楊浩然,博士,教授,博士/碩士研究生導師,華東師範大學現代城市研究中心特聘研究員。上海市“浦江人才”獲得者。畢業於全球地理學領域著名的荷蘭烏特勒支大學,留學期間曾任職瓦格寧根大學及研究中心(Wageningen Universityand Researchcenter)議會全職議員一年。主要從事交通大數據在城市複雜網路研究中的套用以及建成環境與交通出行關係、城市健康方面的研究。長期與中科院地理所以及布魯塞爾大學建交合作共同發表相關綜合公共運輸研究論文;同期也與香港大學、香港城市大學、昆明醫科大學和昆明理工大學共同開展出行行為和城市居民健康方面的研究,並聯合發表相關論文。近五年發表中英文學術論文共20餘篇,主要研究成果以第一/通訊作者在Nature系列刊物《NPJUrban Sustainability》發表論文1篇,本領域 JCRQ1國際著名學術期刊:《Urban Studies》、《Journal of Transport Geography》、《Applied Geography》、《Cities》、《Urban Forestry&Urban Greening》、《Transportation Research Part A》、《Transport Policy》、《Frontiers in Public Health》發表SSCI英文論文15篇,國內《地理科學》等CSSCI期刊3篇。出版英文專著1部,參編英文專著1部。主持國家自然科學基金項目1項、省部級科研項目 2項,校企合作項目2項;主持中科院重點實驗室項目 1項、校級科研項目1項;參與國家社科重大項目2項、國家自然科學基金面上項目1項。
- 中文名:楊浩然
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:荷蘭烏特勒支大學
- 職業:教師
- 主要成就:2019年獲上海市“浦江人才”榮譽稱號
- 職稱:教授
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:碩士研究生導師
- Yang, H., Jing, W*., Lu, Y*., Peng, Q., A quasi-experimental study on the impact of park accessibility on the mental health of undergraduate students[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 2023(86):127979. (SSCI)
- Yin, C., Helbich M., Yang, H*., Sun B. Pathways from the campus-based built environment to obesity: Evidence from undergraduates in China[J]. Cities 137 (2023) (SSCI)
- Du, Y., Jiang, H*., Huang, Z., Yang, H*. Associations between neighborhood environment and sense of community belonging in urban China: Examining mediation effects of neighborly interactions and community satisfaction[J] January 2023, Front. Public Health 10:1105473 (SSCI)
- Li, Y., Geertman S., Hooimeijer P., Lin Y., Yang H*., Yang L., Interaction effects of socioeconomic factors on long-distance commuting after disentangling residential self-selection: An empirical study in Xiamen, China.[J] Journal of Transport Geography, 2022,105 (SSCI)
- Zhang, Q., Yang, H*., Geovisualizing the changes in metro passenger flows of Kunming under the impact of COVID-19.[J] Journal of Transport Geography, 2022,104 103420 (SSCI)
- Wang J.*, Hang J., Yang H.*, Levinson D., Resilience and recovery of public transport use during COVID-19.[J] NPJ Urban Sustainability 2, 18 (2022). (Nature系列刊物)
- Yang, H., Cui, X.*, Dijst, M., Tian, S., Chen, J. and Huang, J. Association Between Natural/Built Campus Environment and Depression Among Chinese Undergraduates: Multiscale Evidence for the Moderating Role of Socioeconomic Factors After Controlling for Residential Self-Selection.[J] April 2022, Front. Public Health 10:844541. (SSCI)
- Yang, H., Zhang, Q., Helbich, M., Lu, Y., He, D.*, Ettema, D. Examining non-linear associations between built environments around workplace and adults’ walking behaviour in Shanghai, China. [J] Transportation Research Part A 155 (2022) 234–246. (SSCI) ESI高被引論文
- Yang, H., Wang, C., You, Y*. The Spatial Structure Evolution of China's High‑Speed Rail Network and Its Impacts on Real Estate Investment[J].Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy,2021,14(1) (SSCI)
- Li Y., Geertman, S., Hooimeijer, P., Lin, Y., Yang, H.* Do migrants and locals differ in commuting behavior? A case study of Xiamen, China[J].Transport Policy, 2021,108:1-10. (SSCI)
- Yang, H., He, D.*, Lu, Y.*, Ren, C., Huang, X. Disentangling residential self-selection from the influence of built environment characteristics on adiposity outcomes among undergraduate students in China[J]. Cities, 2021,113(4). (SSCI)
- Yang, Y., Lu, Y.*, Yang, H.*, Yang, L., & Gou, Z. Impact of the quality and quantity of eye-level greenery on park usage[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2021(6):127061. (SSCI)
- Yang, J., Yang, H.*, Xu A. and He L. A Review of Advancement on Influencing Factors of Acne: An Emphasis on Environment Characteristics[J]. September 2020, Frontiers in Public Health 8:450 (SSCI)
- Yang, H.*, You Y., A Review for the Classification of Urban Systems[J].中國城市研究 Vol.13,2019.11:56-65.
- Yang, H.*, Dijst, M., Feng, J., Ettema, D. Mode choice in access and egress stages of high-speed railway travelers in China[J]. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2019,12(1),701-721. (SSCI)
- Yang, H.*, Dijst, M., Witte, P., Ginkel, H. V., Wang J. Comparing passenger flow and time schedule data to analyse High-Speed Railways and urban networks in China[J]. Urban Studies, 2019, 56(6):1267-1287. (SSCI)
- Wang, J., Yang, H.*, Wang H. The Evolution of China's International Aviation Markets from a Policy Perspective on Air Passenger Flows[J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(13):3566. (SSCI)
- Yang, H.* , Martin, D. , Patrick, W. , Hans, V. G. , & Yang, W. The Spatial Structure of High Speed Railways and Urban Networks in China: A Flow Approach[J]. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 2018,109,109-128. (SSCI)
- Yang, H., Burghouwt, G., Wang, J.*, Boonekamp, T., Dijst, M. The implications of high-speed railways on air passenger flows in China[J]. Applied Geography, 2018, 97:1-9. (SSCI)
- Yang, H., Dobruszkes, F., Wang, J.*, Dijst, M., & Witte, P. Comparing China's urban systems in high-speed railway and airline networks[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2018, 68:233-244. (SSCI) ESI 高被引論文
- Mo, M., Chen, W., Yang, H., and Zhang, K., Diversity and metal tolerance of nematode-trapping fungi in Pb-polluted soils[J]. Journal of Microbiology, 2008, 46(1):16-22. (SCI).
- 楊浩然,王瀟萌*,張欽然,張凡,王姣娥.基於航空和高鐵流的中國城市網路格局及演化[J].地理科學,2022,42(03):436-445.(CSSCI)
- 游悠洋,楊浩然*.中國高鐵開通地級市的房地產投資空間格局分析[J].世界地理研究,2021,30(05):1073-1082.(CSSCI)
- 游悠洋,楊浩然*,王姣娥.“高鐵流”視角下的中國城市網路層級結構演變研究[J].世界地理研究,2020,29(04):773-780. (CSSCI)
- 王姣娥,杜德林,魏冶,楊浩然.新冠肺炎疫情的空間擴散過程與模式研究[J].地理研究,2020,39(07):1450-1462. (CSSCI)
- 王姣娥,景悅,楊浩然.中國高鐵-民航競爭網路的空間演化模式及影響因素[J].地理科學,2020,40(05):675-684. (CSSCI)
- 王姣娥,景悅,楊浩然.高速鐵路對國內民航旅客運輸的替代效應測度[J].自然資源學報,2019,34(09):1933-1944. (CSSCI)
- YANG H., High-speed railway and urban networks in China, 2018, ISBN:978-94-028-0998-5, Utrecht University, Utrecht.
- YANG, H. and Li, Y. Complex Network Theory on High-Speed Transportation Systems. In X. Ye and H. Lin (eds.). December 2020, Spatial Synthesis, Human Dynamics in Smart Cities,147-162, Springer Nature Switzerland AG