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  • 中文名:楊文強
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:東北農業大學、中國科學院遺傳與發育生物學研究所
  • 職稱:中國科學院植物研究所研究員






Shuaiqi Zhu, Song Bin,Wenda Wang, Shan Lu*, Wenqiang Yang*, 2022. Exogenous arachidonic acid affects fucoxanthin biosynthesisand photoprotectionin Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Mar Drugs. 20(10): 644
Jiale Xing, Junting Pan,Heng Yi, Kang Lv, Qiuliang Gan, Meimei Wang, Haitao Ge, Xiahe Huang, Fang Huang,Yingchun Wang, Jean-David Rochaix, Wenqiang Yang*, 2022. The plastid-encoded protein Orf2971 is required for proteintranslocation and chloroplast quality control. The Plant Cell. 34(9):3383-3399.
Ying Lv, Fei Han, MengxiaLiu, Ting Zhang, Guanshen Cui, Jiaojiao Wang, Ying Yang, Yungui Yang, WenqiangYang*, 2022. Characteristics ofN-methyladenosine modification during sexualreproduction of Chalmydomonasreinhardtii. GenomProteom Bioinf. doi:10.1016/j.gpb.2022.04.004.
Li J, Yuan J, Li Y, SunH, Ma T, Huai J, Yang W, Zhang W, Lin R*, 2022. The CDC48 complex mediates ubiquitin-dependent degradation ofintra-chloroplast proteins in plants. Cell Rep. 39(2): 110664.
Chao Han, Wenbo Hua, JingeLi, Yan Qiao, Yao Lianmei, Wei Hao, Ruizhi Li, Min Fan, Geert De Jaeger, WenqiangYang and Ming-Yi Bai*, 2022. TORpromotes guard cell starch degradation by regulating the activity of β-AMYLASE1in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 34(3): 1038-1053.
Wenfeng Tu, Lishuan Wu, Chunyan Zhang, Ruixue Sun, Liangsheng Wang, Wenqiang Yang, Chunhong Yang and Cheng Liu. 2021, Neoxanthin affects the stability of the C2S2M2-type photosystem II supercomplexes and the kinetics of state transition in Arabidopsis. Plant J, 104(6): 1724-1735.
楊文強*,郭夢曦.2020.藻類與光合作用.生命世界. 2: 30-31
Zhiyun Li, Weiping Mo; Liqiang Jia, Yong-Chao Xu, Weijiang Tang, Wenqiang Yang, Ya-Long Guo, Rongcheng Lin, 2019. Rice FLUORESCENT1 Is Involved in the regulation of chlorophyll. Plant Cell Physiol, 60(10): 2307-2318.
Jin Liu, Zheng Sun, Xuemei Mao, Gerken Henri, Xiaofei Wang, Wenqiang Yang. 2019. Multiomics analysis reveals a distinct mechanism of oleaginousness in the emerging model alga Chromochloris zofingiensis. Plant J, doi: 10.1111/tpj.14302.
Yue Wang, Huanling Yang, Xinna Zhang, Fei Han, Wenfeng Tu and Wenqiang Yang. 2019. Microalgal hydrogen production. Small Methods, 4: 1900514.
Wittkopp TM, Saroussi S, Yang W, Johnson X, Kim RG, Heinnickel ML, Russell JJ, Phuthong W, Dent RM, Broeckling CD, Peers G, Lohr M, Wollman FA, Niyogi KK, Grossman AR*. 2018. GreenCut protein CPLD49 of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii associates with thylakoid membranes and is required for cytochrome b6f complex accumulation. Plant J., 94: 1023-1037.
塗文鳳, 王月, 楊文強*. 2018. 基因編輯技術在萊茵衣藻中的套用進展. 生命科學, 30: 987-993.
Mark Heinnickel, Rick Kim, Tyler M Wittkopp, Wenqiang Yang, Karim Walters, Stephen Herbert, Arthur R Grossman. 2016. Tetratricopeptide repeat protein protects photosystem I from oxidative disruption during assembly. PNAS. 113(10): 2774-2779
Wenqiang Yang*, Tyler M Wittkopp, Xiaobo Li, Jaruswan Warakanont, Alexandra Dubini, Rick Kim, Claudia Catalanotti, Eva C M Nowack, Munevver Aksoy, Sarah D’Adamo, Luke Mackinder, Dudley Page, Mark Heinnickel, Xenie Johnson, Jean Alric, Martin C Jonikas, Christoph Benning, Sabeeha Merchant, Matthew C Posewitz, Arthur R Grossman. 2015. Critical role of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ferredoxin-5 in maintaining membrane structure and dark metabolism. PNAS. 112(48): 14978-14983 (#Equal Contribution)
Wenqiang Yang*, Claudia Catalanotti, Sarah D’Adamo, Tyler M Wittkopp, Cheryl J Ingram-Smith, Luke Mackinder, Tarryn Miller, Adam L. Heuberger, Graham Peers, Kerry S Smith, Martin C Jonikas, Arthur R Grossman, Matthew C Posewitz. 2015. Alternative Acetate Production Pathways in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during Dark Anoxia and the Dominant Role of Chloroplasts in Fermentative Acetate Production. The Plant Cell. 26(11):4499-4518
Deqiang Duanmu, Nathan C Rockwell, Rachel M Dent, Krishna Niyogi, Wenqiang Yang, Arthur R Grossman, Clark Lagarias. 2013. Retrograde bilin signaling enables Chlamydomonas greening and phototrophic survival. PNAS.110(9):3621-3626
Mark Heinnickel ML, Jean Alric, Tyler M Wittkopp, Wenqiang Yang, Claudia Catalanotti, Rachel Dent, Krishina Niyogi, Francis-Andrew Wollman, Arthur R Grossman. 2013. Novel Thylakoid Membrane GreenCut Protein CPLD38 Impacts Accumulation of the Cytochrome b6f Complex and Associated Regulatory Processes. J Biol Chem. 288(10):7024-7036
Claudia Catalanotti, Alexandra Dubini, Venkataramanan Subramanian, Wenqiang Yang, Leonardo Magneschi, Florence Mus, Michael Seibert, Matthew C Posewitz, Arthur R Grossman. 2012. Altered Fermentative Metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Mutants Lacking Pyruvate Formate Lyase and both Pyruvate Formate Lyase and Alcohol Dehydrogenase. The Plant Cell. 24:692-707
Leonardo Magneschi, Claudia Catalanotti, Alexandra Dubini, Wenqiang Yang, Matthew C Posewitz, Michael Seibert, Pierdomenico Perata, Arthur R Grossman. 2012. A Mutant in the ADH1 Gene of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Elicits Metabolic Restructuring during Anaerobiosis. Plant Physiology.158(3):1293-1305
Jonathan E. Meuser, Sarah D’Adamo, Robert E Jinkerson, Florence Mus, Wenqiang Yang, Maria L Ghirardi, Michael Seibert, Arthur R Grossman, Matthew CPosewitz. 2011. Genetic Disruption of both Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [FeFe]-Hydrogenases: Insight into the Role of HYDA2 in H2 Production. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 417(2):704-709
David Gonzalez-Ballester, Wirulda Pootakham, Florence Mus, Wenqiang Yang, Claudia Catalanotti, Leonardo Magneschi, Jose J. Higuera, Amaury de Montaigu, Matthew Prior, Aurora Galván, Emilio Fernandez, Arthur R Grossman. 2011. Reverse Genetics in Chlamydomonas: A Moderate Throughput Platform for Isolating Insertional Mutants. Plant Methods.7:24. doi:10.1186/1746-4811-7-24
Wenying Xu, Rendong Yang, Meina Li, Zhuo Xing, Wenqiang Yang, Guang Chen, Han Guo, Xiaojie Gong, Zhou Du, Zhenhai Zhang, Xingming Hu, Dong Wang, Qian Qian, Tai Wang, Zhen Su, Yongbiao Xue. 2011. Transcriptome Phase Distribution Analysis Reveals Diurnal Regulated Biological Processes and Key Pathways in Rice Flag Leaves and Seedling Leaves. PLoS One. 6(3): e17613
Wenqiang Yang, Ying Lai, Meina Li,Wenying Xu,YongbiaoXue. 2008. A Novel C2-domain-Containing Phospholipid Binding Protein, OsPBP1, Is Involved in Pollen Fertility in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Molecular Plant. 1: 770-785
Wenqiang Yang, Zhaosheng Kong,Edith Omo-Ikerodah, Wenying Xu,Yongbiao Xue. 2008. A Calcineurin B-Like Interacting Protein Kinase OsCIPK23 Functions in Pollination and Drought Stress Responses in Rice. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 35:531-543
Meina Li, Wenying Xu, Wenqiang Yang, Zhaosheng Kong,Yongbiao Xue. 2007. Genome-Wide Gene Expression Profiling Reveals Conserved and Novel Molecular Functions of the Stigma in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Physiology.144:1797-1812
Zhaosheng Kong, Meina Li, Wenqiang Yang, Wenying Xu,Yongbiao Xue. 2006. A Novel Nuclear-Localized CCCH-type Zinc Finger Protein, OsDOS, Is Involved in Delaying Leaf Senescence in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Physiology. 141: 1376–1388
Reviews and Book Chapters
Tyler M Wittkopp, Shai Saroussi, Wenqiang Yang, Arthur R Grossman. 2015. Chapter 11: The GreenCut - a tool for understanding the functions and relationships of proteins conserved in green lineage organisms. Horizon: Chloroplasts: Current Research and Applications
Wenqiang Yang*, Claudia Catalanotti, Tyler M Wittkopp Matthew C Posewitz, Arthur R Grossman. (2014). Algae after dark: mechanisms to cope with anoxic/hypoxic conditions. Coming of age of Chlamydomonas as a model alga. Plant Journal 82(3):481-503
Wenqiang Yang*, Claudia Catalanotti, Matthew C Posewitz, Jean Alric, Arthur R Grossman. 2014. Insight into Algal Fermentation Metabolism. Springer: Low Oxygen Stress in Plants.
Claudia Catalanotti, Wenqiang Yang, Matthew C Posewitz, Arthur R Grossman. 2013. Fermentation metabolism and its evolution in algae. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00150
Arthur R Grossman, Claudia Catalanotti, Wenqiang Yang, Alexandra Dubini, Leonardo Magneschi, Venkataramanan Subramanian, Matthew C Posewitz, Michael Seibert. 2011. Multiple Facets of Anoxic Metabolism and Hydrogen Production in the Unicellular Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. New Phytologist. 190(2): 279-88


