- 中文名:梁竹苑
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:碩士生導師
- 畢業院校:北京師範大學
1. Liang, Z-Y., Xu, L., Wang, K., Rao, L-L., Zhou, Y., Jiang, T.*, & Li, S*. (manuscript). Neural Networks of Future delay values: Is punishment the mirror-image of reward? (共同第一作者)
2. Liang, Z.-Y., & Li, S.* (manuscript). The reversed behavioral annuity puzzle: A field study from perspective of future discounting bias.
3. Zheng, Y., Huang G-H., Sun, Y., Li, S.*, &Liang., Z-Y.*(manuscript).Not all gamblers are created equal: Which gamble to play depends on the personality trait. (共同通訊作者)
4. Xu, L., Liang, Z-Y., Wang, K., Hou, B., Zhou, Y., Rao, L-L., Li, S.*, & Jiang, T.* (Under review). Neural dissociation of gains and losses in intertemporal choice. Human Brain Mapping. (SCI 索引,共同第一作者)
5. 周蕾,李紓, 許燕*, 梁竹苑*. (Under review). 決策風格的概念、測量和發展. 心理科學進展. (CSCD索引)
6. 黃貴海, 周坤, 孫悅, 饒儷琳, 唐輝,李紓*, 梁竹苑*.(終審). 澳門人不涉賭是規避風險還是規避後悔?心理科學. (CSCD 索引)
7. Zhou, K., Tang, H., Sun, Y., Huang, G-H., Rao, L-L., Liang, Z-Y.*,&Li, S*.(2012). Believe in luck or in skill: Which locks people into gambling?Journal of Gambling Studies
8. 梁竹苑, 徐麗娟, 饒儷琳, 蔣田仔, 李紓*. (2012). “20%的機率獲得蛋糕”=“獲得蛋糕的20%”?檢驗風險決策的期望法則假設. 科學通報(CSCD 索引)
9. 梁竹苑, 周媛, 饒儷琳, 李紓*. (2012). 從行為決策到神經經濟學:一條研究演化之路. In 馬慶國 (Ed.), 中國神經科學與社會科學交叉學科研究進展 北京: 科學出版社.
10. 李紓*, 梁竹苑, 孫彥. (2012). 人類決策:基礎科學研究中富有前景的學科. 中國科學院院刊
11. 付陽, 周媛, 梁竹苑, 李紓*. (2012). 愛情的神經機制. 科學通報
12. 梁竹苑*, 劉歡. (2011). 跨期選擇的性質探索. 心理科學進展
13. Rao, L-L., Zhou, Y., Xu, L-J., Liang, Z-Y., Jiang, T-Z.*, & Li, S*. (2011). Are risky choices actually guided by a compensatory process? New insights from fMRI
14. Li, S., Zhou, K., Sun, Y., Rao, L-L., Zheng, R., & Liang, Z-Y*.(2010). Anticipated Regret, Risk Perception, or Both: Which is Most Likely Responsible for Our Intention to Gamble
15. Xu, L., Liang, Z-Y., Wang, K., Li, S.* , & Jiang, T. *(2009).Neural Mechanism of Intertemporal Choice: From Discounting Future Gains to Future Losses
16. 李紓, 畢研玲,梁竹苑*, 孫彥, 汪祚軍, 鄭蕊 (2009). 無限理性還是有限理性?——齊當別抉擇模型在經濟行為中的套用. 管理評論
17. 劉歡, 梁竹苑,李紓.* (2009). 得失程數的變化: 損失規避現象的新視點. 心理學報
18. 饒儷琳, 梁竹苑, 李紓*. (2009). 規範性和描述性風險決策理論的檢驗:期望價值理論和齊當別抉擇模型. 心理學報
19. 劉歡, 梁竹苑, 李紓*. (2009). 行為經濟學中的損失規避. 心理科學進展
20. 徐麗娟,梁竹苑, 王坤, 李紓,蔣田仔*. (2009). 跨期選擇的神經機制:從折扣未來獲益到折扣未來損失. 中國基礎科學
21. 饒儷琳, 梁竹苑, 李紓*. (2008). 行為決策中的後悔. 心理科學
22. Li, S.*&Liang, Z-Y. (2007). Action/inaction and regret: The moderating effect of closeness
23. 梁竹苑, 許燕*, 蔣獎. (2007). 決策中個體差異研究現狀述評. 心理科學進展
24. 李紓*, 謝曉非, 畢研玲, 李岩梅, 梁哲,梁竹苑, 施維, 許潔虹, 於窈, 余松霖(2007). 行為決策理論之父: 紀念Edwards教授2周年忌辰. 套用心理學
1. Zheng, Y., Huang G-H., Sun, Y., Li, S. *, &Liang., Z-Y.*(2012, Nov.). Not all gamblers are created equal: Which gamble to play depends on the personality trait. Paper presented at the First Asia Pacific Conference on Gambling & Commercial Gaming Research, Macao, CHINA. Best paper award
1. Baron, J. (2009). 思維與決策(第四版) (李紓, 梁竹苑主譯). 北京: 中國輕工業出版社.
2. 石林, 古麗娜, 梁竹苑, 等譯. 壓力與健康. 北京:中國輕工業出版社. 2000
1. 周蕾,李紓, 梁竹苑*. 情緒對跨期選擇的影響——探索主觀時間知覺的作用.第十五屆全國心理學大會, 廣州, 中國.
2. 周蕾,楊穎, 司馬帥, 劉翔平*, 梁竹苑*.競爭情境中神經質特質對個體風險傾向的影響. 中國心理學會社會心理學分會2012年學術年會, 張家界, 中國.
3. 梁竹苑, 徐麗娟, 蔣田仔, 李紓*.算術還是機率能力?檢驗風險決策中的期望法則假設.第十四屆全國心理學大會, 西安, 中國.
4. 劉歡, 梁竹苑, 任孝鵬, 白新文, 鄭蕊, 李紓*. (2010, Oct.). 2008年金融危機對居民損失規避和跨期選擇的影響. 第十四屆全國心理學大會,西安, 中國.
5. 梁竹苑, 許燕*. 決策中個體差異研究的現狀.(2005, Oct.). 第十屆全國心理學大會, 上海, 中國.
6. 梁竹苑, 彭聃齡*.(2003, Nov.).形聲字識別中形旁一致性的作用. 中國心理學會普通心理學專業分會學術年會, 北京, 中國
1. Zheng, Y., Huang G-H., Sun, Y., Li, S. *, &Liang., Z-Y.*(2012, Nov.). Not all gamblers are created equal: Which gamble to play depends on the personality trait. Paper presented at the First Asia Pacific Conference on Gambling & Commercial Gaming Research, Macao, CHINA.
2. Liang, Z.Y., Xu, L. J., Jiang, T. Z., &Li, S*. (2012, Jul.). Arithmetic or numeracy: Testing expectation rule of risky decision. Paper presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA.
3. Liang, Z. Y., Liu, H., Ren, X. P., Bai, X. W., Zheng, R., & Li, S. * (2010, Jul.). The Impact of 2008 Financial Crisis on People’s Loss Aversion and Time Discounting. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology 2010, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.
4. Liu, H., Liang, Z. Y., Li, S. * (2009, Nov.). The Impact of 2008 Financial Crisis on People’s Loss Aversion and Time Discounting. Paper presented at the 8th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, New Delhi, INDIA.
5. Xu, L. J., Liang, Z. Y., Wang, K., Li, S., & Jiang, T. Z. * (2009, Jun.). Neural Networks Reflecting Individual Differences in Intertemporal Decision Making. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brian Mapping, San Francisco, USA.
6. Zhou, Y., Rao, L.L., Li, S., Xu, L. J., Liang, Z.Y.,& Jiang, T.Z. * (2009, Jun.). Is risky choice actually guided by a compensatory rule? New insights from functional magnetic resonance. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brian Mapping, San Francisco, USA.
7. Xu, L. J., Liang, Z.Y., Wang, K., Li, S., & Jiang, T.Z. * (2008, Jun.). Neural Mechanism of Intertemporal Choice: From Discounting Future Gains to Future Losses. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brian Mapping, Melbourne, Australia.
8. Liang, Z.Y., Li, S. *, & Liang, Z. (2008, Jul.). A procedure effect on predicting the Football World Cup: Man figures, God laughs. Paper presented at the 7th Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality, Berlin, Germany.
9. Liang, Z.Y.,&Peng, D.L. * (2004, Jul.). The Semantic Radical's Consistent Effect on Chinese Phonograms' Recognization. Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China
1. 梁竹苑、周媛、饒儷琳、李紓. (2010年7月29日). 神經經濟學:探索人類決策行為的神經基礎. 中國社會科學報, 第12版