梁曉蓓,女,漢族,博士、教授。2005年6月畢業於東華大學信息科學與技術學院“控制理論與控制工程”專業,獲工學博士學位。2005年7月—2007年6月於復旦大學管理學院“管理科學與工程”博 士後工作站從事博士後研究工作。2007年7月全球引進加入同濟大學經濟與管理學院。
- 中文名:梁曉蓓
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:東華大學
- 性別:女
- 學歷:博士
- 職稱:教授
2007年8月— 現在 同濟大學經濟與管理學院,教授。
2005年7月—2007年6月 復旦大學管理學院,博士後。
2002年12月 — 2005年6月 上海亞美信管理諮詢有限公司,高級諮詢師、高級培訓師。
2001年3月—2001年12月 上海錦元文化有限公司,財務副總經理兼人力資源部經理。
2000年8月—2001年榆項多2月 香港“玫”國際服飾公司,行銷副總經理。
2000年2月—2000年7月 上海杉杉集團(上市公司)意丹奴服飾公司,業務部部長。
1993年7月—2000年1月 真維斯國際(香港)有限公司(上市公司),大中華區行銷副總經理。
1991年2月—1993年6月 南京時來實業有限公司(台資),財務總監。
1987年8月—1991年1月 中國工商銀行武漢市分行,會計師。
2011年3月—2011年8月 University of Texas at Austin, McCOMBS School of Business (USA). Visiting Scholar. 美國德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校,訪問學者。合作教授Andrew B. Whinston。
講授主要課程:《市場行銷學》、《客戶關係管理》、《財務管理》、《電子商務概論》、《零售學》、《連鎖經營概論》 等。
1) 基礎設施、設備、人員的計畫與調度研究(2008年國家自然科學基金重點項目“服務運作管理理論、方法和關鍵技術研究” 子課題負責人,70832005,2008.10-2012.9 )
2) 基於婚剃鑽計算智慧型的社會養老保險協調控制模型(中國博士後科學基金一等資助項目,20060390138,經費5萬元,項目主持人,2006.10-2008.9)
3) 電子商務套用系統的性能智慧型化模型(2005年上海市自然科學基金項目,05ZR14091,經費5萬元,項目主持人,2005.10-2007.9)
4) 知識競爭力與創新型城市的評價方法及套用研究(2008年上海市科技發展基金軟科學研究項目,086921005,經費5萬元,項目主持人,2008.6-2009.6)
5) 基於過程方法的能源消耗控制模式及最佳化問題研究(2006年國家自然科學基金項目,70671026, 經費17萬,項目第二主持人,2006.10-2009.9)
6) 英國牛津郡知識密集產業的增長剖析及其對上海轎危提升知識競爭力的啟示 (2006年上海市科技發展基金軟科學研究重點項目,066921004,經費8萬元鍵捆紙,分課題負責人,2006.7-2007.9)
7) 電子商歸應整鑽務套用標準建設與發展研究(國家商務部項目,編號:SXY03006,經費24萬元,分課題負責人,2003.12-2004.12)
8) 電子商務環境下供應鏈運作的大系統協調管理控制模型與方法(上海市科委基礎研究重點項目,編號:04JC14009,經費20萬元,分課題負責人,2004.10-2006.6)
9) 上海城市創新體系與科研機構布局的關聯研究(上海市科學技術發展軟科學重點項目,編號:046921010,經費2萬元,分課題負責人,2004.6-2004.11)
1) Jianghua Zhang, Xiaobei Liang, Optimal Scheduling of Hazardous Materials Transportation Considering Risk and Cost, Advanced Science Letters, (Accepted) Dec. 30, 2011. (SCI Journal)
2) Xiaobei Liang, Jianghua Zhang, Binyong Tang,Developing a Mobile Service-Based Customer Relationship Management System Using Fuzzy Logic,International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,3(6): 805-814, Dec.2010. (SCI/SSCI Journal)
3) Xiaobei Liang, Demian Chen, Da Ruan, Bingyong Tang, Evaluation Models of Insurers' Risk Management Based on Large System Theory, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 23(4): 415-423, May 2009. (SCI/SSCI Journal)
4) Xiaobei Liang, Xinghua Liu, Da Ruan, Daoli Zhu, Bingyong Tang, An Adaptive T-S Fuzzy Control Model for the Pension Information Systems, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms 13(b), 106-110, DEC. 2006. SCI Journal)
5) Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang, Fuzzy variation coefficients programming of fuzzy systems and its application, FUZZY SYSTEMS AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, PT 1, LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3613: 140-147 AUG 2005. (SCI Journal)
6) Xinghua Liu, Xiaobei Liang, NJ Wang, Emergence of Trend Trading and its Effects in Minority Game, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 369 (2): 771-779, SEP. 2006. (SCI Journal)
7) Xinghua Liu, Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang, Minority Game and Anomalies in Financial Markets, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 333(2004), 343-352. (SCI Journal)
8) Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang, A New Pension Control Approach to Observer-based Fault Detection Systems Intelligent Designing, Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, 1334-1337, Xiamen, China, Nov 17-18, 2008.(EI)
9) Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang, Fuzzy Programming and Multi-Objectives Evaluation Model in the Supplier Relationship Management, 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Proceedings-1, 3841-3844, July 26-28, 2007, Shanghai, China. (EI)
10) Xiaobei Liang, Da Ruan, Daoli Zhu, Bingyong Tang, The Customer Loyalty Fuzzy Adaptive Control and Its Application in The Power System, 2006 IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - CIRUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES, AND POWER SOURCES AND SYSTEMS, VOL 1 AND 2, PEOCEEDINGS: 1036-1039. Málaga, Spain, May 16-19, 2006. (EI)
11) Xiaobei Liang, Daoli Zhu, Bingyong Tang, Large-System’s Harmonious Control and Applications of Supply Chain Operation, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 471-475, Shanghai, China, June 21-23, 2006.(EI)
12) Xiaobei Liang, xinghua liu, Bingyong Tang, Yuan Xue, Zhichang Zhu. Fuzzy adaptive control based on L-R fuzzy number and application in the pension systems, Applied Computational Intelligence – Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference, 334-337, SEP 2004. (EI)
13) Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang,,On the risk management control models of the portfolio pension pattern,Yingyong Jichu yu Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, SUPPL(2004),276-279(EI)
14) 劉興華,梁曉蓓,楊海波,證券市場高頻數據雙相行為的仿真研究,系統工程理論與實踐,29(12),147-153, 2009. (EI)
15) Xiaowei Wu, Xiaobei Liang and Wenguan Song, The Research of Competitive Intelligence Organization of Dynamic Alliance (CIODA) in E-Commerce, 2006 IEEE Asia-Pacific CONFERERENCE ON Services Computing, Proceedings: 293-299, DEC 2006. (EI)
7) 電子商務套用標準建設與發展研究(國家商務部項目,編號:SXY03006,經費24萬元,分課題負責人,2003.12-2004.12)
8) 電子商務環境下供應鏈運作的大系統協調管理控制模型與方法(上海市科委基礎研究重點項目,編號:04JC14009,經費20萬元,分課題負責人,2004.10-2006.6)
9) 上海城市創新體系與科研機構布局的關聯研究(上海市科學技術發展軟科學重點項目,編號:046921010,經費2萬元,分課題負責人,2004.6-2004.11)
1) Jianghua Zhang, Xiaobei Liang, Optimal Scheduling of Hazardous Materials Transportation Considering Risk and Cost, Advanced Science Letters, (Accepted) Dec. 30, 2011. (SCI Journal)
2) Xiaobei Liang, Jianghua Zhang, Binyong Tang,Developing a Mobile Service-Based Customer Relationship Management System Using Fuzzy Logic,International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,3(6): 805-814, Dec.2010. (SCI/SSCI Journal)
3) Xiaobei Liang, Demian Chen, Da Ruan, Bingyong Tang, Evaluation Models of Insurers' Risk Management Based on Large System Theory, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 23(4): 415-423, May 2009. (SCI/SSCI Journal)
4) Xiaobei Liang, Xinghua Liu, Da Ruan, Daoli Zhu, Bingyong Tang, An Adaptive T-S Fuzzy Control Model for the Pension Information Systems, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms 13(b), 106-110, DEC. 2006. SCI Journal)
5) Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang, Fuzzy variation coefficients programming of fuzzy systems and its application, FUZZY SYSTEMS AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, PT 1, LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3613: 140-147 AUG 2005. (SCI Journal)
6) Xinghua Liu, Xiaobei Liang, NJ Wang, Emergence of Trend Trading and its Effects in Minority Game, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 369 (2): 771-779, SEP. 2006. (SCI Journal)
7) Xinghua Liu, Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang, Minority Game and Anomalies in Financial Markets, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 333(2004), 343-352. (SCI Journal)
8) Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang, A New Pension Control Approach to Observer-based Fault Detection Systems Intelligent Designing, Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, 1334-1337, Xiamen, China, Nov 17-18, 2008.(EI)
9) Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang, Fuzzy Programming and Multi-Objectives Evaluation Model in the Supplier Relationship Management, 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Proceedings-1, 3841-3844, July 26-28, 2007, Shanghai, China. (EI)
10) Xiaobei Liang, Da Ruan, Daoli Zhu, Bingyong Tang, The Customer Loyalty Fuzzy Adaptive Control and Its Application in The Power System, 2006 IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - CIRUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES, AND POWER SOURCES AND SYSTEMS, VOL 1 AND 2, PEOCEEDINGS: 1036-1039. Málaga, Spain, May 16-19, 2006. (EI)
11) Xiaobei Liang, Daoli Zhu, Bingyong Tang, Large-System’s Harmonious Control and Applications of Supply Chain Operation, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 471-475, Shanghai, China, June 21-23, 2006.(EI)
12) Xiaobei Liang, xinghua liu, Bingyong Tang, Yuan Xue, Zhichang Zhu. Fuzzy adaptive control based on L-R fuzzy number and application in the pension systems, Applied Computational Intelligence – Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference, 334-337, SEP 2004. (EI)
13) Xiaobei Liang, Bingyong Tang,,On the risk management control models of the portfolio pension pattern,Yingyong Jichu yu Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, SUPPL(2004),276-279(EI)
14) 劉興華,梁曉蓓,楊海波,證券市場高頻數據雙相行為的仿真研究,系統工程理論與實踐,29(12),147-153, 2009. (EI)
15) Xiaowei Wu, Xiaobei Liang and Wenguan Song, The Research of Competitive Intelligence Organization of Dynamic Alliance (CIODA) in E-Commerce, 2006 IEEE Asia-Pacific CONFERERENCE ON Services Computing, Proceedings: 293-299, DEC 2006. (EI)