang, X., and Chan, H. C., 2013, Examining the Balanced Thinking-Feelings Effects on Virtual World Learning Continuance – A Socio-Constructivism View, Journal of Global Information Management, 21:2, pp. 1-22. SSCI, corresponding author
22. Wang, Q., Song, P., and Yang, X. , 2013, Understanding the Substitution Effect Between Online and Traditional Channels: Evidence from Product Attributes Perspective, Electronic Markets, 23:3, pp. 227-239. SSCI
23. 鄭稱德,劉秀,楊雪, 2012, 感知價值和個人特質對用戶移動購物採納意圖的影響研究, 管理學報, 09(10):1524-1530. CSSCI 核心期刊
24. 劉秀、楊雪與金琪明, 2012, 價值網路關係與企業價值主張實現:基於98家電子商務企業的案例調研研究, 南大商學評論, 第20期,pp. 181-200
25. Tan, C.H., Yang, X, and Xu, H, 2010, An Investigation of the Word-Processing Software Market War in South Korea: A Game-Theoretic Approach, Information & Management, 47, pp. 96–101. SSCI & SCI, corresponding author,(2009.11.002)
26. Yang, X., Li, Y., Tan, C. H., and Teo, H. H., 2007, Students’ Participation Intention in an Online Discussion Forum: Why is Computer-Mediated Interaction Attractive?, Information & Management, 44, pp. 456-466. SSCI & SCI
1. Wang, Y., Yang, X., and Wang, Q. S. “The Effect of Interruptions and Page Switching Mode On Mobile Shopping Behavior,” in Proceeding of the 8th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), Chengdu, China, June 21-22, 2014.
2. Yang, X.,Li, Y., and Tan, C. H. Drivers For Green IT In Organizations: MultipleCase Studies In China And Singapore, in Proceeding of the 17th Annual Pacific-Asia Conference onInformation Systems (PACIS), South Korea, June 18-22, 2013.
3. Yang, X.,Li, Y., Wang, Q. H., and Wang, Q. S. “B2C Mobile Shopping Continuance forConsumers in China: The Effects of Active Coping and its Antecedents,” InvitedResearch Sessions for InternationalConference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC), Singapore, August 7-8, 2012.
4. Wang, Q. S., Yang, X., and Zhou, G. “The Effect ofGroup Arguments on Commercial Rumor Spreading in Chinese Online DiscussionForum: A Conformity and Polarization Perspective,” Invited Research Sessionsfor International Conference onElectronic Commerce (ICEC), Singapore, August 7-8, 2012.
5. Yang, X., Yue, W. T., and Sia, C. L., 2011, Cognitive Elaboration on Potential Outcomes and Its Effects on Employees’ Information Security Policy Compliance Intention – Exploring the Key Antecedents, The Tenth Workshop on E-Business (WEB) Shanghai, China, December 4
6. Yang, X., Yue, W. T., and Sia, C. L., 2011, A Cross-Cultural Study of the Effects of STEA Programs and Task Characteristics on Employees’ Behavior toward Information System Security Policy Compliance, The 6th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) Cyprus, September 3-5
7. Kang, L. L., Wang, X., Yang, X., and Tan, C. H., 2011, Enhancing Organization’s Operational Efficiency through Environmental Performance Improvement: An IT Resource-Based View of IT Resources, the 5th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM) Harbin, China, June 25-26
8. Wang, X. W., Yang, X., Teo, H. H., and Tong, Y., 2010, IT Employees’ Organizational Identification: Examining its Antecedents and Impact on Turnover, Thirty First International Conference on Information Systems Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, December 12-15
9. Yang, X., Shiller, S., Teo, H. H., and Wang, Q. S., 2010, Are You Doing It in the Right Way? The Effects of Regulatory Fit in IT Product Trial, The 4th China Summer Workshop on Information Management Wuhan, China, June 19-20
10. Wang, X. W., Teo, H. H., and Yang, X., 2010, Turnover Intentions of IT Employees in non-IT Organizations: Effects of Organizational and Professional Identification, ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference & Doctoral Student Consortium Vancouver, Canada, May 20-22,
11. Yang, X., and Teo, H. H., 2008, The Conflict between Cognitive Absorption and Self-Control in Playing Computer Games: The Effect of Free Trial Restrictions, Proceeding of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on Information (ICIS) Paris, France, December 14 - 17
12. Yang, X., and Teo, H. H., 2007, How Do Users Cope with Trial Restrictions? A Longitudinal Field Experiment on Free Trial Software, Proceeding of the Twenty-Eighth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Montréal, Québec, Canada, December 9 - 12
13. Yang, X., Tan, C. H., and Teo, H. H. , 2007, User Response to Free Trial Restrictions: A Coping Perspective, Proceeding of the Twelfth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII) in J. Jacko (Ed.): Human-Computer Interaction, Part I, HCII 2007, LNCS 4550, pp. 991–1000.
14. Tan, C. H., Yang. X., and Teo, H. H., 2007, When Counterfactual Thinking Meets Technology Acceptance Model: An Investigation, Proceedings of the IFIP Working Group 8.6 Conference on Organizational Dynamic of Technology based Innovation: Diversifying the Research Agenda (IFIP WG8.6) Manchester, UK, June 14-16, pp. 507-511.
15. Yang, X., Teo. H. H., and Tan, C. H., 2006, A Psychological Reactance Perspective on Time and Functionality Restriction of Free Trial Software: Are You Willing to Evaluate the Software?, Proceeding of the Twenty-Seventh International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Milwaukee, WI, USA, December 10-13 16. Tan, C. H., Yang, X., Teo, H. H., and Lin, G., 2005, Cry of Regret or Laugh of Satisfaction?, Proceeding of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Las Vagas, NV, USA, December 11-14,pp. 783-795
17. Yang, X., Li, Y., Tan, C. H., and Teo, H. H. , 2005, The Motivators of Students' Behavioral Intention towards Online Discussion Forum Participation: An Investigation of Collaborative-Based Learning, Proceedings of the Eleventh Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Omaha, NE, USA, August 11th-14th, pp. 563-571.
18. Tan, C. H., Yang, X., Chan, Y. P., and Teo, H. H., 2005, An Investigation of Book Market Aggregation in Amazon, Proceedings of the Eleventh Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Omaha, NE, USA, August 11-14, pp. 10-17.
19. Tan, C. H., Chan, Y. P., Yang, X., and Teo, H. H., 2004, Effects of Choice Contrast and Order Sequence on Consumer Judgment and Decision in Comparison-Shopping Assisted Environment, Proceeding of the 3rd Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS (SIGHCI) Washington, D. C., United States, December, pp. 90-94.
20. Yang, X., Li, Y., Tan, C. H., and Teo, H. H., 2004, What Motivates a Student to Participate in the Electronic Discussion Forum: A Survey Study of Students' Participation Intention, Proceeding of the 8th Annual Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) Shanghai, China, July 8-11, pp. 701-712.