


  • 中文名:梅德清
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物質替代能源、汽車尾氣排放測試等及控制技術機理
  • 職務:江蘇大學汽車與交通工程學院碩士生導師
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職院校:江蘇大學


1993.09—1997.06 江蘇理工大學內燃機專業 學士
1997.09—2000.06 江蘇理工大學動力機械及工程專業 碩士
2000.09—2005.12 江蘇大學動力機械及工程專業 博士
1997.07—至今 江蘇大學汽車學院工作








[1] Deqing Mei, Lei Zuo, Derick Adu-Mensah, et al. Combustion characteristics and emissions of a common rail diesel engine using nanoparticle-diesel blends with carbon nanotube and molybdenum trioxide. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 162: 114238.
[2] Derick Adu-Mensah, Deqing Mei, Lei Zuo, et al. A review on partial hydrogenation of biodiesel and its influence on fuel properties. Fuel, 2019, 251: 660-668.
[3] Deqing Mei*, Chao Sun, Lichang Li, et al. Evaporation characteristics of fuel sessile droplets with nanoparticles. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2019, 41(6): 677-688
[4] Deqing Mei*, Zongning Zhu, Congwei Mei, et al. Fractal morphology features and carbon component analysis of diesel particulates. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(14): 14014-14023.
[5] Deqing Mei*, Hengquan Wang, Pengfei Dai, et al. A statistical analysis of emission features in non-road small SI engines with the same displacement. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2018, 232(11): 1431-1437.
[6] Deqing Mei*, Lizhi Tu, Shan Yue, et al. Simulation of combustion process and pollutant generation in a PCCI diesel engine with adaptable multiple injection. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2018, 144(5): 04018051.
[7] Deqing Mei*, Shan Yue, Xiaodong Zhao, et al. Effects of center of heat release on combustion and emissions in a PCCI diesel engine fueled with DMC-diesel blend. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017,114(3):969-976.
[8] Deqing Mei*, Chao Sun, Meng Gu, et al. Physical and chemical property and thermogravimetric performance of hydrogenated biodiesel. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2017, 39(16):1739-1745.
[9] Deqing Mei*, Xiaodong Zhao, Han Wu, et al. Effects of enriched oxygen/nitrogen intake on combustion process and emission features in a diesel engine. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2017, 143(3), 04016062.
[10]Deqing Mei*, Yanqiang Luo, Wenbing Tan, et al. Crystallization behavior of fatty acid methyl esters and biodiesel based on differential scanning calorimetry and thermodynamic model. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2016, 38(15): 2312-2318.
[11]Deqing Mei*, Yanqiang Luo, Wenbing Tan, et al. Comparative study of the transient emission profiles of a light-duty vehicle powered by petrodiesel and a light-duty vehicle powered by biodiesel (Jatropha curcas). IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2016, 230(1):93-102.
[12]Deqing Mei*, Xianming Li, Qimin Wu, et al. Role of cerium oxide nanoparticles as diesel additives in combustion efficiency improvements and emission reduction. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2016, 142(4), 04015050.
[13]Deqing Mei*, Shan Yue, Xiaodong Zhao, et al. Combustion features under different center of heat release of a diesel engine using dimethyl carbonate/diesel blend. International Journal of Green Energy, 2016, 13(11):1120-1128.
[14]Deqing Mei*, Yue Shan, Wu Han, et al. Effect of Co3O4 on the kinetics of thermal decomposition of diesel particulate matter. Emerging Materials Research. 2016, 5(1): 100-109.
[15]Deqing Mei*, Han Wu, Hua Ren, et al. Combustion cycle-by-cycle variations in a common-rail direct injection engine fueled with dimethyl carbonate-diesel blend. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2016, 142(1): 04014059.


01. 主持國家自然基金面上項目1項,起止日期:2019.01-2022.12
02. 參與國家自然基金面上項目1項,起止日期:2019.01-2022.12
03. 參與國家自然基金國際合作項目1項(子課題負責人),起止日期:2017.07-2020.06
04. 參與江蘇省科技廳重點研發項目1項(合作項目,校內負責人),起止日期:2016.07-2019.06
05. 參與國家自然基金青年基金項目1項(合作項目,校內負責人),起止日期:2016.01-2018.12


[1] 2011.02.25獲得江蘇省人民政府授予的2010年度江蘇省科學技術獎三等獎。(低排放生物柴油發展戰略研究與產業化關鍵技術。證書編號:2010-3-23-R3)
[2] 2009.12.30獲得中國機械工業聯合會授予的中國機械工業科學技術獎二等獎。(生物柴油配製、燃燒與排放污染物控制技術。證書編號:0911018-03)
[3] 2009.12.08獲得汽車工業科技進步獎勵基金會授予的汽車工業科技進步獎三等獎。(生物柴油配製、燃燒與排放污染物控制技術。證書編號:09-01-08)
[4] 2013.11獲江蘇大學首屆英語講課比賽三等獎。
[5] 2013.07獲江蘇大學2012-2013年度“教書育人”先進個人。
[6] 2019.10 《內燃機百問》獲第十屆江蘇省優秀科普作品三等獎


