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  • 中文名:楊林
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:雲南大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:高等數學
  • 任職院校:湖南大學



2002, 2-2005,1 上海交通大學數學系博士研究生
1999,9-2002,1 雲南大學數學系碩士研究生


2005,2-現在 湖南大學數學系教師
2009,6-2010,6美國Connecticut 大學訪問學者
1990,6-1999,9 邵陽新寧任教


《 數學分析》,《Partial differential equations》,《非線性發展方程》,《無窮維動力系統》,《Sobolev space》, 《高等數學》,《線性代數》、《空間解析幾何》、《數學物理方程》,等等。


(1)Yang lin. Global existence and blow-up of solutions to a degenerate parabolic system with nonlocal sources and nonlocal boundaries.
Monatshefte fur Math. 172(2)(2013), 1-18. (with Fan C. P)
(2)Yang Lin.Analysis of Singularities of Nonlinear Microstretch Thermoelasticity in Interior Domains. Southeast Asia Bull.Math.36,2-10,2012(with Yi T.S.).
(3)Lin Yangand Lihong Huang. Propagation of singularities for Cauchy problems of semilinear thermoelastic systems with microtemperatures.Nachr. Math., 283(2010),(4),615-629.
(4)Lin Yangand Lihong Huang. decay estimates of solutions to Cauchy problems of thermoviscoelastic systems.Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ.. 24(B) (4) (2009), 473-482.
(5)Lin Yang,Qiongwei Huang and Zhengde Dai. Global attractor of nonlinear optical fiber materials with two cores.J. Hunan Univ.(Natural Sciences), 26(2009), 3, 59-62.
(5)Lin Yang,Qiongwei Huang and Lihong Huang. Propagation of singularities for Cauchy
problems of thermoelastic systems for microstretch materials.Chinese Annals of
Math.,29(A)(2008), 4, 531-542.
(6)Lin Yang, Zhaohui Chen and Lihong Huang. Finnite propagation speed of semilinear thermoelastic materials with microstretch.J. Hunnan Univ.(Natural Sciences), 25(2008),
12, 54-57.
(7)Lin Yangand Ya-guang Wang. decay estimates for Cauchy problem of linear thermoelastic systems with second sound in one space variable. Quart. Appl. Math., 64(2006), 1-15.
(8)Lin Yangand Ya-guang Wang. Well-posedness and decay estimates for Cauchy
problems of linear thermoelastic systems of type III in 3-D.Indiana Univ. Math. J., 4(2006), 1333-1362.
(9) Ya-guang Wang and Lin Yang. decay estimates for Cauchy problem of
linear thermoelastic systems with second sound in three space variable.The Royal Soc.
Edinbergh Proc. Math. Series A, 136(2006)(19), Num.1, 189-207.
(10)Lin Yangand Ya-guang Wang. Propagation of singularities in interior domains for
quasilinear thermoelastic sstems in three space variables.Chinese Annals Math.,
(11)Lin Yangand Ya-guang Wang. Propagation of singularities in Cauchy problems
for quasilinear thermoelastic systems in three space variables. J. Math.
Anal. Appl.,291(2004), 638-652.
(12)Zhengde Dai,Lin Yangand Jian Huang. Attractors for the unperturbed dissipative Hamiltonian amplitude wave.Acta Math. Appl. Sinica,27(2004), 4, 577-592.
(13)Lin Yangand Zhengde Dai. Finite dimension of global attractors for dissipative
equations governing modulated wave.Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. ser. B,18(2003),
4, 421-430.


1、 ‘熱彈性力學方程組的相關研究’(07JJ3007),省自然科學基金,2007-2010(主持)


