



  • 中文名:梁涵瑋
  • 出生日期:1987年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:地理學
  • 任職院校:南京信息工程大學


2015.02-2017.06:南京信息工程大學 地理與遙感學院 講師
2017.07-至今: 南京信息工程大學 地理與遙感學院 副教授
Resources Conservation and Recycling期刊審稿人
Atmospheric Environment期刊審稿人






1.2016–2019 江蘇省自然科學基金“基於多源空間數據的南京市基礎設施中鋼鐵資源效益與回收策略研究” (主持)
2.2016–2018 江蘇省高校自然科學研究面上項目“基於GIS 技術的城市基礎設施物質代謝及其環境效應研究”(主持)
3. 2015–2016上海市城市化生態過程與生態恢復重點實驗室項目“基於Suomi NPP VIIRS 夜間燈光數據的城市礦產蓄積量空間化分析” (主持)
Liang H, Dong L, Tanikawa H,et al. Feasibility of a new-generation nighttime light data for estimating in-use steel stock of buildings and civil engineering infrastructures.Resources Conservation and Recycling, 2017,123, 11–23.(SCI-3區)
Dong L, Liang H, Zhang L,et al.Highlighting regional eco-industrial development: Life cycle benefits of an urban industrial symbiosis and implications in China.Ecological Modelling, 2017, 361, 164–176.(SCI-3區)
Ji Han,Liang H, Keishiro Hara, Michinori Uwasu, Dong L. Quality of life in China's largest city, Shanghai: A 20-year subjective and objective composite assessment.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.10.097(SCI-1區)
Dong L, Dai M,Liang H,et al. Material flows and resource productivity in China, South Korea and Japan from 1970 to 2008: A transitional perspective.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 141: 1164–1177.(SCI-1區)
Ren J,Liang H. Measuring the sustainability of marine fuels: A fuzzy group multi-criteria decision-making approach.Transportation Research Part D Transport&Environment, 2017, 54:12–29.(SSCI)
Ren J,Liang H, Dong L, Gao Z,et al.Sustainable development of sewage sludge-to-energy in China: Barriers identification and technologies prioritization.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 67: 384–396.(SCI-1區Top期刊)
Ren J,Liang H.Urban sewage sludge, sustainability, and transition for Eco-City: Multi-criteria sustainability assessment of technologies based on best-worst method.Technological Forecasting and Social Chang, 2017, 116:29–39.(SSCI)
Ren J, Ren X,Liang H, Dong L,et al. Multi-actor multi-criteria sustainability assessment framework for energy and industrial systems in life cycle perspective under uncertainties. Part 1: weighting method. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2017,22:1397–1405.(SCI-2區)
Ren J, Ren X,Liang H, Dong L,et al. Multi-actor multi-criteria sustainability assessment framework for energy and industrial systems in life cycle perspective under uncertainties. Part 2: improved extension theory.The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2017,22:1406–1417.(SCI-2區)
Luo X, Dong L, Dou Y, Li Y, Liu K, Ren J,Liang H, Mai X. Factor Decomposition Analysis and Causal Mechanism Investigation on Urban Transport CO2Emission: Comparative Study on Shanghai and Tokyo.Energy Policy, 2017, 107.(SCI-1區)
11.著作名稱:Hydrogen Economy: Supply Chain, Life Cycle Analysis and Energy Transition for Sustainability,2017年,出版社:Elsevier (參編第一章和第八章)。
12.Liang H, Dong L, Xiao Luo, Ren J, Ning Zhang, Zhiqiu Gao, Yi Dou. Balancing regional industrial development: analysis on regional disparity of China's industrial emissions and policy implications.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 126: 223–235.(SCI-1區)
13.Liang H, Ren J, Dong L, Gao Z, Ning Zhang, Ming Pan. Is the hydrogen production from biomass technology really sustainable? Answer by Life Cycle Emergy Analysis.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(25), 10507–10514.(SCI-2區Top期刊)
14.Liang H, Ren J, Zhiqiu Gao, Suzhao Gao, Xiao Luo, Dong L, Antonio Scipioni. Identification of Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Development of Biofuel Industry in China based on Grey DEMATEL.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 131:500–508.(SCI-1區)
15.Dong L,Liang H, Zhiqiu Gao,Xiao Luo, Ren J. Spatial distribution of China's renewable energy industry: regional features and implications for a harmonious development future.Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 58: 1521–1531.(SCI-1區Top期刊)
16.Wang S, Ma Q, Ding H,Liang H. Detection of urban expansion and land surface temperature change using multi-temporal landsat images.Resources Conservation & Recycling, 2016.(SCI-3區)
17.Ren J,Liang H, Dong L, Sun L, Gao Z.Design for Sustainability of Industrial Symbiosis based on Emergy and Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization.Science of The Total Environment, 2016, 562, 789–801.(SCI-2區Top期刊)
18.Ren J,An D,Liang H, Dong L,Zhiqiu Gao,et al. Life Cycle Energy and CO2Emission Optimization for Biofuel Supply Chain Planning under Uncertainties Energy,Energy, 2016, 103:153–166.(SCI-1區)
19.Luo X, Dong L, Dou Y,Liang H, Ren J, Kai Fang. Regional disparity analysis of Chinese freight transport CO2emissions from 1990 to 2007: driving forces and policy challenges.Journal of Transport Geography, 2016.(SCI-3區)
20.Dou Y, Luo X, Dong L, Wu C,Liang H, Ren J. An empirical study on transit-oriented low-carbon urban land use planning: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) on Shanghai, China.Habitat International, 2016, 53:379–389.(SCI-3區)
21.Zhang L, Yu J, Ren J, Ma L, Zhang W,Liang H. How can fuel cell vehicles bring a bright future for this dragon? Answer by multi-criteria decision-making analysis.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(39), 17183–17192.(SCI-2區Top期刊)
22.Liang H, Hiroki Tanikawa, Yasunari Matsuno,Dong L. Modeling In-Use Steel Stock in China’s Buildings and Civil Engineering Infrastructure Using Time-Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Lights.Remote Sensing, 2014, 6(6):4780–4800.(SCI-2區)
23.Liang H, Wanxin Hou, Cherry Myolwin, Hiroki Tanikawa. Exploring the characterization of building stock and its relationship with nighttime light distribution in Japan: a spatial perspective.Journal of Environmental Information Science, 2014, 42(5): 25–32.(日本期刊)
24.Dong L,Liang H. Spatial analysis on China's regional air pollutants and CO2emissions: emission pattern and regional disparity.Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 92: 280–291.(SCI-2區)
25.Liang H*, Hiroki Tanikawa. Multi-scale assessment of floor area disparity using spatial database: An empirical study in Japan.Journal of International Review of Civil Engineering, 2014, 5(2): 48–55.(日本期刊)
26.Hou W,Liang H, Han J, Tanikawa H. Material Consumption of Building Construction with Land Use Change in China: A Socioeconomic and Geographical Analysis.Journal of Environmental Information Science, 2012, 26:43–48.(日本期刊)


