


  • 中文名:楊勛
  • 畢業院校:四川大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:公共衛生和衛生經濟、神經管理學、組織行為與決策








1) 2017年,國家自然科學基金青年項目:害羞與社交焦慮障礙神經機制的差異——基於腦連線組學的研究(31700964),2018-2020,主持人
2) 2016年,四川省博士後特別資助二等資助:基於腦連線組學的社交焦慮障礙的腦網路演變研究,2016-2017,主持人
3) 2015年,中國博士後科學基金第57批面上項目:害羞與社交焦慮障礙差異的腦結構和功能MRI研究(2015M572479),2015-2016,主持人
4) 2015年,四川大學校內特別資助:害羞與社交焦慮障礙的腦機制的差異-來自腦功能MRI研究的證據,2015-2016年,主持人
5) 2017年,中央高校基金青年教師基金項目:基於腦連線組學的社交焦慮障礙與害羞的神經機制差異研究(2017NZYAN19),2017-2020,主持人
6) 2016年,四川綿陽未成年人心理成長指導與研究中心項目:城市化進程中流動兒童心理融入的干預研究——基於社區心理服務的視角(SCWCN2016YB11),2016-2017,主持人
7) 2015年,四川省教育廳項目:藏漢大學生死亡焦慮的特點及加工機制研究(15SB0469),2015-2016,主持人
8) 2014年,中央高校基金青年教師基金項目:害羞的靜息態腦網路的磁共振研究(2014NZYQN39),2014-2016,主持人


1.Yang X(楊勛), Liu J, Meng Y, Xia M, Cui Z, Wu X, Hu X, Zhang W, Gong G, Gong Q, Sweeney JA, He Y.Network analysis reveals disrupted functional brain circuitry in drug-naive social anxiety disorder.Neuroimage. 2017 Dec 7. pii: S1053-8119(17)31025-X.(神經科學TOP期刊,JCR一區SCI期刊,IF = 5.835
2.Yang X(楊勛),Fangfang Tian, Handi Zhang, Jianguang Zeng, Taolin Chen, Song Wang, Zhiyun Jia,and Qiyong Gong. Cortical and subcortical gray matter shrinkage in alcohol-use disorders:a voxel-based meta-analysis,Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 2016, 66:92-103. (行為科學、神經科學TOP期刊,JCR一區SCI期刊,IF = 8.58
3.Yang X(楊勛), Wang SQ, Kendrick KM, Wu X, Yao L, LeiD,KuangWH , BiF, HuangXQ, HeY*, GongQY. Sex Differences in Intrinsic Brain Functional Connectivity Underlying Human Shyness.Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 2015, 10(12), 1634-1643(社會認知領域TOP期刊,JCR一區期刊,IF =5.101
4.Yang X(楊勛), Hu L, Zeng J, Tan Y, Cheng B. Default mode network and frontolimbic gray matter abnormalities in patients with borderline personality disorder: A voxel-based meta-analysis.Sci Rep.2016 Oct 3;6:34247. doi: 10.1038/srep34247. (JCR二區SCI期刊,IF = 5.228
5.Xun Yang(楊勛), Ming Zhou, Sunima Lama, Lizhou Chen, Xinyu Hu, Song Wang, Yan Shi, Xiaoqi Huang, Qiyong Gong. Intrinsic brain activity responsible for sex differences in shyness and social anxiety.Front Behav Neurosci.2017, Mar 13;11:43.(JCR二區SCI期刊,IF=3.392)
6.Yang X(楊勛), Si T, Gong Q, Qiu L, Jia Z, Zhou M, Zhao Y,Hu X, Wu M, Zhu H*. Brain gray matter alterations and associated demographic profiles in adults with autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies.Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2016,50(8):741-53.(JCR二區SCI期刊,IF =3.536)
7. Zhang WJ,Yang X(楊勛), Lui S*, Meng YJ, Yao L, Xiao Y, Deng W, Gong QY. Diagnostic Prediction for Social Anxiety Disorder via Multivariate Pattern Analysis of the Regional Homogeneity.BioMed Research International,2015, ID763965(JCR三區SCI期刊,IF =2.134)
8.Yang X(楊勛),Kendrick M K, Wu QZ, Chen TL, Lama S, Cheng BC, Li SG, Huang XQ, and Gong QY*. Structural and functional connectivity changes in the brain associated with shyness but not with social anxiety.PlosOne,2013,8(5),e63151.(JCR三區SCI期刊,IF =3.057)
9. Lui S, Wu Q, Qiu L,Yang X(楊勛), Kuang W, Chan RCK, Huang X, Kemp G, Mechelli A, Gong QY*. Resting-state functional connectivity in treatment-resistant depression.American Journal of Psychiatry.2011; 168(6): 642-8.(精神疾病TOP雜誌,JCR一區期刊,IF: 13.505)
10. Wang S, Kong F, Zhou M, Chen T,Yang X(楊勛), Chen G, Gong Q.Brain Structure Linking Delay Discounting and Academic Performance.Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 May 12. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23638. [Epub ahead of print](JCR一區SCI期刊,IF=4.962)
11.Cheng B, Huang X, Li S, Hu X, Luo Y, Wang X,Yang X(楊勛), Qiu C, Yang Y, Zhang W, Bi F, Roberts N, Gong Q*. Gray Matter Alterations in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder.Front Behav Neurosci.2015,9:219.(JCR二區SCI期刊,IF=3.392)
12. Wang S, Zhou M, Chen T,Yang X(楊勛), Chen G, Wang M, Gong Q.Examining gray matter structure associated with academic performance in a large sample of Chinese high school students.Sci Rep.2017 Apr 18;7(1):893. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00677-9. (JCR二區SCI期刊,IF = 5.228
13. Wang S, Xu X, Zhou M, Chen T,Yang X(楊勛), Chen G, Gong Q.Hope and the brain: Trait hope mediates the protective role of medial orbitofrontal cortex spontaneous activity against anxiety.Neuroimage. 2017 May 27;157:439-447. (JCR一區SCI期刊,IF = 5. 835
14.Wang S, Zhou M, Chen T,Yang X(楊勛), Chen G, Wang M, Gong Q.Grit and the brain: spontaneous activity of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex mediates the relationship between the trait grit and academic performance.Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci.2016 Sep 26. pii: nsw145. [Epub ahead of print](JCR二區SCI期刊,IF = 5.101)
15. Taolin Chen,Keith M. Kendrick, Chunliang F, Shiyue Sun,Xun Yang(楊勛), Xiaogang Wang, Wenbo Luo, Suyong Yan, Xiaoqi Huang, Pedro A. Valdés-Sosa, Qiyong Gong, Jin Fan & Yue-Jia Luo. Dissociable early attentional control mechanisms underlying cognitive and affective conflicts,scientific reports.Nov 28;6:37633. doi: 10.1038/srep37633. (JCR二區SCI期刊,IF = 5.228
16. Gong Q*, Li L, Du M, Pettersson-Yeo W, Crossley N,Yang X(楊勛), Li J, Huang X, Mechelli A.Quantitative Prediction of Individual Psychopathology in Trauma Survivors Using Resting-State fMRI.Neuropsychopharmacology. 2014, 39(3), 681-687.(JCR一區SCI期刊,IF=6.399)
17. Chen T, Kendrick KM, Feng C, Yang S, Wang X,Yang X(楊勛), Lei D, Wu M, Huang X, Gong Q, Luo Y*.Opposite effect of conflict context modulation on neural mechanisms of cognitive and affective control.Psychophysiology. 2014, 51(5):478-88.(JCR三區SCI期刊,IF=3.074)
18. Qiu L, Huang X, Zhang J, Wang Y, Kuang W, Li J, Wang X, Wang L,Yang X(楊勛), Lui S, Mechelli A, Gong Q*.Characterization of major depressive disorder using a multiparametric classification approach based on high resolution structural images.JPsychiatry Neurosci. 2014,39(2):78-86(JCR二區SCI期刊,IF=5.57)
19. Li K, Jiang J, Qiu L, Yang XYang X (楊勛), Huang X1, Lui S, Gong Q*. A multimodal MRI dataset of professional chess players.Sci Data. 2015,1;2:150044. (SCI期刊,IF=4.836)
1)Yang X (楊勛), Hu X, Qiu L, Jia Z, Zhao Y,Gong Q. Brain grey matter alterations and associateddemographicprofiles in adults with autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies. The 28th European Congress of Radiology (ECR) The Vienna Convention Center, Vienna, Austria, 2016, March 2-6.(Electronic Poster)
2)Yang X (楊勛),Zeng JG, Tan Y, Tian FF, Zhang HD, JiaZY, Gong QY.Cortical and subcortical grey matter shrinkage in alcohol-use disorders: a voxel-based meta-analysis. 22#HBM Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 26-30, 2016(Traditional Poster)
3)Yang X (楊勛),Kendrick M K, Wu QZ, Chen TL, Lama S, Cheng BC, Li SG, Huang XQ, and Gong QY. Structural and functional connectivity changes in the brain associated with shyness but not with social anxiety. Proceedings of the 21th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, USA, Salt lake city. 2013, April 20-26.(Oral presentation)
4)Xun Yang(楊勛), Qizhu Wu, Xiaoqi Huang, Sunima Lama, Lihua Qiu, Bochao Chen, Xiaoxiao Lei, Keith Maurice Kendrick, Qiyong Gong. Increased Grey Matter and White Matter Density in the Social Brain of Shy Adults: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. 18# HBM conference, Bejing, China. 2012. June 10-14(Traditional Poster)
5)Xun Yang(楊勛),Qizhu Wu, Changfeng Jin, Xiaolei Hu, Yi Liao, Lingjiang Li, Qiyong Gong. A Pattern Classification Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder based on Diffusion Tensor Imaging,17#HBM Conference, Quebec city, Canada, 2011.June 26-30(Traditional Poster)
6) Jin Liu,Xun Yang(楊勛), Yajing Meng, Mingrui Xia, Wei Zhang, Qiyong Gong, Yong He. Network Dysfunction in the Fronto-Limbic Circuit in Drug-Naive Social Anxiety Disorder. 22#HBM Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 26-30, 2016(共同第一,Oral presentation)


1)Xun Yang(楊勛).第二十一屆ISMRM會議優秀獎(ISMRM Merit Award,用於獎勵該年度ISMRM會議論文中同行評審評分前15%的會議摘要),國際醫學磁共振學會(International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,ISMRM),2013,USA.
2) Jin Liu, Xun Yang(楊勛)(共同第一).OHBM 2016 Merit Abstract Award Notification($2,000 USD),國際腦圖譜會議(Organization for Human Brain Mapping)2016,Switzerland.


