



  • 中文名:楊小紅
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:作物基因組與生物信息
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


2015.01至今 中國農業大學教授
2011.03-2014.12 中國農業大學副教授、碩導
2008.07-2011.02   中國農灶備兵業大學博士後
2010.11-2010.12 美國康乃爾大學訪問學者
2010.10-2010.11 轎危 美國密西根州立大學 訪問學者
2008.10-2009.02 國際玉米小麥改良中心 訪問學者
2002.08-2008.06   中國農業大學  博士
1998.09-2002.07   中國農業大學學士







1. 國家重點研發計畫:主要農作物品質性狀形成的分子基礎/玉米營養和健康功能品質形成與改良的分子基礎(2016YFD0100503),2016.01-2020.12,主要參加者。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:玉米籽粒和葉片雙白化突變基因克隆及功能分析(31671697),2017.01-2020.12,鍵捆紙主持。
3. 北京市科技新星計畫:利用全基因組關聯分析剖析玉米籽粒澱粉的遺傳基礎(2015B082),2015.01-2017.12, 主持。
4. 國家自然科學基金創新研究群體科學基金:玉米籽粒關鍵性狀的分子遺傳學基礎(31421005),2015.01-2020.12,主要參加者。
5. 教育部新世紀優秀人才計畫,2014FG049,玉米籽粒油份積累的遺傳機理研究,2014/01-2016/12,主持仔謎霸。
6. 國家青年973計畫:玉米葉型建成分子機理研究(2014CB147300),2014.01-2018.12,主要參加者。
7. 國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目:有機結合連鎖和關聯分析剖析玉米籽粒營養品質的遺傳基礎(31361140362),2014.01-2018.12,主持。 


1.Wang XL, Wang HW, Liu SX, Ferjani A, Li JS, Yan JB, Yang XH, Qin F2016 Genetic variation in ZmVPP1 contributes to drought tolerance in maize seedlings. Nat Genet, doi:10.1038ng.3636
2. Xiao YN, Thatcher S, Wang M, Wang TT, Beatty M, Zastrow-Hayes G, Li L, Li JS, Li BL, Yang XH #. 2016 Transcriptome analysis of near-isogenic lines provides molecular insights into starch biosynthesis in maize kernel. J Integr Plant Bio,58(8): 713-723
3. Xu J, Li ZG, Yang HR, Yang XH, Chen CX, Li Hui. 2016 Genetic diversity and molecular evolution of a violaxanthin de-epoxidase gene in maize. Front in Plant Sci, 7:1-11
4. Pan QC, Li L, Yang XH, Tong H, Xu ST, Li ZG, Li WY, Muehlbauer GJ, Li JS, Yan JB. 2015 Genome-wide recombination dynamics are associated with phenotypic variation in maize. New Phytol, 210(3):1083-1094
5. Xiao YJ, Tong H, Yang XH, Xu SZ, Pan QC, Qiao F, Raihan MS, Luo Y, Liu HJ, Zhang XH, Yang N, Wang XQ, Deng M, Jin ML, Zhao LJ, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Liu J, Zhan W, Liu NN, Wang H, Chen GS, Cai Y, Xu G, Wang WD, Zheng DB, Yan JB. 2016 Genome-wide dissection of the maize ear genetic architecture using multiple populations. New Phytol, 210 (3): 1095-1106
6. 陳琳,李建生,楊小紅#. 2016 不同基因型玉米單倍體雄穗自然加倍研究. 中國農業大學學報. 1(6): 1-8
7. 陳琳,李建生,楊小紅#. 2016玉米單倍體花葯外露、花葯大小與花粉育性的相關性研究. 中國農業大學學報. 1(5):17-21
8. Wang TT, Wang M, Hu ST, Xiao YN, Tong H, Pan QC, Xue JQ, Yan JB, Li JS, Yang XH#. 2015 Genetic basis of maize kernel starch content revealed by high-density single nucleotide polymorphism markers in a recombinant inbred line population. BMC Plant Biol, 15:288
9. Mao HD, Wang HW, Liu SX, Li ZG, Yang XH, Yan JB, Li JS, Tran LP, Qin F. 2015 A transposable element in a NAC gene is associated with drought tolerance in maize seedlings. Nat Commun, 6:8326
10. Liu HJ, Wang XQ, Warburtonb MY, Wen WW, Jin ML, Deng M, Liu J, Tong H, Pan QC, Yang XH, Yan JB. 2015 Genomic, transcriptomic and phenomic variation reveals the complex adaptation of modern maize breeding. Mol Plant, 8(6):871-84
11. Xing AQ, Gao YF, Ye LF, Zhang WP, Cai LC, Ching A, Llaca V, Johnson B, Liu L, Yang XH, Kang DM, Yan JB, Li JS. 2015 A rare SNP mutation in Brachytic2 moderately reduces plant height and increases yield potential in maize. J Exp Bot, 66(13):3791-802
12. Cai LC, Li K, Yang XH,Li JS. 2014 Identification of lager-effect QTL for kernel row number has potential for maize yield improvement. Mol Breeding, 34:1087-1096
13. Hao XM, Li XW, Yang XH, Li JS. 2014 Transferring a major QTL for oil content using marker-assisted backcrossing into an elite hybrid to increase the oil content in maize. Mol Breeding, 34:739–748
14. Li K, Yan JB, Li JS, Yang XH 2014 Genetic architecture of rind penetrometer resistance in two maize recombinant inbred line populations. BMC Plant Biol, 14:152
15. Guo TT, Yang N, Tong H, Pan QC, Yang XH, Tang JH, Wang JK, Li JS, Yan JB. 2014 Genetic basis of grain yield heterosis in an “immortalized F2” maize population. Theor Appl Genet, 127:2149–2158
16. Liu HH, Liu HQ, Wei L, Yang XH, Lin ZW. 2014 A transposable element insertion disturbed starch synthase gene SSIIb in maize. Mol Breeding, 34:1159–1171
17. Yang N, Lu YL, Yang XH, Huang J, Zhou Y, Ali F, Wen WLiu J, Li JS, Yan JB. 2014 Genome wide association studies using a new nonparametric model reveal the genetic architecture of 17 agronomic traits in an enlarged maize association panel. PLoS Genet, 10(9): e1004573
18. Li H, Peng ZY, Yang XH*, Wang WD, Fu JJ, Wang JH, Han YJ, Chai YC, Guo TT, Yang N, Liu J, Warburton ML, Cheng YB, Hao XM, Zhang P, Zhao JY, Liu YJ, Wang GY, Li JS, Yan JB. 2013 Genome-wide association study dissects the genetic architecture of oil biosynthesis in maize kernels. Nat Genet, 45: 43-50
19. Yang Q, Li Z, Li WQ, Ku LX, Wang C, Ye JR, Li K, Yang N, Li YP, Zhong T, Li JS, Chen YH, Yan JB, Yang XH#, Xu ML. 2013 CACTA-like transposable element in ZmCCT attenuated photoperiod sensitivity and accelerated the postdomestication spread of maize. PNAS, 110: 16969-16974
20. Fu JJ, Cheng YB, Linghu JJ, Yang XH*, Kang L, Zhang ZX, Zhang J, He C, Du XM, Peng ZY, Wang B, Zhai LH, Dai CM, Xu JB, Wang WD, Li XR, Zheng J, Chen L, Luo LH, Liu JJ, Qian XJ, Yan JB, Wang J, Wang GY. 2013 RNA sequencing reveals the complex regulatory network in maize kernel. Nat Commun, 4:2832
21. Liu SX, Wang XL, Wang HG, Xin HB, Yang XH, Yan JB, Li JS, Tran LP, Shinozaki K, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K, Qin F. 2013 Genome-wide analysis of ZmDREB Genes and their association with natural variation in drought tolerance at seedling stage of Zea mays L. PLoS Genet, 9(9): e1003790
22. Fu ZY, Chai YC, Zhou Y, Yang XH, Warburton ML, Xu ST, Cai Y, Zhang DL, Li JS, Yan JB. 2013 Natural variation in the sequence of PSY1 and frequency of favorable polymorphisms among tropical and temperate maize germplasm. Theor Appl Genet, 126(4):923-35
23. Guo YQ, Yang XH, Chander S, Yan JB, Zhang J, Song TM, Li JS. 2013 Identification of unconditional and conditional QTL for oil, protein and starch content in maize. Crop J, 1: 34-42
24. 鄭德波,楊小紅,李建生,嚴建兵,張士龍,賀正華,黃毅勤. 2013 基於SNP標記的玉米株高及穗位高QTL定位. 作物學報, 3: 549-556
25. Pan QC, Ali F, Yang XH, Li JS, Yan JB. 2012 Exploring the genetic characteristics of two recombinant inbred line populations via high-density SNP markers in maize. PLoS ONE, 7: e52777
26. Li Q, Yang XH*, Xu ST, Cai Y, Zhang DL, Han YJ, Li L, Zhang ZX, Gao SB, Li JS, Yan JB. 2012 Genome-wide association studies identified three independent polymorphisms associated with α-tocopherol content in maize kernels. PLoS ONE, 7: e36807
27. Yang XH, Ma HL, Zhang P, Yan JB, Guo YQ, Song TM, Li JS. 2012 Characterization of QTL for oil content in maize kernel. Theor Appl Genet, 125(6): 1169-1179
28. Zhou Y, Han YJ, Li ZG, Fu Y, Fu ZY, Xu ST, Li JS, Yan JB, Yang XH#. 2012 ZmcrtRB3 encoding a carotenoid hydroxylase that affects the accumulation of α-carotene in maize kernel. J Integr Plant Bio,54 (4): 260–269
29. Chai YC, Hao XM, Yang XH, Allen WB, Li JM, Yan JB, Shen B, Li JS. 2012 Validation of DGAT1-2 polymorphisms associated with oil content and development of functional markers for molecular breeding of high-oil maize. Mol Breeding, 29: 939-949
30. Zhang P, Allen WB, Nagasawa N, Ching AS, Heppard EP, Li H, Hao XM, Li XW, Yang XH, Yan JB, Nagato Y, Sakai H, Shen B, Li JS. 2012 A transposable element insertion within ZmGE2 gene is associated with increase in embryo to endosperm ratio in maize. Theor Appl Genet, 125(7): 1463-1471
31. Xu ST, Zhang DL, Cai Y, Zhou Y, Shah T, Farthan A, Li Q, Li ZG, Wang WD, Li JS, Yang XH, Yan JB. 2012 Dissecting tocopherols content in maize (Zea mays L.), using two segregating populations and high-density single nucleotide polymorphism markers. BMC Plant Biol, 12: 201
32. 高玉峰, 任元, 張衛平, 張攀, 嚴建兵, 李建生, 楊小紅#. 2012玉米產量構成因子染色體代換系的構建及初步評價. 玉米科學, 20(1): 35-38
33. 惠國強, 杜何為, 楊小紅, 劉光輝, 王振通, 張義榮, 鄭艷萍, 嚴建兵, 李建生. 2012不同除草劑加倍玉米單倍體的效率. 作物學報, 38: 416-422
34. Yang XH, Gao SB, Xu ST, Zhang ZX, Prasanna BM, Li L, Li JS, Yan JB. 2011 Characterization of a global germplasm collection and its potential utilization for analysis of complex quantitative traits in maize. Mol Breeding, 28:511-526
35. Yang XH, Xu YB, Shah T, Li HH, Han ZH, Li JS, Yan JB. 2011 Comparison of SSRs and SNPs in assessment of genetic relatedness in maize. Genetica, 139:1045-1054
36. Li L, Li H, Li Q, Yang XH, Zheng DB, Warburton M, Chai YC, Zhang P, Guo YQ, Yan JB , Li JS. 2011 An 11-bp insertion in Zea mays fatb reduces the palmitic acid content of fatty acids in maize grain. Plos ONE, 6: e24699
37. Du HW, Yang XH, Yan JB, Li JS. Fatty acid elongase 1 (FAE1) promoter as a candidate for genetic engineering of fatty acids to improve seed oil composition. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011 10:19615-19622
38. 高玉峰, 張攀, 郝曉敏, 嚴建兵, 李建生, 楊小紅#. 2011一種快速提取玉米大群體基因組DNA的方法. 中國農業大學學報, 16(6): 32-36
39. Yang XH, Guo YQ, Yan JB, Zhang J, Song TM, Rocheford T, Li JS. 2010 Major and minor QTL and epistasis contribute to fatty acid compositions and oil concentration in high-oil maize. Theor Appl Genet, 120: 665-678
40. Yang XH, Yan JB, Shah T, Warburton ML, Li Q, Li L, Gao YF, Chai YC, Fu ZY, Zhou Y, Xu ST, Bai GH, Meng YJ, Zheng YP, Li JS. 2010 Genetic analysis and characterization of a new maize association mapping panel for quantitative trait loci dissection. Theor Appl Genet, 121:417-431
41. Yan JB, Kandianis CB, Harjes CE, Bai L, Kim E, Yang XH, Skinner D, Fu ZY, Mitchell S, Li Q, Fernandez M GS, Zaharieva M, Babu R, Fu Y, Palacios N, Li JS, DellaPenna D, Brutnell T, Buckler ES, Warburton ML, Rocheford T. 2010 Rare genetic variation at zea mays crtrb1 increases β-carotene in maize grain. Nat Genet, 42: 322-327
42. Li Q, Li L, Yang XH, Warburton ML, Bai GH, Dai JR, Li LS, Yan JB. 2010 Relationship, evolutionary fate and function of two maize orthologous genes of rice GW2 associated with kernel size and weight. BMC Plant Bio, 10:143
43. Li Q, Yang XH, Bai GH, Warburton ML, Mahuku G, Gore M, Dai JR, Li JS, Yan JB. 2010 Cloning and characterization of a putative GS3 ortholog involved in maize kernel development. Theor Appl Genet, 120:753-763
44. Yan JB, Yang XH, Shah T, Sánchez-Villeda H, Li JS, Warburton ML, Zhou Y, Crouch JH, Xu YB. 2010 High-throughput SNP genotyping with the GoldenGate assay in maize. Mol Breeding, 25:441-451
45. Li L, Li H, Li JY, Xu ST, Yang XH, Li JS, Yan JB. 2010 A genome-wide survey of maize lipid-related genes: candidate genes mining, digital gene expression profiling and co-location with QTL for maize kernel oil. China Science Life Science, 53: 690-700
46. 白光紅, 楊小紅, 李林, 任元, 高玉峰, 章建新, 嚴建兵, 李建生. 2010玉米子粒體積和比重的QTL分析. 玉米科學, 18(5): 19-22
47. Liu ZJ, Yang XH, Fu Y, Zhang YR, Yan JB, Song TM, Rocheford TR, Li JS. 2009 Proteomic analysis of early germs with high-oil and normal inbred lines in maize. Mol Bio Rep,36:813-821
48. Liu ZJ, Yang XH, Fu Y. 2009 SAD, a stearoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturase, highly expressed in high-oil maize inbred lines. Russ J Plant Physiol, 56: 709-715
49. Yang XH, Guo YQ, Fu Y, Hu JY, Chai YC, Zhang YR, Li JS. 2009 Measuring fatty acid concentration in maize grain by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 29: 106-109
50. 馬海林, 楊小紅, 郭玉秋, 李林, 白光紅, 李建生. 2009玉米子粒與油分性狀相關分析研究. 作物雜誌, 1:23-25
51. 周 毅, 付志遠, 李 青, 徐淑兔, Chander S, 楊小紅, 李建生, 嚴建兵. 2009 高油和普通玉米自交系類胡蘿蔔素和生育酚含量的比較分析. 作物學報, 35(11): 2073-2084
52. Chander S, Guo YQ, Yang XH, Zhang J, Lu XQ, Yan JB, Song TM, Rocheford TR, Li JS. 2008 Using molecular markers to identify two major loci controlling carotenoid contents in maize grain. Theor Appl Genet, 116: 223-233
53. Chander S, Guo YQ, Yang XH, Yan JB, Zhang YR, Song TM and Li JS. 2008 Genetic dissection of tocopherol content and composition in maize grain using quantitative trait loci analysis and the candidate gene approach. Mol Breeding, 22: 353-365
54. 楊小紅, 嚴建兵, 鄭艷萍, 余建明, 李建生. 2007植物數量狀關聯分析研究進展. 作物學報, 33(4): 523-530
55. 柳展基, 楊小紅, 畢玉平. 2006 蛋白質組學在農業中的套用. 分子植物育種, 3(S): 106-110
56. 鄭艷萍, Chander S, 楊小紅, 周俊青, 李建生, 嚴建兵. 2006 一種基於聚合酶鏈式反應檢測SNP 的方法. 中國農業大學學報, 11 (3): 51-55
3. Xu J, Li ZG, Yang HR, Yang XH, Chen CX, Li Hui. 2016 Genetic diversity and molecular evolution of a violaxanthin de-epoxidase gene in maize. Front in Plant Sci, 7:1-11
4. Pan QC, Li L, Yang XH, Tong H, Xu ST, Li ZG, Li WY, Muehlbauer GJ, Li JS, Yan JB. 2015 Genome-wide recombination dynamics are associated with phenotypic variation in maize. New Phytol, 210(3):1083-1094
5. Xiao YJ, Tong H, Yang XH, Xu SZ, Pan QC, Qiao F, Raihan MS, Luo Y, Liu HJ, Zhang XH, Yang N, Wang XQ, Deng M, Jin ML, Zhao LJ, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Liu J, Zhan W, Liu NN, Wang H, Chen GS, Cai Y, Xu G, Wang WD, Zheng DB, Yan JB. 2016 Genome-wide dissection of the maize ear genetic architecture using multiple populations. New Phytol, 210 (3): 1095-1106
6. 陳琳,李建生,楊小紅#. 2016 不同基因型玉米單倍體雄穗自然加倍研究. 中國農業大學學報. 1(6): 1-8
7. 陳琳,李建生,楊小紅#. 2016玉米單倍體花葯外露、花葯大小與花粉育性的相關性研究. 中國農業大學學報. 1(5):17-21
8. Wang TT, Wang M, Hu ST, Xiao YN, Tong H, Pan QC, Xue JQ, Yan JB, Li JS, Yang XH#. 2015 Genetic basis of maize kernel starch content revealed by high-density single nucleotide polymorphism markers in a recombinant inbred line population. BMC Plant Biol, 15:288
9. Mao HD, Wang HW, Liu SX, Li ZG, Yang XH, Yan JB, Li JS, Tran LP, Qin F. 2015 A transposable element in a NAC gene is associated with drought tolerance in maize seedlings. Nat Commun, 6:8326
10. Liu HJ, Wang XQ, Warburtonb MY, Wen WW, Jin ML, Deng M, Liu J, Tong H, Pan QC, Yang XH, Yan JB. 2015 Genomic, transcriptomic and phenomic variation reveals the complex adaptation of modern maize breeding. Mol Plant, 8(6):871-84
11. Xing AQ, Gao YF, Ye LF, Zhang WP, Cai LC, Ching A, Llaca V, Johnson B, Liu L, Yang XH, Kang DM, Yan JB, Li JS. 2015 A rare SNP mutation in Brachytic2 moderately reduces plant height and increases yield potential in maize. J Exp Bot, 66(13):3791-802
12. Cai LC, Li K, Yang XH,Li JS. 2014 Identification of lager-effect QTL for kernel row number has potential for maize yield improvement. Mol Breeding, 34:1087-1096
13. Hao XM, Li XW, Yang XH, Li JS. 2014 Transferring a major QTL for oil content using marker-assisted backcrossing into an elite hybrid to increase the oil content in maize. Mol Breeding, 34:739–748
14. Li K, Yan JB, Li JS, Yang XH 2014 Genetic architecture of rind penetrometer resistance in two maize recombinant inbred line populations. BMC Plant Biol, 14:152
15. Guo TT, Yang N, Tong H, Pan QC, Yang XH, Tang JH, Wang JK, Li JS, Yan JB. 2014 Genetic basis of grain yield heterosis in an “immortalized F2” maize population. Theor Appl Genet, 127:2149–2158
16. Liu HH, Liu HQ, Wei L, Yang XH, Lin ZW. 2014 A transposable element insertion disturbed starch synthase gene SSIIb in maize. Mol Breeding, 34:1159–1171
17. Yang N, Lu YL, Yang XH, Huang J, Zhou Y, Ali F, Wen WLiu J, Li JS, Yan JB. 2014 Genome wide association studies using a new nonparametric model reveal the genetic architecture of 17 agronomic traits in an enlarged maize association panel. PLoS Genet, 10(9): e1004573
18. Li H, Peng ZY, Yang XH*, Wang WD, Fu JJ, Wang JH, Han YJ, Chai YC, Guo TT, Yang N, Liu J, Warburton ML, Cheng YB, Hao XM, Zhang P, Zhao JY, Liu YJ, Wang GY, Li JS, Yan JB. 2013 Genome-wide association study dissects the genetic architecture of oil biosynthesis in maize kernels. Nat Genet, 45: 43-50
19. Yang Q, Li Z, Li WQ, Ku LX, Wang C, Ye JR, Li K, Yang N, Li YP, Zhong T, Li JS, Chen YH, Yan JB, Yang XH#, Xu ML. 2013 CACTA-like transposable element in ZmCCT attenuated photoperiod sensitivity and accelerated the postdomestication spread of maize. PNAS, 110: 16969-16974
20. Fu JJ, Cheng YB, Linghu JJ, Yang XH*, Kang L, Zhang ZX, Zhang J, He C, Du XM, Peng ZY, Wang B, Zhai LH, Dai CM, Xu JB, Wang WD, Li XR, Zheng J, Chen L, Luo LH, Liu JJ, Qian XJ, Yan JB, Wang J, Wang GY. 2013 RNA sequencing reveals the complex regulatory network in maize kernel. Nat Commun, 4:2832
21. Liu SX, Wang XL, Wang HG, Xin HB, Yang XH, Yan JB, Li JS, Tran LP, Shinozaki K, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K, Qin F. 2013 Genome-wide analysis of ZmDREB Genes and their association with natural variation in drought tolerance at seedling stage of Zea mays L. PLoS Genet, 9(9): e1003790
22. Fu ZY, Chai YC, Zhou Y, Yang XH, Warburton ML, Xu ST, Cai Y, Zhang DL, Li JS, Yan JB. 2013 Natural variation in the sequence of PSY1 and frequency of favorable polymorphisms among tropical and temperate maize germplasm. Theor Appl Genet, 126(4):923-35
23. Guo YQ, Yang XH, Chander S, Yan JB, Zhang J, Song TM, Li JS. 2013 Identification of unconditional and conditional QTL for oil, protein and starch content in maize. Crop J, 1: 34-42
24. 鄭德波,楊小紅,李建生,嚴建兵,張士龍,賀正華,黃毅勤. 2013 基於SNP標記的玉米株高及穗位高QTL定位. 作物學報, 3: 549-556
25. Pan QC, Ali F, Yang XH, Li JS, Yan JB. 2012 Exploring the genetic characteristics of two recombinant inbred line populations via high-density SNP markers in maize. PLoS ONE, 7: e52777
26. Li Q, Yang XH*, Xu ST, Cai Y, Zhang DL, Han YJ, Li L, Zhang ZX, Gao SB, Li JS, Yan JB. 2012 Genome-wide association studies identified three independent polymorphisms associated with α-tocopherol content in maize kernels. PLoS ONE, 7: e36807
27. Yang XH, Ma HL, Zhang P, Yan JB, Guo YQ, Song TM, Li JS. 2012 Characterization of QTL for oil content in maize kernel. Theor Appl Genet, 125(6): 1169-1179
28. Zhou Y, Han YJ, Li ZG, Fu Y, Fu ZY, Xu ST, Li JS, Yan JB, Yang XH#. 2012 ZmcrtRB3 encoding a carotenoid hydroxylase that affects the accumulation of α-carotene in maize kernel. J Integr Plant Bio,54 (4): 260–269
29. Chai YC, Hao XM, Yang XH, Allen WB, Li JM, Yan JB, Shen B, Li JS. 2012 Validation of DGAT1-2 polymorphisms associated with oil content and development of functional markers for molecular breeding of high-oil maize. Mol Breeding, 29: 939-949
30. Zhang P, Allen WB, Nagasawa N, Ching AS, Heppard EP, Li H, Hao XM, Li XW, Yang XH, Yan JB, Nagato Y, Sakai H, Shen B, Li JS. 2012 A transposable element insertion within ZmGE2 gene is associated with increase in embryo to endosperm ratio in maize. Theor Appl Genet, 125(7): 1463-1471
31. Xu ST, Zhang DL, Cai Y, Zhou Y, Shah T, Farthan A, Li Q, Li ZG, Wang WD, Li JS, Yang XH, Yan JB. 2012 Dissecting tocopherols content in maize (Zea mays L.), using two segregating populations and high-density single nucleotide polymorphism markers. BMC Plant Biol, 12: 201
32. 高玉峰, 任元, 張衛平, 張攀, 嚴建兵, 李建生, 楊小紅#. 2012玉米產量構成因子染色體代換系的構建及初步評價. 玉米科學, 20(1): 35-38
33. 惠國強, 杜何為, 楊小紅, 劉光輝, 王振通, 張義榮, 鄭艷萍, 嚴建兵, 李建生. 2012不同除草劑加倍玉米單倍體的效率. 作物學報, 38: 416-422
34. Yang XH, Gao SB, Xu ST, Zhang ZX, Prasanna BM, Li L, Li JS, Yan JB. 2011 Characterization of a global germplasm collection and its potential utilization for analysis of complex quantitative traits in maize. Mol Breeding, 28:511-526
35. Yang XH, Xu YB, Shah T, Li HH, Han ZH, Li JS, Yan JB. 2011 Comparison of SSRs and SNPs in assessment of genetic relatedness in maize. Genetica, 139:1045-1054
36. Li L, Li H, Li Q, Yang XH, Zheng DB, Warburton M, Chai YC, Zhang P, Guo YQ, Yan JB , Li JS. 2011 An 11-bp insertion in Zea mays fatb reduces the palmitic acid content of fatty acids in maize grain. Plos ONE, 6: e24699
37. Du HW, Yang XH, Yan JB, Li JS. Fatty acid elongase 1 (FAE1) promoter as a candidate for genetic engineering of fatty acids to improve seed oil composition. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011 10:19615-19622
38. 高玉峰, 張攀, 郝曉敏, 嚴建兵, 李建生, 楊小紅#. 2011一種快速提取玉米大群體基因組DNA的方法. 中國農業大學學報, 16(6): 32-36
39. Yang XH, Guo YQ, Yan JB, Zhang J, Song TM, Rocheford T, Li JS. 2010 Major and minor QTL and epistasis contribute to fatty acid compositions and oil concentration in high-oil maize. Theor Appl Genet, 120: 665-678
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