


主要涉及聚合物成型過程數值模擬、加工過程中複雜力場對聚合物結構與形態的作用機理、物理場強化混煉、聚合物複合材料製備、性能測試及表征等方面的研究工作。先後主持國家青年自然科學基金項目1項、高等學校博士學科點專項基金新教師基金1項、廣東省數控一代示範工程項目1項;作為骨幹參與國家、廣東省重大科技專項項目10餘項,並獲得國家科技發明二等獎1項,教育部科技成果一等獎1項。通過省部級成果鑑定2項,申請國家專利21項,已獲得國家發明專利授權3項,實用新型專利授權10項,國內專業學術會議口頭報告2次,發表論文20餘篇,其中在“Journal of Applied Polymer Science”等國外權威刊物上發表論文8篇,被SCI、EI收錄論文13篇。


  • 中文名:楊智韜
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1981年9月
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:華南理工大學


2010/01-今 華南理工大學, 機械與汽車工程學院/聚合物新型成型裝備國家工程研究中心 講師、副教授、碩士生導師


[1]. Zhitao Yang, Rongyuan Chen, Yongqing Zhao, Xiaochun Yin,Yanhong Feng and Jinping Qu*. Preparation and mechanical properties of pithecellobium clypearia benth fibre/polypropylene composites processed by vane extruder, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2014, Vol 33(2): 150–165.
[2]. Chen Rong-Yuan, Zou Wei, Wu Cheng-Ran, Jia Shi-Kui, Huang Zan, Zhang Gui-Zhen, Yang Zhi-Tao, Qu Jin-Ping*. Poly(lactic acid)/poly(butylene succinate)/calcium sulfate whiskers biodegradable blends prepared by vane extruder: Analysis of mechanical properties, morphology, and crystallization behavior, Polymer Testing, 2014, 34(1): 1-9.
[3]. Chengran Wu, Shikui Jia, Rongyuan Chen, Zan Huang, Shufeng Zhai, Yanhong Feng, Zhitao Yang*and Jinping Qu. Composites of sisal fiber/polypropylene based on novel vane extruder: Effect of interface and damage on mechanical properties. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2013,Vol 32 (24): 1907-1915.
[4]. Yin Xiao-chun, Zeng Wen-bin, He Guang-jian, Yang Zhi-tao* and Qu Jin-ping. Influence of pressure oscillation on injection molding process. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite material, online 24 September 2013.
[5]. Zhenghuan Wu, Yong-Qing Zhao, Gui-Zhen Zhang,Zhi-Tao Yang*, Jin-Ping Qu. Analysis on Dispersion of Immiscible High-Density Polyethylene/Polystyrene Blends Processed via Polymer Vane Plasticating Extruder. Journal of Applied Polymer science. 2013,Vol 130(4): 2328-2335.
[6]. Yang Zhi-tao, Yin Xiao-chun, Qu Jin-ping*. Continuous Self-Reinforcement of Polymer During Molding Processing. Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition),2013. Vol 41(6): 140-146.
[7]. Xu Gang*, Yang Zhi-tao, Long Guo-dong. Multi-objective optimization of MIMO plastic injection molding process conditions based on particle swarm optimization. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012. Vol. 58(5-8): 521-531.
[8]. Yang Zhi-Tao*, Wei Bao-Hua, Qu Jin-Ping. Effect of Vibration Force Filed on Power Consumption in Dynamic Processing of Polymers. Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2010 Vol 37(2):44-48.
[9]. Yang Zhi-Tao*, Wei Bao-Hua, Qu Jin-Ping. Application of accumulator to entire hydraulic injection molding machine and its energy-saving effect analysis. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 2010, Vol 42(1): 243-247.
[10].Qu JP*, Yang ZT, Yin XC, He HZ,Feng YH. Characteristics Study of Polymer Melt Conveying Capacity in Vane Plasticization Extruder. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2009, Vol 48(12): 1269-1274.
[11].Qu JP*, Wei BH, Yang ZT. Predictability of the Apparent Viscosity In Vibratory Shearing Flow Field. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2009, Vol113(3): 1560-1565.
[12].瞿金平,張桂珍,殷小春,楊智韜.聚合物加工成型技術創新研究進展. 華南理工大學學報(自然科學版), 2012, Vol 40(10):32-42.(EI: 20125015796006)
[13].徐剛,瞿金平,楊智韜. 一種改進的自適應粒子群最佳化算法. 華南理工大學學報(自然科學版) , 2008,36(9):6-11. (EI: 20084511687156)
[14].楊智韜,林澌柯,陳榮源,徐百平,瞿金平. 聚合物葉片塑化擠出機正位移輸送特性研究,中國塑膠,2013,Vol 27(12):68-72
[15].楊智韜, 高軍, 瞿金平. 振動力場對聚合物取向結構影響研究. 中國塑膠, 2009, 23(1): 77-81


