


  • 中文名:楊石嶺
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:研究員
  • 畢業院校:西北大學


2001.08-2004.12 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所助理研究員。
2004.12-2010.12 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所副研究員。
2011.01- 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所研究員。
2005.04-2006.04 美國亞利桑那大學地球科學系博士後訪問學者。


1. 負責國家自然科學基金“中亞黃土記錄的第四紀古氣候演化及其與中國黃土的對比” ;
2. 負責國家自然科學基金“黃土中成壤碳酸鹽的元素地球化學組成與乾旱程度的關係” ;
3. 負責國家自然科學基金“黃土高原上新世紅粘土記錄的東亞夏季風空間格局”;
4. 負責中科院知識創新工程重要方向項目 “增溫過程和高溫期黃土高原生態環境格局的歷史相似型研究”。


1. Yang Shiling, Ding Zhongli and Gu Zhaoyan, 2013. Acetic acid-leachable elements in pedogenic carbonate nodules and links to the East-Asian summer monsoon. Catena, in press.
2. Dong Xinxin, Ding Zhongli, Yang Shiling, Luo Pan, Wang Xu and Ji Junliang, 2013. Synchronous drying and cooling in central Asia during late Oligocene. Chinese Science Bulletin
3. Jiang Wenying, Cheng Yufen, Yang Xiaoxiao and Yang Shiling, 2013. Chinese Loess Plateau vegetation since the Last Glacial Maximum and its implications for vegetation restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology
4. Yang Shiling, Ding Zhongli, Wang Xu, Tang Zihua and Gu Zhaoyarelationship of pedogenic carbonate from northern China indicates a strong response of C3/C4 biomass to the seasonality of Asian monsoon precipitation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
5. Xie Jing, Yang Shiling and Ding Zhongli, 2012. Methods and application of using detrital zircons to trace the provenance of loess. Science China
6. 謝靜, 楊石嶺, 丁仲禮, 2012. 黃土物源碎屑鋯石示蹤方法與套用. 中國科學:地球科學
7. 李陽陽, 王琴, 崔琳琳, 楊石嶺, 2012. 不同分析方法對黃土有機碳同位素分析的影響. 地球環境學報
8. Yang Shiling, Ding Zhongli, 2010. Drastic climatic shift at ~2.8 Ma as recorded in eolian deposits of China and its implications for redefining the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary. Quaternary Internationa
9. 楊石嶺, 丁仲禮, 2010. 黃土高原末次冰期氣候不穩定性. 見: 丁仲禮等編著. 中國西部環境演化集成研究. 北京: 氣象出版社
10. 丁仲禮, 楊石嶺, 2010. 8Ma以來風塵沉積記錄的季風演變歷史. 見: 丁仲禮等編著. 中國西部環境演化集成研究. 北京: 氣象出版
11. 馮少華, 唐自華, 王旭, 楊石嶺, 2010. 內蒙古準格爾旗紅粘土序列的成因、年代及其古氣候意義. 第四紀研究
12. 孫繼敏, 楊石嶺, 2010. 末次冰盛期我國北方沙漠空間分布. 見: 丁仲禮等編著.中國西部環境演化集成研究. 北京: 氣象出版
13. Yang Shiling, Ding Zhongli, 2008. Advance-retreat history of the East-Asian summer monsoon rainfall belt over northern China during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
14. Yang Shiling, Ding Feng and Ding Zhongli, 2006. Pleistocene chemical weathering history of Asian arid and semi-arid regions recorded in loess deposits of China and Tajikistan. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
15. Yang Shiling, Ding Zhongli, 2006. Winter-Spring precipitation as the principal control on predominance of C3 plants in Central Asia over the past 1.77 Myr: evidence from δ13C of loess organic matter in Tajikistan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,
16. Ding Z. L., Derbyshire E., Yang S. L., Sun J. M. and Liu T. S., 2005. Stepwise expansion of desert environment across northern China in the past 3.5 Ma and implications for monsoon evolution. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
17. Yang S. L., Ding Z. L., 2004. Comparison of particle size characteristics of the Tertiary “red clay” and Pleistocene loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau: implications for origin and sources of the “red clay”. Sedimentology
18. Yang S. L., Ding Z. L., 2003. Color reflectance of Chinese loess and its implications for climate gradient changes during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. Geophysical Research Letters
19. Gu Zhaoyan, Liu Qiang, Xu Bing, Han Jiamao, Yang Shiling, Ding Zhongli and Liu Tungsheng, 2003. Climate as the dominant control on C3 and C4 plant abundance in the Loess Plateau: Organic carbon isotope evidence from the last glacial-interglacial loess-soil sequences. Chinese Science Bulleti
20. Hou Shengshan, Yang Shiling, Sun Jimin and Ding Zhongli, 2003. Oxygen isotope compositions of quartz grains (4-16 mm) from Chinese eolian deposits and their implications for provenance. Science in China (Series D),
21. Xiong S. F., Ding Z. L., Jiang W. Y., Yang S. L., and Liu T. S., 2003. Initial intensification of East Asian winter monsoon at about 2.75 Ma as seen in the Chinese eolian loess-red clay deposit. Geophysical Research Letters
22. Xiong S. F., Ding Z. L., Jiang W. Y., Yang S. L., and Liu T. S., 2003. Damped fluctuations in Chinese loess grain size. Geophysical Research Letter
23. 顧兆炎, 劉強, 許冰, 韓家懋, 楊石嶺, 丁仲禮, 劉東生, 2003. 氣候變化對黃土高原末次盛冰期以來的C3/C4植物相對豐度的控制. 科學通報
24. 侯聖山, 楊石嶺, 孫繼敏, 丁仲禮, 2003. 風成沉積物4~16 mm石英氧同位素記錄及其物質來源意義. 中國科學(D輯)
25. Yang Shiling, Ding Zhongli, 2002. Magnetostratigraphy and sedimentology of the eolian deposits since the



