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楊翩翩,管理學博士,現為重慶大學經濟與工商管理學院市場學系副教授。主持並參與多項國家級科研項目,並在《Management and Organization Review》、《Journal of Production Innovation Management》、《Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing》以及《管理評論》等SSCI期刊及中文重要期刊上發表論文多篇。主要為本科生教授《市場行銷學》、《消費者行為學》、《品牌管理》等課程。


  • 中文名:楊翩翩
  • 畢業院校:西安交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:市場行銷學




>Qian, Liping,Yang, Pianpian*,Xue, Jiaqi. Do Business and Political Ties Differ in Cultivating Structure Capital for Buyer Performance in China?[J]. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing (SSCI), 2018,25(3): 213-231.
>Yang, Pianpian, Qian, Liping*, Zheng, Songyue. Improving Performance and Cutailing Opportunism: The Role of Contractual and Obligatoriness in Channel Relationships [J]. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (SSCI), 2017, 32(3): 371-384.
>Qian, Liping,Yang, Pianpian*, Li, Yao. Does Guanxi in China Always Produce Value? The Contingency Effects of Contract Enforcement and Market Turbulence [J]. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (SSCI), 2016, 31(7): 861-876.
>Liu,Yi, Luo, Yadong,Yang, Pianpian, Vladislav, Maksimov. Typology and Effects of Co-opetition in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Evidence from the Chinese Home Appliance Industry [J]. Management and Organization Review (SSCI), 2014,10(3): 439-65.
>Zang, Jinjuan, Zhang, Chenlu,Yang, Pianpian, Li, Yuan. How Open Search Strategies Align With Firms’ Radical and Incremental Innovation: Evidence from China [J].Techonology Analysis & Strategic Management (SSCI), 2014, 26(7):781-95.
>Pianpian Yang, Lei Tao. Perspective: An Update to the Ranking of the World’s Top Innovation Management Universities and Scholars[J]. Journal of Product Innovation Management(SSCI), 2012, 29(2):319-331.
>Heng Liu, Jigang Hou,Pianpian Yang, Xiu-hao Ding. Entrepreneurial orientation, organizational capability, and competitive advantage in emerging economies: Evidence from China[J]. African Journal of Business Management (SSCI), 2011, 5(10): 3891-3901.
>Pianpian Yang, Yao Li, Yu Zhang, Qian Yang, Wei Yang. The Value and the Conditionality of Guanxi in Interfirm Exchange: Evidence from Channel Partnerships[C]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2012, August 3-7, in Boston.
>楊翩翩,錢麗萍. 無形專項投資對戰略績效的影響及調節作用[J]. 2017, 管理評論, 29(3): 49-61.
>錢麗萍,羅小康,楊翩翩.2016.供應商角色績效與經銷商感知公平:社會互動及契約的調節作用[J].商業經濟與管理, 2016, 297(7):33-43.
>錢麗萍,羅小康,楊翩翩. 渠道控制機制如何抑制關係退出傾向——兼論競爭強度的調節作用[J].外國經濟與管理, 2015, 37(6):83-96.


>參與:國家社會科學基金項目重大項目(15ZDB169) :推進“網際網路+”生鮮農產品供應鏈渠道發展研究


