



  • 中文名:楊續超
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:全球變化與海岸帶災害風險管理
  • 任職院校:浙江大學海洋學院


2. 城市化與氣候變化共同影響下的城市環境健康
3. 遙感、GIS以及大數據在海岸帶災害風險管理中的套用
4. 海岸帶可持續發展


2005/09-2008/06 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所,獲自然地理學博士,導師:張鐿鋰研究員
2002/09-2005/06 中國科學院地球環境研究所,獲第四紀地質學碩士學位,導師:劉曉東研究員
1998/09-2002/06 蘭州大學地理科學系自然地理學基礎科學研究和教學人才培養基地班,獲自然地理學理學學士
美國密西根州立大學(MSU)全球變化與對地觀測中心(CGCEO)訪問學者(合作導師Zhong Shiyuan教授、齊家國教授)


[1]. 浙江大學海洋學院“永和獎教金優秀青年獎”,2015
[2]. 入選浙江省“151人才工程”第三層次培養人員,2013
[3]. 浙江省氣象科學和技術工作獎—青年科技獎,2013
[4]. 浙江省自然科學學術獎二等獎(排名第一),2012
[5]. 中國氣象學會城市氣象學委員會首屆“城市氣象學優秀科技論文獎”,2012
[6]. 2012/2013年世界氣象組織(WMO)Professor Mariolopoulos Trust Fund Award,2012


作為第一作者或通訊作者在《Environmental Health Perspectives》《Environmental International》、《Environmental Science & Technology》、《Geophysical Research Letters》、《JournalofGeophysicalResearch-Atmospheres》、《Science of the Total Environment》等刊物發表SCI論文20餘篇。擔任《地理學報》、《資源科學》、《地理科學進展》、《地球信息科學學報》、《Nature Climate Change》、《Environmental Science & Technology》、《JournalofGeophysicalResearch-Atmospheres》、《Environmental Pollution》、《Environmental Research》、《Climatic Change》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Atmospheric Research》、《International Journal of Remote Sensing》、《International Journal of Geographical Information Science》、《Sustainable Cities and Society》、《Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing》、《Landscape and Urban Planning》、《Meteorological Applications》、《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》、《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》、《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》、《Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Scientific Data》等學術刊物的審稿人。
Xuchao Yang*, Chenming Yao(2019級碩士生), QianChen, Tingting Ye, Cheng Jin.Improved estimates of population exposure in low elevation coastal zones of China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(20), 4012;
Xuchao Yang, Lin Lin(2018級碩士生), Yizhe Zhang, Tingting Ye, Qian Chen, Cheng Jin, Guanqiong Ye*.Spatially Explicit Assessment of Social Vulnerability in Coastal China.Sustainability,2019,11(18), 5075;
Le, Chengfeng*, Wu, Shuyu, Hu, Chuanmin, Beck, Marcus W.,Yang, Xuchao*. Phytoplankton decline in the eastern North Pacific transition zone associated with atmospheric blocking,Global Change Biology, 2019, 25, 3485-3493, 10.1111/gcb.14737, 2019.(中科院一區)
Qian Chen(2017級博士生), Zutao Ouyang, Naizhuo Zhao,Xuchao Yang*, et al.Estimation of anthropogenic heat emissions in China using remotely-sensed and geospatial big data. to be summited
Cheng Jin(2018級碩士生),Xuchao Yang*,et al.Spatial pattern of the electric power consumption of China usingremotely-sensed and points-of-interest data,to be submitted.
Qian, Chen(2018級博士生),Tingting Ye, Naizhuo Zhao,Xuchao Yang, et al,Estimating China's GDP from different sectors with remotely sensed and points-of-interest data,
Ben Yang,Xuchao Yang*, L. Ruby Leung, YunQian, Shiyuan Zhong, Chun Zhao, Feng Chen, Yaocun Zhang.Modeling the impacts of urbanization on summer thermal comfort: the role of urban land use and anthropogenic heat.Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres,2019, 124(13): 6681-6697.
(中科院二區+ZJU TOP)(本文基於空間異質性人為熱排放量數據,模擬了城市土地利用和人為熱對城市夏季高溫熱舒適度的影響,結果顯示,人為熱對高溫不舒適時數的貢獻與城市土地利用相當,因此,在進行城市氣候模擬時,需要考慮人為熱的影響)
Xuchao Yang, Tingting Ye(2016級碩士生), Naizhuo Zhao, Qian Chen, Wenze Yue, Jiaguo Qi, Biao Zeng, Peng Jia. Population mapping with multi-sensor remote sensing images and points-of-interest data,Remote Sensing, 11(5), 574; (本文將多源遙感數據和POI核密度相融合,模擬浙江省的人口分布)
Kejia Hu(2019屆博士生), Yuming Guo, Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, Wei Liu, Linda See,Xuchao Yang*, Jieming Zhong*, Fangrong Fei, Feng Chen, Yunquan Zhang, Qi Zhao, Gongbo Chen, Qian Chen, Yizhe Zhang, Tingting Ye, Lu Ma, Shanshan Li, Jiaguo Qi.Evidence for urban–rural disparity in temperature–mortality relationships in Zhejiang Province, China.Environmental Health Perspectives. 2019,127(3): 037001. (中科院一區+ZJU100, IF2017=8.309) 以往針對西方已開發國家的研究認為,熱島效應引起的城市“高溫化”使得城市人口面臨著更高的高溫健康風險。但由於缺乏農村地區的氣象數據,且相應的健康數據樣本較少,探索氣溫-健康關係的城鄉差異非常困難。本文利用高時空解析度的氣溫柵格數據對浙江省 2009~2015 年的死亡案例進行了時間序列分析,首次揭示了高溫及低溫與死亡的聯繫在中國的城鄉差異。
Feng Chen,Xuchao Yang, Chunxiao Ji, Yuejun Li, Fangping Deng, Meiying Dong.Establishment and Assessment of Hourly High-resolution Gridded Air Temperature Datasets in Zhejiang, China.Meteorological Applications
Tingting Ye (2016級碩士生), Naizhuo Zhao,Xuchao Yang*, Zutao Ouyang, Xiaoping Liu, Qian Chen, Kejia Hu, Wenze Yue, Jiaguo Qi, Zhaosheng Li, Peng Jia.Improved population mapping for China using remotely sensed and points of interest data within a random forests model,Science of The Total Environment., 2019, 658, 936–946. (中科院二區+ZJU TOP)如需要2010年中國大陸100m解析度人口柵格數據可以聯繫本人。
Kejia Hu(2019屆博士生),Yuming Guo, Jieming Zhong*,Xuchao Yang*,Fangrong Fei, Feng Chen,Qi Zhao, Yunquan Zhang, Gongbo Chen,Shanshan Li, Qian Chen, Tingting Ye, Jiaguo Qi.Spatiotemporal or temporal index to assess the association between temperature variability and mortality in China?Environmental Research, 2019, 170: 344-350. (中科院二區)
Kejia Hu(2019屆博士生), Yuming Guo, Deyun Hu, Rongguang Du,Xuchao Yang*, Jieming Zhong, Fangrong Fei, Feng Chen, Gongbo Chen, Qi Zhao, Yunquan Zhang, Shanshan Li, Qian Chen, Tingting Ye, Jiaguo Qi.Mortality burden attributable to PM1 in Zhejiang province, China.Environment International, 2018, 121:515-522.(中科院一區+ZJU TOP, IF2017=7.3)
Hu Kejia(2019屆博士生), Guo Yuming,Yang Xuchao*, Zhong Jieming, Fei Fangrong, Chen Feng, Zhao Qi, Zhang Yunquan, Chen Gongbo, Chen Qian, Ye Tingting, Li Shanshan, Qi Jiaguo.Temperature variability and mortality in rural and urban areas in Zhejiang province, China: An application of a spatiotemporal index,Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 647, 1044-1051, (中科院二區+ZJU TOP, IF2017=4.61)
Qian Chen(2017級博士生), Mingjun Ding,Xuchao Yang*, Kejia Hu, Jiaguo Qi.Spatially Explicit Assessment of Heat Health Risk by Using Multi-sensor Remote Sensing Images and Socioeconomic Data in Yangtze River Delta, China,International Journal of Health Geographics. 2018, 17: 15
張怡哲(2015級碩士生),楊續超*,胡可嘉,陳倩,陳江. 基於多源遙感信息和土地利用數據的中國海岸帶GDP空間化模擬,長江流域資源與環境,2018, 27(2): 235-242.
陳倩,丁明軍,楊續超,胡可嘉. 長三角地區高溫熱浪人群健康風險評估. 地球信息科學學報. 2017,19(11): 1475-1484.
梁卓然,顧婷婷,楊續超, 等. 基於環流分型法的地面臭氧預測模型研究. 中國環境科學,2017, 37(12): 4469-4479.
Yang Xuchao*,Leung L. Ruby, Zhao Naizhuo, Zhao Chun, Qian Yun, Hu Kejia, Liu Xiaoping, Chen Baode.Contribution of urbanization to the increase of extreme heat events in an urban agglomeration in east China.Geophysical Research Letters(中科院一區+ZJU TOP), 2017
Hu Kejia(2019屆博士生);Yang Xuchao*; Zhong Jieming; Fei Fangrong; Qi Jiaguo.Spatially explicit mapping of heat health risk utilizing environmental and socioeconomic data.Environmental Science & Technology(中科院一區+ZJU100), 2017,51(3): 1498-1507.
Chen Feng,Yang Xuchao*, Wu Juanjia.Simulation of the urban climate in a Chinese megacity with spatially heterogeneous anthropogenic heat data,Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres(ZJU TOP), 2016, 120(10): 5193-5212.
馬盼盼,吾娟佳,楊續超*,齊家國. 基於多源遙感信息的人為熱排放量空間化—以浙江省為例.中國環境科學,2016,36(1): 314-320.
毛敏娟,楊續超. 霾與城市化發展的關係. 環境科學研究,2015,28(12):1823-1832.
楊續超*,陳葆德,胡可嘉. 城市化對極端高溫事件及其致死率的影響研究進展.地理科學進展,2015,34 (10): 1219- 1228
Yang Xuchao*, Chen Feng, Zhu Weiping, Teng Weiping.Urbanization effects on observed changes in summer extreme heat events over zhejiang Province, east China.Journal ofTropicalMeteorology, 2015, 21(3): 295-302
Yue Wenze, Gao Jiabin,Yang Xuchao*.Estimation of gross domestic product using multi-sensor remote sensing data: a case study in Zhejiang Province, east China.Remote Sensing, 2014, 6: 7260-7275.[Download PDF]
Yang Xuchao, Yue Wenze, Xu Honghui, Wu Jingsheng, He Yue.Environmental consequences of rapid urbanization in Zhejiang Province, east China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014, 11: 7045-7059.[Download PDF]
Chen Feng,Yang Xuchao*, Zhu Weiping.WRF simulations of urban heat island under hot weather synoptic conditions: the case study of Hangzhou City, China.Atmospheric Research, 2014, 138: 364-377.(2014年AR下載量前5的熱門論文)
Tian Zhan,Yang Xuchao*, Sun Laixiang, Günther Fischer, Liang Zhuoran, Pan Jie.Agroclimatic conditions in China under climate change scenarios projected from regional climate models.International Journal of Climatology, 2014, 34: 2988-3000,
楊續超*, 陳鋒, 祝煒平,滕衛平. 城市化對浙江省夏季極端高溫事件的影響.熱帶氣象學報, 2014, 30(4): 719-726.
趙偉,楊續超*, 張斌. 浙江省雷電災害風險分析及區劃.熱帶氣象學報, 2014, 30(5): 996-1000.
Yang Xuchao, Yue Wenze, Gao Dawei.Spatial improvement of human population distribution based on multi-sensor remote sensing data: an input for exposure assessment.International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013, 34(15), 5569-5583.[Download PDF]
Yang Xuchao*, Tian Zhan, Chen Baode.Thermal Growing season trends in east China, with emphasis on urbanization effects.International Journal of Climatology, 2013, 33(10): 2402-2412.[Download PDF]
Qi Wei, Zhang Yili, Gao Jungang,Yang Xuchao, Liu Linshan, Khanal NarendraR. Climate change on the southern slope of Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) Region in Nepal since 1971.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013, 23(4):595-611.
Zhang Yili, Gao Jungang, Liu Linshan, Wang Zhaofeng, Ding Minjung,Yang Xuchao. NDVI-based vegetation changes and their responses to climate change from 1982 to 2011: A case study in the Koshi River Basin in the middle Himalayas.Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 108: 139–148
楊續超*,康麗莉,張斌,冀春曉. 基於多源遙感信息的電力消費量估算與影響因素分析—以浙江省為例.地理科學, 2013, 33(6): 718-723.[PDF]
楊續超*,高大偉,丁明軍,劉林山. 基於多源遙感數據的人口統計數據空間化—以浙江省為例.長江流域資源與環境, 2013, 22(6): 731-736.[PDF]
Yang Xuchao, Hou Yiling, Chen Baode*.Observed surface warming induced by urbanization in east China.Journal of Geophysical Research, 2011, 116, D14113, 該文在《Nature》上做為“研究亮點”進行了報導,詳見:Hot cities heat up China, Research Highlights, Nature, Vol. 476, P.129
湯緒,楊續超*,田展,Günter Fischer, Sun Laixiang, 潘婕. 氣候變化對中國農業氣候資源的影響.資源科學,2011, 33(10): 1962-1968.
楊續超*,顧駿強,陳葆德. 近49年中國夏季製冷度日數的變化.長江流域資源與環境,2011,20(1): 53-60.
Yang Xuchao, Zhang Yili, Ding Mingjun, et al.Observational evidence of the impact of vegetation cover on surface air temperature change in China.Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2010, 53 (2): 261-269.
楊續超*,顧駿強. 國外氣候變化影響旅遊業的研究進展.長江流域資源與環境,2010,19(Z2):194-200.
Yang Xuchao, Zhang Yili, Liu Linshan, Zhang Wei, Ding Mingjun, Wang Zhaofeng.Sensitivity of surface air temperature change to land use/cover types in China.Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2009, 52(8): 1207-1215.
唐菊華,呂昌河,楊續超. 蘇錫常地區1995年至2005年城市用地擴展的驅動力分析.資源科學,2009,31(5): 801-806.
Yang Xuchao, Zhang Yili, Zhang Wei, et al.Climate change in Mt. Qomolangma region Since 1971,Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2006, 16(3) :326-336. [楊續超, 張鐿鋰, 張瑋, 等. 珠穆朗瑪峰地區近34年來氣候變化.地理學報, 2006, 61(7): 687-696.]
楊續超,劉曉東. 中國北方強沙塵暴活動與亞洲地區對流層風場的聯繫.氣候與環境研究, 2006, 11(1): 94–100
劉曉東,楊續超,田良. 中國北方沙塵暴活動的氣候控制及其對城市空氣品質的影響, 第十屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會論文集(第一冊), 弘光科技大學, 2005, 398–402
Liu, Xiaodong, Yin Zhiyong, Zhang Xiaoye,Yang Xuchao. Analyses of the spring dust storm frequency of northern China in relation to antecedent and concurrent wind, precipitation, vegetation, and soil moisture conditions.Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(D16210)
楊續超, 劉曉東. 東亞中緯度地區前期降水對中國北方春季強沙塵暴影響初探.乾旱區地理, 2004, 27(3): 283–290


