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  • 中文名:梁騰
  • 畢業院校:University of Dundee
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生態岩土工程、地震岩土工程、超重力離心模擬與實驗
  • 職稱:講師
  • 任職院校:浙江大學建築工程學院


2011.10-2015.10:University of Dundee,岩土工程,博士(導師:Prof. Jonathan Knappett & Prof. David Muir Wood & Prof.Glyn Bengough)
2010.09-2011.07:中南大學,岩土工程,免試直博生 (導師:李夕兵教授)
2019.08- :浙江大學超重力研究中心 講師
2018.10-2019.10:University of Dundee科學與工程學院 副研究員(兼職)
2017.10-2018.10:University of Dundee科學與工程學院 岩土工程研究員
2015.10-2017.10:University of Dundee科學與工程學院 博士後


  • ·生態岩土工程
  • ·地震岩土工程
  • ·超重力離心模擬與實驗


主要從事生態與環境岩土工程和地震岩土工程方面的研究工作,博士論文獲得英國 University of Dundee 土木工程最佳博士論文獎(Dr Angus A Fulton Postgraduate Prize),主持與參與國家自然科學基金、英國工程和自然科學研究委員會 (EPSRC) 基金、英國諾曼弗雷澤設計信託基金(Norman Fraser Design Trust)等科研項目9項,發表學術論文18篇,SCI收錄11篇,其中包括岩工程領域國際Top期刊 Géotechnique 文章4篇 。擔任 Landslides,Engineering Geology, Ecological Engineering,Catena,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics以及Environmental Technology等十餘個國際期刊審稿人。
J9-Liang, T., Knappett, J.A., Bengough, A.G.& Leung. A.K. (2020).Modelling the seismic performance of root reinforced slopes using the finite element method.Géotechniquedoi:10.1680/ jgeot. 17. P.286.(SCI, IF 2019:3.559, JCR分區 Q1)
J8-Liang, T., Knappett, J. A., Leung, A., Carnaghan, A., Bengough, A. G., & Zhao, R. (2020). A critical evaluation of predictive models for rooted soil strength with application to predicting the seismic deformation of rooted slopes. Landslides, 17, 93–109. doi: 10.1007/s10346-019-01259-8(SCI, IF2019: 4.187, JCR分區Q1)
J7-Meijer, G.J., MuirWood, D., Bengough, A.G., Knappett, J.A.,Liang, T.(2019). Modelling root behaviour in shear and pull-out using analytical beam theory with coupled axial and lateral deformations. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. doi: 10.1002/nag. 2880 (SCI, IF 2019:2.481, JCR分區Q2)
J6-Leung, A.K., Boldrin, D.,Liang, T., Wu, Z, Kamchoom, V., Bengough, A.G. (2018). Root age effects on soil infiltration rate during early plant establishment. Géotechnique 68(7). doi:10.1680/jgeot.17.t.037(SCI, IF 2019:3.559, JCR分區Q1)
J5-Liang, T., Knappett, J.A. (2017). Centrifuge modelling of the influence of slope height on the seismic performance of rooted slopes. Géotechnique 67(10): 855–869. doi: 10.1680/jgeot.16.P.072(SCI, IF 2019 :3.559, JCR分區 Q1)
J4-Liang, T., Knappett, J.A., Bengough, A.G., Ke, Y.X. (2017). Small scale modelling of plant root systems using 3-D printing, with applications to investigate the role of vegetation on earthquake-induced landslides. Landslides. 14(5): 1747–1765. doi:10.1007/s10346-017-0802-2(SCI, IF 2019:4.187, JCR分區Q1)
J3-Liang, T., Bengough, A.G., Knappett, J.A., MuirWood, D., Loades, K.W., Hallett, P.D., Boldrin, D., Leung, A.K., Meijer, G.J. (2017). Scaling of the reinforcement of soil slopes by living plants in a geotechnical centrifuge. Ecol. Eng. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.06.067(SCI, IF 2019:3.406,JCR分區Q2)
J2-Liang, T., Knappett, J.A. (2017). Newmark sliding block model for predicting the seismic performance of vegetated slopes. Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng 101, 27-40. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn. 2017.07.010(SCI, IF 2019:2.578, JCR分區 Q2)
J1-Liang, T., Knappett, J.A., Duckett, N. (2015). Modelling the seismic performance of rooted slopes from individual root-soil interaction to global slope behaviour. Géotechnique 65 (12), 995–1009. doi:10.1680/jgeot.14.P.207(SCI, IF 2019:3.559, JCR分區 Q1)
C9-Bengough, A.G., Boldrin, D., Hallett, P.D., Knappett, J.A.,Liang, T.,Leung, A.K, Loades, K.W., Meijer, G.J., MuirWood, D. and Nocoll, B.C. (2019) Effects of vegetation on slope stability-understanding mechanical and hydrological reinforcement at different scalesMUSLOC 2019-Multi-scale analysis of slopes under climate change. A cross disciplinary workshop, Barcelona, Spain.Abstract
C8-Meijer, G.J., MuirWood, D., Bengough, A.G., Knappett, J.A.,Liang, T.(2019).Root branching affects the mobilisation of root-reinforcement in direct shearIS-Glasgow 2019-7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Glasgow, UK
C7-Liang, T.,Bengough, A.G., Knappett, J.A., MuirWood, D., Loades, K.W., Hallett, P.D., Meijer, G.J. (2018). Scaling of plant roots using juvenile live roots or 3D printed analogues.ICPMG2018-9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, London, UK, 1, pp.361–366.(SCI)
C6-Zhang, X., Knappett, J.A., Leung, A.K,Liang, T.(2018). Physical modelling of soil-structure interaction of tree root systems under lateral loadsICPMG2018-9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, London, UK,1, pp.481–487.(SCI)
C5-Liang, T.,Bengough, A.G., Knappett, J.A., MuirWood, D., (2016). On the role of vegetation in earthquake induced landslides.ICONHIC2016-1st International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure,Chania, Greece
C4-Liang, T., Bengough, A.G., Knappett, J.A., MuirWood, D., Loades, K.W., Hallett, P.D. (2016). Realistic scaling of plant root systems for centrifuge modelling of root-reinforced slopes.SBEE2016-4th International Conference on Soil Bio- and Eco-Engineering, Sydney, Australia.Abstract
C3-Bengough, A.G., Boldrin, D., Hallett, P.D., Knappett, J.A., Leung, A.K.,Liang, T., Loades, K.W., Meijer, G.J., MuirWood, D. (2016). Optimising vegetation species selection and management regime for slope stabilisation: Experiments from column, centrifuge and field slope scales. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vienna, Austria. 20, pp.18021. Abstract
C2-Liang, T.& Knappett, J.A. (2015).Centrifuge modelling of vegetated slopes under earthquake loading.6ICEGE-6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand
C1-Liang, T., Knappett, J.A. & Bengough, A.G. (2014). Scale modelling of plant root systems using 3-D printing.ICPMG2014-8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Perth, Australia, 1, pp.361–366.


