- 中文名:楊鈞棠
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:肺纖維化發病機制研究
- 職稱:講師
- 任職院校:河南師範大學
2018年7月進入河南師範大學生命科學學院工作,從事肺纖維化發病機理的研究。目前總計發表SCI論文7篇,其中5分以上5篇,第一作者3篇(>5分1篇),共同第一作者1篇(>5分)。博士期間主要從事肺癌和乳腺癌發病機制研究工作,發現了Wnt/β-catenin通路在肺癌中的新的調控機制,該通路在胚胎髮育,腫瘤發生以及肺纖維化中發揮關鍵功能。 博士畢業後於美國希望城國家醫學中心從事DNA損傷修復與肺癌發生關係的研究。
1.Tang CZ#,YangJT#(共同第一), Liu QH, Wang YR, Wang WS: Up-regulated miR-192-5pexpression rescues cognitive impairment and restores neural function in micewith depression via the Fbln2-mediated TGF-beta1 signaling pathway. FASEBjournal(IF=5.595) : officialpublication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 2019, 33(1):606-618.
2. Tang CZ, Zhang DF, Yang JT,Liu QH, Wang YR, Wang WS. Overexpression of microRNA-301b accelerateshippocampal microglia activation and cognitive impairment in mice withdepressive-like behavior through the NF-κB signaling pathway. Cell Death Dis (IF=5.638). 2019 Apr 8;10(4):316. doi: 10.1038/s41419-019-1522-4.
3.Han F,Liu WB, Li JJ, Zhang MQ, Yang JT, Zhang X, Hao XL, YinL, Mao CY, Jiang X et al: SOX30 is a prognostic biomarker and chemotherapeuticindicator for advanced-stage ovarian cancer. Endocrine-related cancer(IF=5.331) 2019.
4.Han F,Liu WB, Shi XY, Yang JT, Zhang X, Li ZM, Jiang X, Yin L, Li JJ, Huang CSet al: SOX30 Inhibits Tumor Metastasis through Attenuating Wnt-Signaling viaTranscriptional and Posttranslational Regulation of beta-Catenin in LungCancer. EBioMedicine (IF=6.138) 2018,31:253-266.
5.YangJ, Han F, Liu W, Chen H, Hao X, Jiang X, Yin L, Huang Y, Cao J,Zhang H et al: ALX4, an epigenetically down regulated tumor suppressor,inhibits breast cancer progression by interfering Wnt/beta-catenin pathway.Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR(IF=6.217) 2017, 36(1):170.
6.YangJ, Han F, Liu W, Zhang M, Huang Y, Hao X, Jiang X, Yin L, Chen H,Cao J et al: LHX6, An Independent Prognostic Factor, Inhibits LungAdenocarcinoma Progression through Transcriptional Silencing of beta-catenin.Journal of Cancer 2017(IF=3.2), 8(13):2561-2574.
7.YangJ, Wang R, Liu B, Xue Q, Zhong M, Zeng H, Zhang H: Kinetic analysisof bypass of abasic site by the catalytic core of yeast DNA polymerase eta.Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (IF=2.5) 2015, 779:134-143.
8.Yu GY, Yang JT, Zhao WM, Guo XS. Role of HMSG2 MediatedFAO Deficiency in IPF Pathogenesis. AJRCCM-conference. 2019.199.A5232
9. Yu GY, YangJT, Zhao WM, Iberra G, Chen X, Guo XS, Kaminski.N. Role of Terra on Telomericand Mitochondrial Functions in IPF Pathogenesis. AJRCCM-conference. 2019.199. A1045