楊鎮源(1980- ),男,四川德陽人,英語語言文學博士,中國翻譯協會專家會員,四川省學術與技術帶頭人後備人選、海外高層次留學人才,電子科技大學外國語學院教授、碩士生導師、翻譯與跨文化研究所副所長,美國北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)訪問學者(2015.9-2016.9),從事翻譯與跨文化研究。
- 中文名:楊鎮源
- 出生日期:1980年
- 畢業院校:四川大學外國語學院
- 性別:男
2007.8—2011.6 就讀於四川大學外國語學院,獲文學博士學位
2003.9—2006.6 就讀於四川外語學院研究生部,獲文學碩士學位
2006.7至今 任教於成都電子科技大學外語學院,從事教學和科研工作
2015.9-2016.9 訪學於美國北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校
1. 國家社科基金課題“翻譯價值論研究”(批號13XYY001)(2013年6月-2015年12月,結題),排名:1
2. 四川省哲學社會科學規劃課題“翻譯倫理研究”(批號SC11C019)(2011年10月-2013年12月,結題) ,排名:1
3. 中央高校基本業務費課題“文化全球化視閾下翻譯的倫理問題研究”(批號ZYGX2012J135,2012年12月-2014年12月,結題),排名:1
4. 四川外國語言文學研究中心課題“翻譯倫理研究”(批號SCWY09-08)(2009年9月-2011年9月,結題),排名:1
5. 2008年電子科技大學哲學社科基金課題“全球化背景下翻譯的文化功效研究”(批號ZJX0816)(2008年10月-2011年11月,結題),排名:1
6. 四川省哲學社會科學規劃課題“華裔文學的符號學研究”(批號SC11WY019)(2011年10月-2012年10月,結題),排名:3
7. 四川省哲學社會科學規劃課題“《論語》在英語世界的譯介與傳播”(批號SC08B011)(2009年9月-2011年9月,結題),排名:5
1. 楊鎮源:翻譯價值論研究[M],成都:電子科技大學出版社,2017 . 獨著。
2. 楊鎮源:翻譯倫理研究[M],上海:上海譯文出版社,2013 . 獨著。
1. 翻譯批評之“相”與“非相”問題芻議,《外語學刊》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2017年第3期,獨著
2. 從“求效果”到“致良知”——陽明心學對當前文學翻譯標準的導向啟示,《當代文壇》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2015年第2期,獨著
3. 際遇情感——文學翻譯的價值本體,《當代文壇》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2014年第6期,獨著
4. 論韋努蒂的文學翻譯倫理思想之局限性,《當代文壇》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2013年第6期,獨著
5. 論當前文學翻譯事業中倫理話語的推行,《當代文壇》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2013年第3期,獨著
6. 文學翻譯標準的自然主義謬誤暨對策,《當代文壇》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2012年第1期,獨著
7. “守經達權”:旨在增強中國文化軟實力的文學譯介思路,《當代文壇》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2011年第4期,獨著
8. 實踐詮釋學視閾下韋努蒂的“差異倫理”,《外國語文》(CSSCI擴展版來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2010年第3期,獨著
9. 論“忠實”之後的文學翻譯倫理重構,《當代文壇》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2010年第4期,獨著
10. 論德希達“延異”概念對文學翻譯批評“忠實”倫理觀之消解,《當代文壇》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2010年第1期,獨著
11. 論本雅明哲學思想對語言建構的現世意義,《求索》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2010年第2期,獨著
12. 皮爾士符號學觀照下的三位一體翻譯觀,《貴州社會科學》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2009年第10期,獨著
13. 維根斯坦哲學意義觀的譯學啟示,《求索》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2008年第1期,獨著
14. 哲學實踐轉向的啟示:後解構主義時代的譯學反思,《貴州社會科學》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2007年第9期,獨著
15. 嬗變、擴充與進展中的最新譯學圖景,《東方翻譯》,2016年第6期,獨著
16. 晚清小說譯壇改寫現象的倫理層面剖析,《語言與認知研究:繼承與發展》(論文集),2015年2月,獨著
17. 論“守經達權”框架下翻譯規約機制之重構,《譯苑新譚》(論文集),四川出版集團,2010年12月,獨著
18. 作為寓言的本雅明——文化戰略視角下本雅明翻譯觀的重釋,《外語與翻譯》,2009年第4期,獨著
19. 論後解構主義時代譯者主體性之重構, 《電子科技大學學報》(人文社科版),2009年第3期,獨著
20. 從德希達“延異”的概念反思傳統翻譯批評的“忠實”標準,《電子科技大學學報》(人文社科版),2008年第1期,獨著
21. 基於目的論視角的晚清小說翻譯之歸化風尚探析,《湖湘論壇》,2007年第5期,獨著
22. 迷霧中的燈塔——論後現代語境下文學譯介的“純粹性”意識,《當代文壇》(CSSCI來源期刊/北大核心期刊),2016年第1期,第二作者
1. 第十一批四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選,2014.12
2. 四川省教育廳第十一屆社科成果二等獎,2014.12
3. 四川省海外高層次留學人才,2017.04
4. 中國翻譯協會專家會員,2016.12
5. 2010、2011、2013、2015年度電子科技大學外國語學院“科研優秀個人”.2011.1, 2012.1, 2014.1, 2016.1
6. 2008-2013年度電子科技大學外國語學院“綜合考核優秀個人”,2014.01
7. 2014年度電子科技大學外國語學院“年度綜合考核優秀個人”,2015.1
8. 2014年度電子科技大學外國語學院“青年事業努力獎”,2015.1
Name:Yang Zhenyuan
Degree:Ph. D
Education and Academic Experience:
2007-2011, Ph. D, School of Foreign Languages of Sichuan University
2003-2006, Master degree, Sichuan International Studies University
1999-2003, Bachelor degree, Sichuan International Studies University
2015-2016 visiting scholarship to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Projects finished and undergoing:
1. Study of Translation Axiology (13XYY001), sponsored by National Provincial Social Science Administration Office, 2013.6-2016.6, 1position.
2. Study of Translation Ethics (SC11C019), sponsored by Sichuan Provincial Social Science Administration Office, 2011.10-2013.12, 1 position.
3. Study of Ethical Issues of Translation from a view of Globalization (ZYGX2012J135), sponsored by Fundamental Fund for Schools of Higher Education Affiliated with Central Government of China, 2012.12-2014.12,1 position.
4. Study of Translation Ethics (SCWY09-08), sponsored by Sichuan Foreign Language & Literature Studies Center, 2009.9-2011.9, 1position.
5. Study of Cultural Functions of Translation from a viewof Globalization Provincial (ZJX0816), sponsored by UESTC (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China),2008.10-2011.11, 1 position.
6. Study of Semiotics in Chinese American Literature,(SC11WY019), sponsored by Sichuan Provincial Social Science Administration Office, 2011.10-2012.10, 3 position.
7. Translation and Travel of the Analects of Confucius, (SC08B011), sponsored by Sichuan Provincial Social Science Administration Office, 2009.10-2011.09, 5 position.
1. A Study on Translation Axiology, Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Press, 2017, sole author.
2. A Study on Translation Ethics, Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2013, sole author.
3. An Investigation into the Issue of Representation and Non-representaion for Translation Criticism, Foreign Language Research (CSSCI: Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index), No.3, 2017, sole author.
4. A Turn from Effect to Conscience——Enlightenment of Wang Yangming’s Psycho-Theories over Today’s Literary Translation Standards, Modern Literature Magazine(CSSCI), No.2, 2015, sole author.
5. Emotion of Inter-Contact: the Ontological Value Entity of Literary Translation, Modern Literature Magazine (CSSCI), No.6, 2014, sole author.
6. On Defects of Lawrence Venuti’s View upon Literary Translation Ethics, Modern Literature Magazine (CSSCI), No.6, 2013, sole author.
7. On Enhancement of Ethical Discourse for Today’s Literary Translation Career, Modern Literature Magazine (CSSCI), No.3, 2013, sole author.
8. The Naturalistic Fallacy of Literary Translation Standards and the Solution, Modern Literature Magazine(CSSCI), No.1, 2012, sole author.
9. The Principle Firmly Held, the Action Flexibly Taken——A Way to Strengthened Soft Power of Chinese Culture by Translation of Literature, Modern Literature Magazine(CSSCI), No.4, 2011, sole author.
10. Reinterpretation of Venuti’s Concept of Ethics of Difference: From the Perspective of Hermeneutics of Praxis, Foreign Language and Literature(the expanded version of CSSCI), No.3, 2010, sole author.
11. 'On Reconstruction of Literature Translation Ethics in the Post-Fidelity Era', Modern Literature Magazine(CSSCI), No.4, 2010, sole author.
12. On Deconstruction of the Fidelity Ethics of Translation under Derrida’s Concept of Differance, Modern Literature Magazine(CSSCI), No.1, 2010, sole author.
13. On the Practical Value of Walter Benjamin’s Philosophy over Lingual Construction, Seeker(CSSCI), No.2, 2010, sole author.
14. The Trinity View on Translation—From C. S. Peirce’s Semiotic Perspective, Guizhou Social Science (CSSCI), No.10, 2009, sole author.
15. Edified from Wittgenstein’s Philosophical View of Lingual Meaning, Seeker(CSSCI), No.1, 2008, sole author.
16. Edified from the Practical Turn of Philosophy: Reflection upon Translation Studies at the Post-Deconstructionist Era', Guizhou Social Science (CSSCI), No.9, 2007, sole author.
17. The Newest Map of Translation in the Process of Evolving and Expanding, East Journal of Translation, No. 6, 2016, sole author.
18. Ethic Analysis of Rewriting in Novel Translation at Late Qing Dynasty, Jiehui Hu ed. Studies of Language and Cognition, Beijing: China Higher Education Press, 2015, sole author
19. On Reconstructing the Restrictive Mechanism for Translation——Under the Skeleton of Being Flexible While Adhering to Principles, Zhenran Lian ed. New Perspective of Translation Studies, Chengdu: Sichuan People’s Publishing House, 2010, sole author.
20. Benjamin as a Parable—Reinterpretation of Benjamin’s Translation Theory: from the Perspective of Cultural Strategy, Foreign Languages and Translation, No. 4, 2009, sole author.
21. A Post-Deconstructionist View: On Reconstruction of the Translator’s Subjectivity, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(social science ed.), No.3, 2009, sole author.
22. The Reflection upon the Standard of ‘Fidelity’ for Traditional Translation Criticism—From the Perspective of Derrida’s ‘Difference’, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(social science ed.), No.3, 2009, sole author.
23. Investigation into the Domestication Fashion of the Late Qing Fiction Translation—From the Perspective of the Skopos Theory, Huxiang Forum, No. 5, 2007, sole author.
24. The Beacon Tower amid the Mist——On the Consciousness of Purity under the Postmodern Context, Modern Literature Magazine(CSSCI), No.1, 2016, second author.