



  • 中文名:梁彥韜
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:海洋病毒學、海洋微型生物生態學
  • 任職院校:中國海洋大學海洋生命學院


2019.3- 中國海洋大學海洋生命學院,“青年英才工程第三層次”,副教授




擔任 Frontiersin Marine Science 編委(2016-),並為 FEMS Microbiology Ecology、Microbial Ecology、MarineGenomics 等雜誌審稿。


1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金:南海海盆區典型站位浮游病毒與主要宿主類群關係的研究,
2. 國家重點研發計畫《近海生態系統碳匯過程、調控機制及增匯模式》“近海生態系統碳
匯形成過程與機理”子課題:近海微型浮游植物固碳能力與潛力研究 ,2016.08–2021.07,
4. 中科院青能所所內合作基金:電化學-微生物融合固碳合成燃料乙醇的新體系構建和綠色
過程研究(QIBEBT ZZBS 201805),2019.01–2021.12,課題負責人;
5. 國家海洋局行業標準項目:微型生物碳庫貢獻動態監測與評估技術規程:超微型浮游植
物 (2018100143-T),項目負責人;
6. 中國海洋大學“青年英才工程”科研啟動經費,2019.06–2021.06,項目負責人。
1. Gong, Z.†, Liang, Y.†, Wang, M.*, Jiang, Y., Yang, Q., Xia, J., Zhou, X., You, S., Gao, C.,
Wang, J., He, J. *, Shao, H., and Mcminn, A*. (2018) Viral Diversity and Its Relationship
With Environmental Factors at the Surface and Deep Sea of Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Frontiers
in Microbiology 9: 2981.
2.Jiao, N. *, Liang, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, R., Zhao, M., Dai, M., Zhai, W.,
Gao, K., Song, J., Yuan, D., Li, C., Lin, G., Huang, X., Yan, H., Hu, L., Zhang, Z., Wang, L.,
Cao, C., Luo, Y., Luo, T., Wang, N., Dang, H., Wang, D., and Zhang, S. (2018) Carbon pools
and fluxes in the China Seas and adjacent oceans. Science China Earth Sciences 61:
1535-1563. (Cover story)
3. Guo, R., Liang, Y., Xin, Y., Wang, L., Mou, S., Cao, C., Xie, R., Zhang, C., Tian, J. *, and
Zhang, Y*. (2018). Insight Into the Pico- and Nano-Phytoplankton Communities in the
Deepest Biosphere, the Mariana Trench. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9: 2289.
4. Polimene, L. *, Rivkin, R.B., Luo, Y.-W., Kwon, E.Y., Gehlen, M., Peña, M.A., Wang, N.,
Liang, Y., Kaartokallio, H., and Jiao, N. (2018). Modelling marine DOC degradation time
scales. National Science Review 5: 468-474.
5. Wei, W., Zhang, R.*, Peng, L., Liang, Y., and Jiao, N*. (2018). Effects of temperature and
photosynthetically active radiation on virioplankton decay in the western Pacific Ocean.
Scientific Reports 8: 1525.
6. Li, H., Zhang, Y.*, Liang, Y., Chen, J., Zhu, Y., Zhao, Y., and Jiao, N. (2018). Impacts of
maricultural activities on characteristics of dissolved organic carbon and nutrients in a typical
raft-culture area of the Yellow Sea, North China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 137: 456-464.
7. Yantao Liang, Yongyu Zhang*, Nannan Wang, Tingwei Luo, Yao Zhang, Richard B. Rivkin.
(2017) Estimating primary production of picophytoplankton using the carbon-based ocean
productivity model: a preliminary study. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8: 1926.
8. Yantao Liang, Yongyu Zhang*, Yao Zhang, Tingwei Luo, Richard B. Rivkin, Nianzhi Jiao*.
(2017) Distributions and relationships of virio- and pico-plankton in the epi-, meso- and
bathypelagic zones of the Western Pacific Ocean. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 93: fiw238.
9. Zhang, Y.Y. *, Zhang, J.H., Liang, Y.T., Li, H.M., Li, G., Chen, X., Zhao, P., Jiang, Z.J.,
Zou, D.H., and Liu, X.Y. (2017). Carbon sequestration processes and mechanisms in coastal
mariculture environments in China. Science China Earth Sciences 60: 1-11.
10. Shanli Mou, Yongyu Zhang, Gang Li, Hongmei Li, Yantao Liang, Lili Tang, et al. (2017)
Effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen supply on the growth and photosynthetic physiology of
a marine cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. PCC7002. Journal of Applied Phycology. 29:
11. Yantao Liang†, Xiaoge Bai†, Yong Jiang, Min Wang*, Jianfeng He*, Andrew McMinn.
(2016) Distribution of marine viruses and their potential hosts in the Prydz Bay and its
adjacent Southern Ocean, Antarctic. Polar Biology. 39, 365-378.
12. Liang, Y.†, Zhang, Y.†*, Zhou, C., Chen, Z., Yang, S., Yan, C.*, Jiao N. (2016). Complete
genome sequence of
the siphovirus Roseophage RDJLΦ 2
infecting Roseobacter
denitrificans och114. Marine Genomics, 25, 17-19.
13. Yantao Liang†, Li Li†, Tingwei Luo, Yao Zhang, Rui Zhang*, Nianzhi Jiao*. (2014)
Horizontal and vertical distribution of marine virioplankton and its ecological impact: a basin
scale investigation based on a global cruise. PLoS ONE. 9: e11634.
14. Li Y, Luo T, Sun J, Cai L, Liang Y, Jiao N *, Zhang R * (2014) Lytic viral infection of
bacterioplankton in deep waters of the western Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences 11: 2531-2542.
15. Min Wang*, Yantao Liang, Xiaoge Bai, Xuejiao Jiang, Fang Wang, Qian Qiao. (2010)
Distribution of microbial populations and their relationship with environmental parameters in
the coastal waters of Qingdao, China. Environmental Microbiology. 12: 1926-1939.
1. Yantao Liang, Li Li, Tingwei Luo, Yao Zhang, Rui Zhang, Nianzhi Jiao, Horizontal and
vertical distribution of marine virioplankton and its ecological impact: a basin scale
investigation based on a global cruise. ISME 15, 2014, Seoul, South Korea, August 24- 29,
2014. Poster presentation.
2. Yantao Liang, Yongyu Zhang, Yao Zhang, Tingwei Luo, Richard B. Rivkin, Nianzhi Jiao.
Water column stability characterizes the distribution patterns of pico- and virio-plankton in
the Western Pacific Ocean. GRC Ocean Biogeochemistry- The Biologically-Driven Ocean
Carbon Pumps, 2016, Hong Kong, China, June 12-17, 2016. Poster presentation.
3. 梁彥韜. 海洋超微型浮游生物的大尺度分布及其固碳潛力研究. 第四屆地球系統科學
大會,上海,2016年7月4-6日. 專題口頭報告.
4. 梁彥韜. 海洋超微型浮游植物固碳模型構建與初步套用. 中國海洋與湖沼學會年會,
海口,2016年11月9日. 專題口頭報告.
5. Yantao Liang. Modelling estimation of the primary production of picophytoplankton.
Coastal Blue Carbon Forum 2018, Shanghai, China, October 9, 2018, Oral presentation.
1. 梁彥韜,張永雨,焦念志,劉曉勇. 一種海洋超微型浮游植物固碳量的估算方法.
2. 張永雨,唐麗麗,梁彥韜,解瑞澤. 一株馬氏副球菌及其在促進聚球藻生長中的套用.


