最高學歷 博士研究生
專家類別 碩士生導師
部 門 金屬腐蝕與防護國家重點實驗室
通訊地址 遼寧省瀋陽市瀋河區文萃路62號,中國科學院金屬研究所,金屬腐蝕與防護國家重點實驗室
2004年-2005年, 美國
1996年-1999年, 中國科學院
1988年-1991年, 河南化學研究所獲理學碩士 (其中88年9月-89年7月在中國科學技術大學讀基礎課)
1982年-1986年, 蘭州大學化學系獲學士學位
1991年7月- 1999年5月, 中科院金屬腐蝕與防護研究所
長期以來,一直從事材料腐蝕與防護基礎或套用基礎研究工作,先後負責承擔完成30多項科研課題,其中包括國家自然科學基金、國家重點基礎研究(973)、國家科技支撐計畫和國家重點科研項目多項;中國石油天然氣總公司重點科研項目1項,中國石油化工總公司科研項目3項; 中國石油天然氣總公司、海洋石油總公司和中科院重點項目和國際合作研究項目多項。先後在國內、外期刊發表研究論文100餘篇,獲國家發明專利3項,獲中科院科學技術進步二等獎1項。
中國腐蝕與防護學會緩蝕劑專業委員會副主任;中國腐蝕與防護學會建築工程專業委員會 委員。
1. Xiumei Wang, Huaiyu Yang*, Fuhui Wang “Inhibition performance of a gemini surfactant and its co-adsorption effect with halides on mild steel in 0.25 M H2SO4 solution” Corrosion Science,
2. Xin Zhou, Huaiyu Yang*, Fuhui Wang “Investigation on the inhibition behavior of a pentaerythritol glycoside for carbon steel in 3.5% NaCl saturated Ca(OH)2 solution” Corrosion Science
3. Lijuan Feng, Huaiyu Yang*, Fuhui Wang “Effect of an Imidazoline Derivative on the Protection Performance of Oxide Film Formed on Carbon Steel in Saturated Ca(OH)2 Solution” Int. J. Electrochem. Sci.
4. Xin Zhou, Huaiyu Yang*, Fuhui Wang “[BMIM]BF4 ionic liquids as effective inhibitor for carbon steel in alkaline chloride solution” Electrochim. Acta,
5. Xiumei Wanga, Huaiyu Yang*, Fuhui Wanga “An investigation of benzimidazole derivative as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in different concentration HCl solutions” Corrosion Science
6. Lijuan Feng, Huaiyu Yang*, Fuhui Wang “Experimental and theoretical studies for corrosion inhibition of carbon steel by imidazoline derivative in 5% NaCl saturated Ca(OH)2 solution” Electrochim. Acta
7. Xiumei Wanga, Huaiyu Yang*, Fuhui Wanga “A cationic gemini-surfactant as effective inhibitor for mild steel in HCl solutions ” Corrosion Science
8. Dongyun Han, Huaiyu Yang*, Chengyun Zhu and Fuhui Wang “Controlled synthesis of CuO nanoparticles using TritonX-100-based water-in-oil reverse micelles” Powder Technology
9.C. B. Shen, S. G. Wang, H. Y. Yang, K. Long, F. H. Wang “Corrosion effect of allylthiourea on bulk nanocrystalline ingot iron in diluted acidic sulphate solution” Electrochimica Acta
10.C. B. Shen, S. G. Wang, H. Y. Yang, K. Long, F. H. Wang “Corrosion and corrosion inhibition by thiourea of bulk nanocrystallized industrial pure iron in dilute HCl solution” Corrosion Science
11.C. B. Shen, S. G. Wang, H. Y. Yang, K. Long, F. H. Wang “The adsorption stability and inhibition by allyl-thiourea of bulk nanocrystalline ingot iron in dilute HCl solution” Applied surface science,
12.Dongyun Han,Huaiyu Yang*,Fuhui Wang, In situ preparation of NiO/ZnO core-shell nanoparticles via microemulsion method, Nanoscience
13. S. G. Wang, C. B. Shen, K. Long, H. Y. Yang, F. H. Wang, and Z. D. Zhang, Preparation and Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Bulk anocrystalline Ingot Iron in HCl Acid Solution, J. Phys. Chem. B
14. D.Y. Han , H.Y.Yang*, C. B. Shen, Preparation of size controllable MgO nanoparticles via reverse microemulsion method, Materials Science Forum
15.D.Y. Han, H.Y. Yang*, C.B. Shen, X. Zhou and F. H. Wang “Synthesis and size control of NiO nanoparticles by water-in –oil microemulsion” Powder Technology
(1) 2008年承辦 “第十五屆全國緩蝕防鏽學術討論與技術交流會”
(2) 擔任2013年“第七屆全國腐蝕大會” 緩蝕劑與套用 分會主席
(1)楊懷玉,王福會,鄭雷剛,馮麗娟,周欣 “一種摻入型全有機混凝土鋼筋阻銹劑”
(2) 楊懷玉,王福會,鄭雷剛,周欣,馮麗娟“一種摻入型非亞硝酸鹽基混凝土鋼筋阻銹劑”