


  • 中文名:楊明慧
  • 出生地:河南潢川
  • 出生日期:1962年8月
  • 職業:博士,教授




1.Minghui Yang, Liang Li, Jin Zhou, Xiaoyan Qu, Duo Zhou. Segmentation and inversion of the Hangjinqi fault zone, the northern Ordos basin (North China), Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, 70-71: 64-78
2.楊明慧,蘭朝利. 中國古亞洲域沉積盆地火山岩油氣藏儲層特徵比較及其差異分析,地質學報,2012,86(8):1198-1209
4. Yang Minghui, Liu Chiyang, Zeng Peng, Bai Hua, Zhou Jin. Proto-basin types of north China craton (NCC) in late Triassic and its implication for regional tectonics of initial craton destruction. Tectonics, Damien Closson ed. Intech Open, 2011, 139-170
5. Yang Minghui, Liu Chiyang, Lan Chaoli, Liu Le, Li Xin, Zhang Kunshan. Late Carboniferous-Early Permian (Taiyuan Formation) sequence stratigraphy and depositional evolution in northeast Ordos Basin, north China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2010, 84(5): 1220-1228
6. Yang Minghui, Jin Zhijun, Lu Xiuxiang, Sun Dongsheng. Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the piggy-back basin: an example from the Kuqa fold and thrust belt (northern Tarim basin, NW China). Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010, 20(4): 412-422
7. 楊明慧、王嗣敏、鄭曉鳳、王金秀、白樺、曾鵬. 華北克拉通南部及鄰區航磁異常特徵與構造分區. 地質論評,2009,55(6):862-872
8. 楊明慧. 渤海灣盆地變換構造及其成藏意義. 石油學報,2009,30(6):816-823
9. Yang Minghui, Jin Zhijun, Lu Xiuxiang, Sun Dongsheng, Tang Xuan, Peng Gengxin, Lei Ganglin. Structure and evolution of the eastern Qiulitagh fold and thrust belt, northern Tarim basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2009, 83(2): 347-358
10. Zhijun Jin, Minghui Yang, Xiuxiang Lu, Dongsheng Sun, Xuan Tang, Gengxin Peng, Ganglin Lei. The tectonics and petroleum system of the Qiulitagh fold and thrust belt, northern Tarim basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2008, 25(8): 767-777
11. Yang Minghui, Zhou Xinhuai, Wei Gang, Li Chunxia, Zheng Xiaofeng, Liu Xiaojian, Gao Libao. Segment, Linkage, and Extensional Fault-Related Fold in Western Liaodong Bay Subbasin, Northeastern Bohai Sea, China. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2008, 19(6): 602-610
12. Liu Chiyang, Zhao Hongge, Zhao Junfeng, Wang Jianqiang, Zhang Dongdong, Yang Minghui. Temporo-spatial coordinates of evolution of the Ordos Basin and their mineralization responses. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 801-840
13. 楊明慧. 渤海灣盆地潛山多樣性及其成藏要素比較分析,石油與天然氣地質,2008,29(5):623-631
14. Yang Minghui, Liu Chiyang, Zheng Menglin, Lan Chaoli, Tang Xuan. Sequence framework of two different kinds of margins and their response to tectonic activity during the Middle-Late Triassic, Ordos Basin. Science in China, Series D, 2007, 50(SⅡ): 203-216
15. 楊明慧、金之鈞、呂修祥、潘文慶、胡劍風,塔里木盆地基底捲入扭壓構造與巴楚隆起的形成,地質學報,2007,81(2):158-165
16. 楊明慧、金之鈞、呂修祥、孫冬勝、彭更新、雷剛林,庫車褶皺沖斷帶東秋里塔格位移轉換構造及其演化––兼論側斷坡相關背斜構造圈閉的形成,地質學報,2006,80(3):321-329
17. 楊明慧、劉池陽、孫冬勝、崔永謙,陸相伸展盆地強伸展期沉積格架與斷塊翹傾分析––以冀中坳陷廊固凹陷沙河街組三段中亞段為例,地質科學,2004,39(2):178-190
18. 楊明慧、劉池陽、楊斌誼、趙紅格,冀中坳陷古近紀的伸展構造,地質論評,2002,48(1):58-67


1. 湘贛地區龍潭煤系的成煤背景與煤層氣,2000,河南省優秀科技論文二等獎(排名第2)
2. 塔里木盆地油氣源及成藏研究,2002,教育部科技進步獎一等獎(排名第6)


