

楊松陶,漢族,教師,遼寧科技大學材料與冶金學院冶金工程系副教授/系主任、遼寧省化學冶金工程重點實驗室骨幹成員、唐山德龍鋼鐵有限公司特聘研究員,《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》《Ironmaking and steelmaking》《JOM》《Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review》等國際期刊審稿人。發表學術論文30餘篇,其中SCI檢索23篇,共同獲批國家發明專利10餘項(已轉化2項),共同出版專著1部(63萬字,科學出版社),主持參與省部級以上科研課題十項,企業課題十餘項。主要研究領域為複雜共伴生資源綜合利用、冶金界面物理化學、大數據智慧型冶金、釩鈦航空特種鋼等。



  • 中文名:楊松陶
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校:東北大學
  • 職業:大學教師
2004-2008 ,華北理工大學冶金工程專業學習,獲學士學位;2008-2011,華北理工大學鋼鐵冶金專業學習,獲碩士學位;2012-2017, 東北大學鋼鐵冶金專業學習,獲博士學位。
[1]Songtao Yang, Mi Zhou, Tao Jiang, et al. Effect of Basicity on Sintering behavior of Low-titanium Vanadium-titanium Magnetite[J].Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2015, 25, (6): 2087-2094.
[2]Songtao Yang, Mi Zhou, Tao Jiang, et al. Isothermal Reduction Kinetics of Chromium-Bearing Vanadium–Titanium Sinter Reduced with CO Gas at 1173 K[J]. JOM, 2019,71(8):2812–2820.
[3]Songtao Yang, Yong-liang Gao*, Xiangxin Xue,et al. Influence of titanium on transformation behaviour during continuous cooling of boron microalloyed steels[J]. Ironmaking & Steelmaking. 2018,45(10):959-968.
[4]Songtao Yang, Mi Zhou, Tao Jiang, et al. Isothermal reduction kinetics and mineral phase of chromium-bearing vanadium–titanium sinter reduced with CO gas at 873–1273 K[J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2018, 25(2):145-152.
[5]Songtao Yang, Mi Zhou, Tao Jiang, et al. Influence of Coke Ratio on the Sintering Behavior of High-Chromium Vanadium-Titanium Magnetite[J]. Minerals, 2017, 7(7):107.
[6]Songtao Yang, Mi Zhou, Tao Jiang, et al. Effects of Dolomite on Mineral Compositions and Metallurgical Properties of Chromium-Bearing Vanadium–Titanium Magnetite Sinter [J].Minerals, 2017, 7(11): 210.
[7]Songtao Yang, Mi Zhou, Tao Jiang, et al. Application of a water cooling treatment and its effect on coal-based reduction of high-chromium vanadium and titanium iron ore[J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials. 2016,23(12):1353-1359.
[8]Weidang Tang, Songtao Yang*, Xiang-xin Xue*. Effect of Cr2O3 Addition on Oxidation Induration and Swelling Behavior of Chromium-Bearing Vanadium Titanomagnetite Pellets with Simulated Coke Oven Gas Injection into Blast Furnace[J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials,2019,26(8):963-972.
[9]Mi Zhou, Songtao Yang*, Tao Jiang, et al. Influence of Coke Content on Sintering Process of Chromium-containing Vanadium-titanium Magnetite[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science), 2018, 33(1):68-72.
[10]Weidang Tang, Song-tao Yang*, Xiang-xin Xue*. Effect of Co2O3 on Oxidation Induration and Reduction Swelling of Chromium-Bearing Vanadium Titanomagnetite Pellets with Simulated Coke Oven Gas[J]. Metals, 2019, 9(1):16.
[11]Weidang Tang, Song-tao Yang*, Xiang-xin Xue. Effect of B2O3 addition on oxidation induration and reduction swelling behavior of chromium-bearing vanadium titanomagnetite pellets with simulated coke oven gas[J].Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China.2019, 29(7):1549-1559.
[12]Weidang Tang, Song-tao Yang, Gongjin Cheng, et al. Effect of TiO2 on the Sintering Behavior of Chromium-Bearing Vanadium–Titanium Magnetite[J]. Minerals, 2018, 8(7):263.
[13]Zixian Gao, Songtao Yang, Xiangxin Xue*. Extraction method for valuable elements of low-grade vanadia–titania magnetite[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 250, 119451.
[14]Liheng Zhan, Songtao Yang, Weidong Tang and Xiangxin Xue*. Investigations of MgO on Sintering Performance and Metallurgical Property of High-Chromium Vanadium-Titanium Magnetite[J]. Minerals, 2018, 9(5):324.
[15]Mi Zhou, Songtao Yang, Tao Jiang, et al. Influence of MgO in form of magnesite on properties and mineralogy of high chromium,vanadium,titanium magnetite sinters[J]. Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 2015, 42(3):217-225.
[16]Mi Zhou, Song-tao Yang ,Tao Jiang , et al. Influence of basicity on high chromium vanadium - titanium magnetite sinter properties, productivity and mineralogy[J]. JOM, 2015, 67(5):1203-1213.
[17]Mi Zhou, Song-tao Yang, Tao Jiang, et al. Effects of carbon content on sintering behavior of low-titanium vanadium-titanium magnetite[J]. Metallurgical Research & Technology. 2016, 113(6):612.
[18]Liheng Zhan, Songtao Yang, Weidong Tang, et al. Effect of coke breeze content on sintering mechanism and metallurgical properties of high-chromium vanadium-titanium magnetite.Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2019, 10.1080/03019233.2019.1615814.
[19]Weidong Tang, Songtao Yang, Liheng Zhang, et al. Effects of basicity and temperature on mineralogy and reduction behaviors of high-chromium vanadium-titanium magnetite sinters[J].Journal of Central South University.2019,26(1):132-145.
[20]Mi Zhou, Tao Jiang, Song-tao Yang, et al. Vanadium-titanium magnetite ore blends optimization for sinter strength based on iron ore basic sintering characteristics [J].International journal of Mineral processing, 2015, 142: 125-133.
[21]Mi Zhou, Tao Jiang, Song-tao Yang, et al. Sintering behaviors and consolidation mechanism of high-chromium vanadium and titanium magnetite fines[J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2015, 22(9):917-925.
[22]Weidang Tang, Xiang-xin Xue*, Song-tao Yang, et al. Influence of basicity and temperature on bonding phase strength, microstructure, and mineralogy of high-chromium vanadium–titanium magnetite[J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2018, 25(8):871-880.
[23]Weidang Tang, Songtao Yang, Xiangxin Xue*. Effect of V2O5 Addition on Oxidation Induration and Swelling Behavior of Chromium-BearingVanadium Titanomagnetite Pellets with Simulated Coke Oven Gas Injection into Blast Furnace[J]. ISIJ international, 2019,59(6):988-997.
[24]Mi Zhou, Tao Jiang, Songtao Yang, et al. Optimization utilization of vanadium-Titanium iron ore in sintering based on orthogonal method Source[J]. Metalurgija, 2016,55(4):581-584.
1 薛向欣, 楊松陶, 張勇. 高爐流程冶煉含鉻型釩鈦磁鐵礦-理論與實踐[M]. 北京: 科學出版社, 2020.
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“釩鈦礦高爐還原軟熔過程中礦-焦非穩態耦合行為及一體化表征”(52174319),主持;
2 國家科技部2012年度對俄科技合作專項項目:“高鉻型釩鈦磁鐵礦冶煉和釩鈦鉻分離提取技術的聯合研發”(2012DFR60210);參與
2012年度國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫):“高釩高鉻型俄羅斯釩鈦磁鐵礦高效清潔綜合利用” (2012AA062304);參與
3 國家自然基金重大項目“釩鈦資源冶金過程有價組元強化遷移規律及分離理論”中“釩鈦組元相際遷移的動力學規律及其影響規律”(51090384)參與


