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  • 中文名:楊現坤
  • 畢業院校:新加坡國立大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生態水文遙感、流域水文地貌過程建模、河流水資源管理





2001.09-2005.06,河南大學 環境與規劃學院,獲得地圖學與GIS專業學士學位
2005.09-2007.06,武漢大學 遙感信息工程學院,地圖學與GIS專業碩士學位


2017.07-至今, 廣州大學地理科學學院副教授





[4]2018.1-2019.12,廣州大學科研能力提升項目(編號:280280509)“ 基於室內定位的自動製圖技術與智慧城市雲端部署最佳化研究”,10萬,主持在研。


[1]Chen, F.R., Guan, Z.Q., Yang, X.K., Cui, W.H., 2011. A novel remote sensing image fusion method based on independent component analysis. International Journal Of Remote Sensing 32, 2745-2763.(SCI, IF: 1.65)
[2]Lu, X.X., Yang, X.K., Li, S.Y., 2011. Dam not sole cause of Chinese drought. Nature 475, 174-174.(SCI, IF:31.0)
[3]Lu, X.X., Yang, X.K., Ran, L.S., 2012. Delineation of China's reservoirs and lakes using remote sensing techniques. In: A.L. Collins, V. Golosov, A.J. Horowitz, M. Stone, D.E. Walling, X.B. Zhang (Eds.), Erosion and Sediment Yields in the Changing Environment,IAHS, Chengdu, China, pp. 235-243, 20-28. (SCI)
[4]Ran, L.S., Lu, X.X., Yang, X.K., 2012. Mindset Change Needed for China's Water Crisis. AMBIO41, 216-218(SCI, IF: 2.3)
[5]Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2012. Model of water regulation in the Yangtze River Basin and its effects using remote sensing techniques. In: A.L. Collins, V. Golosov, A.J. Horowitz, X.X. Lu, M. Stone, D.E. Walling, X.B. Zhang (Eds.), Erosion and Sediment Yields in the Changing Environment. IAHS, Chengdu, China, pp. 235-243. (SCI)
[6]Ran, L.S., Lu, X.X., Xin, Z.B., Yang, X.K., 2013. Cumulative sediment trapping by reservoirs in large river basins: A case study of the Yellow River basin. Global and Planetary Change 100, 308-319 (SCI ,IF: 3.7).
[7]Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2013. Delineation of lakes and reservoirs in large river basins: an example of the Yangtze River Basin, China. Geomorphology 190, 92-102 (SCI, IF: 2.79).
[8]Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2013. Estimate of cumulative sediment trapping by multiple reservoirs in large river basins: An example of the Yangtze River basin. Geomorphology 227: 49-59 (SCI, IF: 2.79).
[9]Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2013. Ten years of the Three Gorges Dam: a call for policy overhaul. Environmental Research Letters 8, 041006 (SCI, IF: 4.09).
[10]Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2014. Drastic change in China's lakes and reservoirs over the past decades. Scientific Reports 4,doi:10.1038/srep06041 (SCI, IF: 5.56).
[11]Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2016. Sustaining China’s large rivers: river development policy, impacts, institutional issues and strategies for future improvement. Geoforum 69,1-4(SCI, IF: 2.4).
[12]Liu, S.D., Lu, X.X, Xia, X.H, Zhang, S.R., Ran, L.S., Yang, X.K., Liu, T, 2016. Dynamic biogeochemical controls on river pCO2 and recent changes under aggravating river impoundment: an example of the subtropical Yangtze River. Global Change Biology (SCI, IF:8.4) DOI: 10.1002/2016GB005388, 2016.
[13]Zhang, G.Q.,Yao, Tandong, Bolch, Tobia, Shilong Piao, Yang, X.K., Xie Hongjie, 2016. Climate change drives extensive lake area changes on Asia's high plateaus. Geophysical Research Letter, (SCI, IF: 5.6).
[14]Liu, S.D., Lu, X.X., Xia, X., Yang, X.K.and Ran, L., 2017. Hydrological and geomorphological control on CO 2 outgassing from low-gradient large rivers: An example of the Yangtze River system.Journal of Hydrology,550, pp.26-41 (SCI, IF: 2.8).
[15]Ran, L.S., Li, L.Y., Tian, M.Y., Yang, X.K., Yu, R.H., Zhao, J., Wang, L. and Lu, X.X., 2017. Riverine CO2 emissions in the Wuding River catchment on the Loess Plateau: Environmental controls and dam impoundment impact.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. (SCI, IF: 4.1)
[16]Ran L.S., Tian M.Y., Fang N.F., Wang S.J., Lu X.X., Yang X.K., Cho F., 2018. Riverine carbon export in the arid to semiarid Wuding River catchment on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Biogeosciences. 15(12):3857-71 (SCI, IF:3.7)
[17]Ran, L.S., Lu, X.X., Fang, N. and Yang, XK., 2018. Effective soil erosion control represents a significant net carbon sequestration.Scientific reports,8(1), p.12018 (SCI, IF:4.5).
[18]Li, D.F., Lu, X.X., Yang, XK., Chen, L. and Lin, L., 2018. Sediment load responses to climate variation and cascade reservoirs in the Yangtze River: A case study of the Jinsha River.Geomorphology,322, pp.41-52 (SCI, IF:3.2).
[19]Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X., Park, E. and Tarolli, P., 2019. Impacts of Climate Change on Lake Fluctuations in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 11(9), p.1082., (SCI, IF:3.4)
[20]李凌宇, 於瑞宏, 田明揚, 胡海珠, 張笑欣, 冉立山, 楊現坤, 呂喜璽. 2016.黃河二氧化碳逸出時空變化及其影響因素——以頭道拐水文站為例. 生態學報.;37(22):7636-46.
[21]宮辰, 楊現坤, 田明揚, 蘇元戎, 李凌宇, 冉立山, 劉少達, 於瑞宏, 胡海珠,呂喜璽. 2018. 黃河源區水庫二氧化碳逸出暖季變化規律及影響因素分析——以劉家峽水庫為例.環境科學學報,38(7):2919-2930.


