
暨南大學教授,博士生導師。現為生命科學技術學院副院長,兼任《生態毒理學報》編委,廣東省高等學校生物類教學指導委員會委員兼秘書長,長期從事藻毒素的毒性、有毒有害藻類的遺傳多樣性以及藻華的應急處置研究。在<Environmental Pollution>, <Aquatic Toxicology>、<Fish and Shellfish Immunology>, <Aquaculture>和<Harmful Algae>等SCI期刊發表論文30餘篇,獲廣東省教學成果獎一等獎2項。


  • 中文名:楊維東
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:甘肅
  • 出生日期:1967
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 信仰:無


出生年月: 1967年1月


探討了中國沿海典型有毒有害赤潮藻塔瑪亞歷山大藻的化感作用,證實麻痹性貝毒並非塔瑪亞歷山大藻化感作用的物質基礎,溶血毒素可能是其分泌產生的化感物質。率先在國內開展了產毒赤潮生物遺傳結構的研究,將微衛星標記技術引入到赤潮生物遺傳多樣性與種源的研究,系統開展了中國沿海塔瑪亞歷山大藻基因型、遺傳結構和種源問題的研究。在國際上首次開展了腹瀉性貝毒在貝體內的代謝解毒機制,發現腹瀉性貝毒可誘導ABCB、GST mRNA等的表達,並引致貝類能量代謝、鰓組織細胞骨架的破壞以及氧化應急等。提出天然產物改性粘土用於藻華應急處置的新思路。


[1]Lu Huang, Su-Li Liu, Jian-Wei Zheng, Hong-Ye Li, Jie-Sheng Liu, Wei-Dong Yang*, 2015.P-glycoprotein and its inducible expression in three bivalve species after exposure to Prorocentrum lima. AquaticToxicology. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.10.012. (2區, 3.451)
[2]Dao-yi Hou, Jin-jin Liang, Cheng Zou, Hong-ye Li, Jie-sheng Liu, Wei-dong Yang*, 2015. MRP functional activity and character in the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima. J Appl Phycol DOI 10.1007/s10811-015-0679-1 (3區, 2.559)
[3]Jin-Jin Liang, Yun-Hui Li, Fei Liu, Hong-Ye Li, Jie-Sheng Liu, Wei-Dong Yang*, 2015. Experimental removal of Alexandrium tamarense cells using sulfobetaines and their modified clays. J Appl Phycol DOI: 10.1007/s10811-014-0482-4
[4]Ying Zou, Xiao-Meng Wei, Hui-Wen Weng, Hong-Ye Li, Jie-Sheng Liu, Wei-Dong Yang*, 2015. Expression profile of eight glutathione S-transferase genes in Crassostrea ariakensis after exposure to DSP toxins producing dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima. Toxicon 105, 45-55. (3區, 2.492)
[5]Jian Chen, Qian Ye, Hai-Feng Gu, Hong-Ye Li, Song-Hui Lv, Jie-Sheng Liu, Wei-Dong Yang*, 2015. Variability in the allelopathic action of the Alexandrium tamarense species complex along the coast of China. Harmful Algae 47, 17–26. (3區, 3.874)
[6]Lin-Xi Dang, Yue Li, Fei Liu, Yong Zhang, Wei-Dong Yang*, Hong-Ye Li, Jie-Sheng Liu, 2015.Chemical response of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi against grazing by three species of zooplankton. J Eukaryot Microbiol 62, 470–480. (3區, 3.217)
[7]Lu Huang, Ying Zou, Hui-wen Weng, Hong-Ye Li , Jie-Sheng Liu, Wei-Dong Yang*, 2015. Proteomic profile in Perna viridis after exposed to Prorocentrum lima, a dinoflagellate producing DSP toxins. Environmental Pollution 196, 350-357. (2區, 4.143).
[8]Lu Huang,Jie Wang,Wen-Chang Chen,Hong-Ye Li,Jie-Sheng Liu, TaoJiang,Wei-Dong Yang*, 2014. P-glycoprotein expression inPerna viridisafter exposure to Prorocentrum lima, a dinoflagellate producing DSP toxins. Fish Shellfish Immunol 39(2), 254–262. (1區, 2.674).
[9]Cheng Zou,Rui-Min Ye,Jian-Wei Zheng,Zhao-He Luo,Hai-Feng Gu,Wei-Dong Yang*,Hong-Ye Li,Jie-Sheng Liu,2014.Molecular phylogeny and PSP toxin profile of the Alexandrium tamarense species complex along the coast of China.Marine Pollution Bulletin 89, 209–219. (3區, 2.793)
[10] Yan-yan Xu, Jin-Jin Liang, Wei-Dong Yang*, Jie Wang, Hong-Ye Li, Jie-Sheng Liu, 2014. Cloning and expression analysis of P-glycoprotein gene in Crassostrea ariakensis. Aquaculture 418–419, 39–47. (2區, 1.878)
[11]Qi Shen, Hongye Li, Yan Li, Zongling Wang, Jiesheng Liu, Weidong Yang*, 2012. Molecular identification of green algae from the rafts based infrastructure of Porphyra yezoensis. Mar Pollut Bull 64(10): 2077-82. (3區, 2.793)
[12]Ting Wu, Xin-ya Yan, Xiang Cai, Shao-zao Tan, Hong-ye Li, Jie-sheng Liu, Wei-dong Yang*, 2010. Removal of Chattonella marina with clay minerals modified with a gemini surfactant.Appl Clay Sci, 50(4): 604-607. (2區, 2.784)
[13] Wei-dong Yang, Jin Xie, van Rijssel Marion, Hong-ye Li, Jie-sheng Liu, 2010. Allelopathic effects of Alexandrium spp. on Prorocentrum donghaiense. Harmful Algae, 10(1): 116-120 (3區, 4.28)


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:雙殼貝類細胞色素P450及其在腹瀉性貝毒代謝解毒機制中的作用研究(41576116),2016.1-2019.12, 82.8萬,主持
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:中國沿海典型產毒甲藻塔瑪亞歷山大藻的遺傳多樣性與種源分析(41176088),2012.1-2015.12,獲批金額:69萬,主持。
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:p-糖蛋白在雙殼貝類抗腹瀉性貝毒中的作用機制研究(40976065),2010.1-2012.12,獲批金額:44萬,主持。
4. 國家自然科學基金-廣東省聯合基金重點項目子課題:重要魚毒性赤潮毒素的成分、基本特性與生成特徵,2008.1~2011.12,經費33.5萬,主持。


