- 中文名:楊新瑤
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:湖南
- 出生日期:1976年12月
- 畢業院校:貝爾法斯特女王大學(英國)
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:水土環境介質中新型污染物的遷移轉化與修復機制研究
- 職務:教育部重點實驗室常務副主任
- 職稱:教授
2022.9- 瀋陽大學區域污染環境生態修復教育部重點實驗室 教授、博導、常務副主任
2014.12-2022.9 瀋陽大學環境學院 教授、博導、副院長(2019.3-2022.9)
2010.12 -2014.12 四川農業大學資源與環境學院 副教授
2006.6-2010.7 英國貝爾法斯特女王大學 環境工程博士(獲英方全獎資助)
2003.9-2005.9 比利時魯汶大學-布魯塞爾自由大學 水資源工程碩士
1999.6-2003.9 湖南建工集團總公司 工程師
(1)YanX., Yang X., Tang Z., Fu J., Chen F., Zhao Y., Ruan L., Yang Y. (2020) Downward transport of naturally-aged light microplastics in natural loamy sand and the implication to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes, Environmental Pollution 262 (2020), 114270. (JCR一區)
(2) Song Z., Yang X.*, Chen F., Zhao F., Zhao Y., Ruan L., Wang Y., Yang Y. (2019) Fate and transport of nanoplastics in complex natural aquifer media: Effect of particle size and surface functionalization,Science of The Total Environment 669 (2019), 120-128.(JCR一區)
(3) Chen F., Yuan X., Song Z., Xu S., Yang Y., Yang X.* (2018)Gram-negative Escherichia coli promotes deposition of polymer-capped silver nanoparticles in saturated porous media,Environmental Science: Nano,2018,5, 1495-1505 (JCR一區)
(4) Yang X. , Zhang Y.,Chen F., Yang Y. (2015) Interplay of natural organic matter with flow rate and particle size on colloid transport: Experimentation, visualization and modeling, Environmental Science & Technology 49(22), 13385-13393. (JCR一區)
(5) Yang X. , Yin Z.,Chen F., Hu J., Yang Y. (2015) Organic matter induced mobilization of polymer-coated silver nanoparticles from water-saturated sand, Science of the Total Environment 529,182-190. (JCR一區)
(6) Yang X. , Lin S., Wiesner M. (2014) Influence of natural organic matter on transport and retention of polymer coated silver nanoparticles in porous media, Journal of Hazardous Materials 264,161-168. (JCR一區)
(7) Yang X., Deng S.,Wiesner M. (2013) Comparison of enhanced microsphere transport in an iron-oxide-coated porous medium by pre-adsorbed and co-depositing organic matter, Chemical Engineering Journal 230, 537-546. (JCR一區)
(8) Yang X., Flynn R., von der Kammer F., Hofmann T.(2011) Influence of ionic strength and pH on the limitation of latex microsphere deposition sites on iron-oxide coated sand by humic acid, Environmental Pollution 159, 1896-1904. (JCR一區)
(9) Yang X., Flynn R., von der Kammer F., Hofmann T. (2010) Quantifying the influence of humic acid adsorption on colloidal microsphere deposition onto iron-oxide-coated sand, Environmental Pollution 158, 3498-3506. (JCR一區)
5.教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目“用蛋白質修飾砂濾器介質表面以改善對大腸桿菌過濾效果的研究”,主持(2013.4 -2015.4)