- 中文名:楊官品
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1963年6月8日
- 畢業院校:湖北大學
- 主要成就:中國海洋大學,教授
山東 青島 魚山路5號
中國海洋大學 海洋生命學院
楊 官品
郵政編碼: 266003
(1) Yang Get al., 1990. Polymorphism of a-amylase activity in barley landraces and cultivars from China. Euphytica 48: 245-251.
(2) 楊官品等, 1990. 大麥萌發種子總mRNA的分離及cDNA克隆. 華中農業大學學報9: 315-318.
(3) Zhang Q, Saihai Maroof MA, Yang G, 1992. Ribosomal DNA polymorphisms and the oriental-occidental genetic differentiation in cultivated barley. Theor. Appl. Genet., 84: 682-687.
(4) Zhang Q, Duan G, Yang G, 1992. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of choloroplast DNA and the intergenic spacer of rRNA gene in cultivated barley of China. Chinese Journal of Genetics 19: 111-118.
(5) 張啟發, 段國錄, 楊官品, 1992. 中國大麥葉綠體DNA和核糖體RNA基因限制性片段長度多型性. 遺傳學報19: 131-139.
(6) 劉愛民, 李和標, 張啟發, 姜曉紅, 師素雲, 楊官品, 1992. 水稻廣親和基因在RFLP圖譜上的初步定位. 華中農業大學學報11: 231-219.
(7) Yang Get al., 1994, Comparative analysis of microsatellite DNA polymorphism in landraces and cultivars of rice. Mol. Gen. Genet. 245: 187-194.
(8) Zhang Q, Yang Get al., 1994. A comparative analysis of genetic polymorphism in wild and cultivated barley from Tibet using isozyme and ribosomal DNA markers. Genome 37: 631-638.
(9) Saghai Maroof MA, Biyashev RM, Yang Get al., 1994. Extraordinarily polymorphic microsatellite DNA in barley: Species diversity, chromosomal location and population dynamics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 5466-5470.
(10) Saghai Maroof MA, Yang Get al., 1996. Analysis of the barley and rice genomes by comparative RFLP linkage mapping. Theor. Appl. Genet. 92: 541-551.
(11) Liu K, Yang Get al., 1996. Extraordinarily polymorphic ribosomal DNA in wild and cultivated rice. Genome 39: 1109-1116.
(12) Zhang Q, Zhou Z, Yang Get al., 1996. Molecular marker heterozygosity and hybrid performance in indica and japonoca rice. Theor. Appl. Genet. 93: 1218-1224.
(13) Yang Get al., 1997. Silica gel mediated storage of rice leaf and DNA. Rice Genetics Newsletter 14: 164-165.
(14) Saghai Maroof MA, Yang Get al., 1997. Correlation between molecular marker distance and hybrid performance in U.S. southern long grain rice. Crop Science 37: 145-150.
(15) Zhang Q, Liu K, Yang Get al., 1997. Molecular marker diversity and hybrid sterility inindica-japonicarice crosses. Theor. Appl. Genet. 95: 112-118.
(16) 李衛, 陳亮, 蔡得田, 楊官品, 1997. 柑桔基因轉化新方法研究. 植物學報 39: 782-784.
(17) Xiong L, Yang Get al., 1998. Relationships of diffential gene expression in leaves with heterosis and heterozygosity in a rice diallele cross. Molecular Breeding 4: 129-136.
(18) 楊官品等, 1998. 水稻一多拷貝微衛星DNA多態性分析. 遺傳20: 27-30.
(19) 楊官品等, 1998. 水稻廣親和品種與秈粳稻亞種的親緣關係. 湖北大學學報20: 77-81.
(20) 楊官品等, 1998. 土壤細菌基因資源的直接分離:16S核糖體RNA基因模式. 湖北大學學報20: 383-385.
(21) 曾慶韜, 錢遠槐, 楊官品, 1999. 果蠅細胞系中反轉錄病毒樣粒子的電鏡觀察. 電子顯微學報18: 183-187.
(22) 楊官品等,1999. 水環境細菌群落結構的基因標籤串分析法. 湖北大學學報21:291-293.
(23) 楊官品等, 2000. 土壤細菌遺傳多樣性及其與植被類型相關性研究. 遺傳學報27(3): 278-282.
(24)茅雲翔, 王高歌, 張寶紅, 楊官品等, 2000. 建立螺旋藻轉基因體系初報. 青島海洋大學學報30(2)II: 13-18.
(25) 張學成, 楊官品等, 2000. 微藻基因工程及微藻產品高質化. 海洋科學24(11): 24-26.
(26) 楊官品, 2000. 淺談圍湖方式和還湖方法. 見:中國民主促進會議政調研部編, 對長江防洪體系建設的思考. 開明出版社, 北京, pp185-191.
(27) 張學成, 張惠, 楊官品, 2000. 多肽類生物活性物質的非核糖體合成機理. 青島海洋大學學報31(3): 389-394.
(38) 楊官品等, 2001. 條班紫菜絲狀孢子體表達序列標籤分析. 高技術通訊12(2): 93-97.
(29) 茅雲翔, 楊官品等, 2001. 16S rRNA基因與16S-23S rRNA轉錄單元內間隔區序列分析及其在螺旋藻和節旋藻分類鑑定中的套用. 高技術通訊11(6): 111-115.
(30) 李志崗, 楊官品等, 2001. 水環境細菌16S核糖體RNA基因限制性片段長度多型性及群落結構分析. 水生生物學報25(1): 1-4.
(31) 楊官品等, 2001. 環境細菌宏基因組:概念、研究和開發利用. 青島海洋大學學報31(5): 718-722.
(32) 楊官品等, 2001. 土壤細菌16S核糖體RNA基因限制性片段長度多態性及其與植被的相關性研究. 套用生態學報12(5): 757-760.
(33) Zhang X, Mao Y, Wang G, Zhang B, Yang Get al., 2001. Preliminary studies on the genetic transformation ofSpirulina platensis. In: Chen F and Jiang Y (eds.), Algae and their biotechnological potential. Kluwer Publishers, pp. 263-270.
(34) 王高歌, 楊官品等, 2001. 螺旋藻胞內和胞外核酸酶研究. 青島海洋大學學報31(6): 883-888.
(35) Sun X, Yang Get al., 2002. Analysis of expressed sequence tags of a marine red alga,Gracilaria lemaneiformis. Progress in Natural Science 12(7): 518-523.
(36) 楊官品等, 2002, 收穫後溫度逆境處理能顯著提高擬微球藻EPA含量. 海洋學報24(4): 132-135.
(37) 張寶紅, 茅雲翔, 王高歌, 楊官品等, 2002. 三種不同來源的鮭魚降鈣素基因的克隆及其序列比較. 青島海洋大學學報 32(4): 585-590.
(39) 楊官品等, 2003. 條斑紫菜cDNA文庫構建及抗病相關基因鑑定. 青島海洋大學學報33(1): 47-52.
(40) 茅雲翔, 張寶紅, 楊官品等, 2003. 節旋藻(螺旋藻)高分子量DNA的兩種製備方法. 海洋科學27(2): 32-36.
(41) 張繼民, 楊官品等, 2003. 一種提取眼點擬微球藻(Nannochloropsis oculata)DNA的簡便方法. 海洋科學27(9): 58-60, 77.
(42) 劉永健, 楊官品等, 2003. 膠州灣浮游植物分子遺傳多樣性初步研究. 青島海洋大學學報33(6): 907-916.
(43) 劉永健, 楊官品等, 2004. 膠州灣浮游植物核酮糖1.5-二磷酸羧化/氧化酶大亞基基因分子遺傳多樣性研究. 套用生態學報, 15(9): 1626-1632.
(44) 楊官品等, 2004. 蛋白質感染因子與水產養殖. 中國海洋大學學報, 34(3): 403-412.
(45) 劉 泳, 楊官品, 2004. 鹼煮法: 一種製備海洋浮游生物PCR模板DNA的實用方法. 海洋科學, 28(7): 1-3, 53.
(46) Cui JZ, Shen XY, Yang GPet al., 2005. Characterization of microsatellite DNAs inTakifugu rubripesgenome and their utilization in the genetic diversity analysis ofT. rubripesandT. pseudommus. Aquaculture, 250: 129-137.
(47) Liao M, Zhang Z, Yang G,et al., 2005, Cloning and characterization of prion protein encoding genes of Japanese seabass (Lateolabras japonicus) and Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Aquaculture, 249: 47-53.
(48) 鄒慧斌, 宋林生, 胥煒, 楊官品, 2005. 海灣扇貝G型溶菌酶基因cDNA的克隆與分析. 高技術通訊, 17(7): 101-106.
(49) 張之文, 廖梅傑, 楊官品等, 2005. 鱸魚蛋白質感染因子蛋白基因的克隆和結構分析. 高技術通訊, 15(9): 76-80.
(50) 劉永健, 楊官品等, 2005. 膠州灣浮游植物遺傳多樣性及其季節變化研究. 海洋學報, 27: 103-111.
(51) 門榮新, 楊官品等, 2005. 膠州灣浮游橈足類18S核糖體RNA基因(18S rDNA)擴增及序列變異初步研究. 海洋與湖沼, 36(1): 88-95.
(52) 廖梅傑, 張之文, 楊官品等, 2005. 牙鮃蛋白質感染因子蛋白基因的克隆和結構分析. 中國水產科學, 12(6): 801-804.
(53) 沈錫權, 楊官品等, 2005. 單條線蟲基因組DNA提取及18S核糖體基因PCR擴增. 海洋科學, 29(5): 33-36.
(54) 沈懷瞬, 楊官品等, 2005. 異育銀鯽準回交世代經濟性狀優勢的遺傳基礎研究.中國海洋大學學報, 35(2)): 219-224.
(55) 楊官品等, 2005. 海帶屬褐藻生物學研究成就與進展. 中國海洋大學學報, 35(4): 564-570.
(56) 門榮新, 楊官品等, 2005. 膠州灣浮游橈足類18S核塘體RNA基因序列的變異分析. 中國海洋大學學報, 35(3): 392-396.
(57) 劉濤, 宮慶禮, 楊官品等, 2005. 耐高溫高產“榮福”海帶新品種培育研究. 國家“863”計畫資源環境技術領域第三屆海洋生物高技術論壇論文集(上冊), 福建, 廈門, pp. 605-611.
(58) 劉長青, 張洪海, 楊官品等, 2005. 壽光雞ADSL基因5’調控區的克隆, 序列分析以及單核苷酸多態性研究. 生物技術, 15: 4-6.
(59) Zhang X, Yang Get al., 2006. Induction of programmed cell death in agingProrocentrum donghaiensecells as was evidenced preliminarily by the identification of associated transcripts. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 57: 473-483.
(60) Liu Y, Yang G, Guan X, Men R, 2006. Genetic diversity and its seasonal variation of Jiaozhou Bay phytoplankton determined byrbcLgene sequencing. Acta Oceanologia Sinica, 25(2): 125-134.
(61) Feng XJ, Wang JH, Shan AS, Teng D, Yang YL, Yao Y, Yang GPet al., 2006. Fusion expression of bovine lactoferricin inEscherichia coli. Protein Expression & Purification, 47: 110-117.
(62) Teng D, Wang JH, Fan Y, Yang YL, Tian ZG, Luo J, Yang GP et al., 2006. Cloning of -1,3-1,4-glucanase gene fromBacillus licheniformisEGW039 (CGMCC 0635) and its expression inEscherichia coli. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 72: 705-712
(63) Dang H, Zhang X, Song L, Chang Y, Yang G, 2006. Molecular characterizations of oxytetracycline resistant bacteria and their resistance genes from mariculture waters of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52 (2006) 1494–1503.
(64) Cui JZ, Shen XY, Gong QL, Yang GPet al., 2006. Identification of sex markers by cDNA-AFLP inTakifugu rubripes. Aquaculture, 257: 30–36.
(65) 李曉捷, 叢義周, 楊官品等2006. 東方2號雜交海帶與親本和生產種性狀的比較研究. 海洋與湖沼, 37(增刊): 41-47.
(66) Liao M, Yang Get al., 2006. Development of microsatellite DNA markers of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and their application in the determination of genetic diversities of silver carp and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 13(5): 356-361.
(67) Liu Y, Yang Get al., 2006. Design of Vibrio 16S rRNA gene specific primers and their application in the analysis of seawater Vibrio community. Journal of Ocean University of China, 5(2): 157-164.
(68) Liao M, Zhang L, Yang Get al., 2007. Development of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) genetic maps using microsatellite and AFLP markers and a pseudo-testcross strategy. Animal Genetics, 38: 364-370.
(69) Shen X, Yang Get al., 2007. Construction of genetic maps of guppy (Poecilia reticulata) based on AFLP and microsatellite DNA markers. Aquaculture, 271: 178-187.
(70) Li X, Cong Y, Yang G, et al., 2007. Trait evaluation and trial cultivation of Dongfang no.2, the hybrid of a male gametophyte clone ofLaminaria longissima(Laminarials, Phaeophyta) and a female one ofL. japonica. Journal of Applied Phycology, 19: 139-151.
(71) Zhang Q, Tang X, Cong Y, Qu S, Luo S, Yang G, 2007. Breeding of an elite Laminaria variety 90-1 through inter-specific gametophyte crossing. Journal of Applied Phycology, 19: 303-311.
(72) Liao M, Yang G 2007. Development of microsatellite DNA markers of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and their cross-species application in bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Molecular Ecology Notes, 7: 95-99.
(73) Shi Y, Yang G et al., 2007. Development of 18 polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers ofLaminaria japonica(Phaeophyceae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 7: 620-622.
(74) Jiang X, Liao M, Liu Y, Gao T, Yang G, 2007. Isolation and characterization of 22 polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers of Japanese sea bass (Laterolabrax japonicus). Molecular Ecology Notes, 7: 492-494.
(75) Sun X, Zhen M, Yang G, 2007. Development of 15 polymorphic genic microsatellite DNA markers of Pacific abaloneHaliotis discus hannai. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7: 604-606.
(76) Shen X, Yang Get al., 2007. Development of 51 genomic microsatellite DNA markers of guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and their application in closely related species. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7: 302-306.
(77) Lin Y, Liao M, Yang Get al., 2007. Identification of barley varieties used in beer production by microsatellite DNA markers. Journal of American Society of Brewing Chemists, 65(1): 47-51.
(78) Jiang X, Yang Get al., 2007. Microsatellite DNA polymorphism of Japanese sea bass (Laterolabrax japonicus) inhabiting Chinese and Japanese coasts. J. Appl. Ichthyol. Doi: 10.1111/j. 1439-0426.2007.01016.x.
(79) Yang H, Chen J, Yang Get al., 2007. Mutational analysis of the zinc metalloprotease EmpA of Vibrio. anguillarum. FEMS Microbiol Lett., 267: 56–63.
(80) Yang H, Chen J, Yang Get al., 2007. Characterization and pathogenicity of the zinc metalloprotease EmpA of Vibrio anguillarum expressed inEscherichia coli. Current Mocrobiology, 54: 244–248.
(81) Shen X, Yang G 2007. Nematode diversity of Qingdao coast inferred from the 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequence analysis. Journal of Ocean University of China, 6(2): 132-136.
(82) 楊官品等, 2007. 海帶配子體無性繁殖(克隆)技術研究與套用進展. 中國海洋大學學報, 37(4): 569-572.
(83) 李海濤, 楊官品等, 2007. 新月細柱藻的分離培養及形態和分子鑑定. 中國海洋大學學報, 37(4): 627-630.
(84) Li H, Yang G, 2007. Cylindrotheca closterium is a species complex as was evidenced by the variations ofrbcLgene and SSU rDNA. Journal of Ocean University of China, 6(2): 167-174.
(85) Zhang Q, Cong Y, Qu S, Luo S, Yang G, 2008. Cryopreservation of Gametophytes ofLaminaria japonica(Phaeophyta) using encapsulation-dehydration with two-step cooling method. Journal of Ocean University of China, 7(1): 65-71.
(86) Li BJ, Shi YY, Yang GP, et al., 2008. Microsatellite DNA variation of the gametophyte clones isolated from introduced Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyta) and L. lonngissima of China and varieties derived from them. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 50: 352-359.
(87) Jiang X, Yang G, et al., 2008. Microsatellite DNA polymorphism of Japanese sea bass (Laterolabrax japonicus) inhabiting Chinese and Japanese coasts. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 24: 180-186.
(88) Shi J, Pan K, Yu J, Zhu B, Yang G et al., 2008. Analysis of expressed sequence tags from the marine microalgaNannochloropsis oculata(Eustigmatophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 44: 99-102.
(89) Shi YY, Yang GP et al., 2008. Parentage analysis of Dongfang No.2, a hybrid of a female gametophyte clone of Laminaria japonica (Laminarials, Phaeophyta) and a male clone of L. lonngissima. J Ocean Univ. Chin., 30(7): 55-59.
主持 973前期預研項目“微錄球藻(Nannochloropsissp.) EPA生成途徑與酶系表達生態調控研究”, 2005.7-2007.7.
主持 國家自然科學基金“海洋浮游植物分子生態學研究”, 2002.1-2004.12. 40176028.
主持 國家自然科學基金“鱸魚基因內微衛星標記連鎖圖譜構建”, 2005.1-2005.12. 30471318.
主持 中國水產科學研究院長江水產研究所 農業部淡水魚類種質資源與生物技術重點開放實驗室開放課題“鰱基因內微衛星標記研製”, 2004.6-2006.6. LFB20040503.
主持 華中農業大學作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室開放課題“海帶微衛星DNA標記連鎖圖譜構建及數量性狀定位”, 2007.1-2007.12.
參加 “十五”科技攻關計畫“鰱魚新品系選育技術研究”, 2005.7-2006.6. 2004BA526B0108.
參加 863計畫項目“耐高溫海帶良種選育技術”, 2004.3-2005.10. 2004AA603210.
主持 863探索項目“海洋微藻合成PUFA關鍵酶基因研究技術”, 2007.12-2010.12. 2007AA09Z400.
主持 中國水產科學研究院長江水產研究所 農業部淡水魚類種質資源與生物技術重點開放實驗室開放課題“鰱連鎖圖譜構建”, 2007.6-2009.6. LFB20070601.
參加 山東省科技攻關項目“海帶雜種優勢預測研究”, 2005-2008. 2005GG3205109.
參加 “十一五”支撐計畫課題“鰱新品種選育技術研究”, 2007.10-2010.12. 2006BAD01A120502.
參加 “十一五”支撐計畫課題“工程化養殖高效生產體系構建技術研究與開發”, 2006.10 - 2010.10.