清華大學自動化系 博士後 合作導師:周東華
2004.5-2009.4 西北工業大學自動化學院 副教授
香港理工大學電子計算系 Research Fellow 合作者:曹建農
2007.12-2008.12 Alberta大學電子與計算機工程系 國家公派訪問學者 合作者:陳通文
2009.5-至今 西北工業大學自動化學院教授
2013—至今 信息融合技術教育部重點實驗室 副主任
2012—至今 國際信息融合學會 會員
中國自動化學會 高級會員
中國航空學會 高級會員
2006—至今 中國自動化學會青年工作委員會 委員
2009—至今 中國航空學會信息融合專業委員會 委員
2009—2014 陝西省自動化學會青年工作委員會 主任委員
2014—至今 陝西省自動化學會控制理論專委會 主任委員
2014—至今 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 編委
2014—至今 Journal of Applied Mathematics 編委
2014—至今 信息融合學報 編委
IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics & Automation, IPC (2011,2012,2013,2014)
IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications, IPC(2012)
International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence & Intelligent Informatics, IPC(2010,2011)
Chinese Control Conference, IPC (2011,2012,2013,2014)
中國控制會議 Session Chair(2013), IPC (2011,2012,2013,2014)
中國信息融合大會 程式委員會副主席(2010, 2013,2014), 組織委員會副主席(2011,2012), 大會主席團副主席(2011), 分會主席(2012),大會報告人(2011,2013)
《IEEE Trans. Automatic Control》、《Automatica》、《Systems and Control Letters》、《International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control》、《International Journal of Control》、《International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing》、《Asian Journal of Control》、《EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing》、《Applied Mathmatics and Computation》、《Aerospace Science and Technology》、《Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks》《International Journal of Automation and Computing》、《自動化學報》、《控制理論與套用》、《電子學報》、《航空學報》等學術刊物審稿人
國家自然科學基金面上項目 面向遠程預警大數據處理的分層EM理論及方法研究(負責人),2014-2017
2. 國家自然科學基金重點項目 基於聯合決策與估計的高頻超視距雷達信息處理與融合(第二)2012-2016
3. 總裝備部武器裝備預研基金 基於輔助信源信息融合的××處理研究(負責人),2012-2014
4. 航空科學基金 目標特性與環境特性深度耦合下同源航跡回朔與粘連(負責人),2012-2014
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目 量測隨機缺失多速率系統估計理論與套用(負責人),2011-2013
6. 國家自然科學基金重點項目 具有複雜系統特徵的運動目標多模多尺度自適應估計與辨識(第四),2007-2010
教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫項目(負責人), 2006-2009
8. 國家自然科學基金青年項目 網路化混合系統多源信息估計與融合的關鍵問題(負責人),2005
9. 國家自然科學基金面上項目 針對多種異類信息的混合估計與融合理論及其套用研究(負責人),2003
10. 中電14所項目 貝葉斯檢測與跟蹤一體化算法(負責人),2014-2015
11. 總裝武器裝備論證中心項目 ××分辨建模研究(負責人),2012-2013
12. 中航613所項目 ××絡智慧型化管理技術研究(負責人),2010-2011
13. 中電10所項目 ××體系基本生成軟體(負責人),2010-2011
14. 中電14所項目 ××雷達數據處理算法與工程實現(負責人),2005-2009
15. 中電10所項目 ××多感測器信息融合(負責人),2005-2008
16. 中電14所項目 ××跟蹤算法性能評估系統(負責人),2003-2005
在IEEE TSP、TAC、Automatica等處發表和錄用SCI期刊論文30餘篇,出版專著3部。中國科學引文資料庫他引321次,Google近五年引用600餘次。授權技術發明專利5項,成功套用於中電14所、10所、中航613所等國防科研單位。
[1] 蘭華,梁彥,潘泉等. Joint multipath data association and fusion for OTHR target tracking, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2014, 62(11), 2814-2826
[2] 王小旭,梁彥,潘泉等. Nonlinear Gaussian smoothers with colored measurement noise, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ TAC.2014.2337991
[3] 王小旭,梁彥,潘泉等. General equivalence between two kinds of noise- correlation filters, Automatica, 2014, 50(12), 3316-3318
[4] 焦連猛, 潘泉,Denoeux, Thierry,梁彥.Belief rule-based classification system: Extension of FRBCS in belief functions framework , Information Sciences, 2015,26-49
[5] 馮肖雪,Snoussi Hichem,梁彥,焦連猛. Constrained state estimation for individual localization in wireless body sensor networks, Sensors,2014, 14(11), 21195-21212
[6] 耿航,梁彥,王小旭等. Fault detection for multi-rate sensor fusion under multiple uncertainties, IET Control Theory & Application, 2015,DOI:10.1049/iet-cta.2014.1134
[7] 耿航,梁彥,張曉婧. Linear-minimum-mean-square-error oberver for multi-rate sensor fusion with missing measurements, IET Control Theory & Application, 2014,8(14), 1375- 1383
[8] 王小旭,梁彥,潘泉等. Nonlinear Gaussian smoothers with colored measurement noise, IET Control theory & Applications, 2014, 8(11), 996-1008
[9] 楊衍波,梁彥,潘泉等.Linear minimum-mean-square error estimation of Markovian jump linear systems with Stochastic coefficient matrices, IET Control theory & Applications, 2014, 8(12), 1112-1126
[10] 周林,梁彥,潘泉等.Linear minimum mean squared estimation of measurement bias driven by structured unknown inputs, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2014, 8(8), 977-986
[11] 馮肖雪,梁彥,周林等.Joint mode identification and localization improvement of OTHR with forward- based receivers, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2014, 8(5), 490-500
[12] 秦月梅,梁彥,楊衍波等. Adaptive filter of non-linear systems with generalised unknown disturbances, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2014, 8(4), 307-317
[13] 耿航,梁彥,張曉婧等. Fast-rate residual generator based on multiple slow-rate sensors, IET Signal Processing, 2014, 8(8), 878-884
[14] 楊衍波,梁彥,楊峰等. Linear minimum-mean-square error estimation of Markovian jump linear systems with randomly delayed measurements, IET Signal Processing, 2014, 8(6), 658-667
[15] 王莉,梁彥, 王小旭等. Gaussian sum filter of Markov jump nonlinear systems, IET Signal Processing, 2015, DOI:10.1049/iet-spr.2014.0066
[16] 凌志剛,梁彥等. Adaptive Extended Piecewise Histogram Equalization for Dark Image Enhancement, IET Image Processing,錄用
[17] 王小旭,梁彥,潘泉等.Design and implementation of Gaussian filter for nonlinear system with randomly delayed measurements and correlated noises. Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2014, 232,1011-1024
[18] 劉勇,梁彥,劉準釓等.A novel robust MM filter against outliers, Asian Journal of Control,2014,DOI:10.1002/asjc.1042
[19] 王小旭,潘泉,梁彥,李漢周.Gaussian sum approximation filter for nonlinear dynamic time-delay system, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, DOI:10.1007/s11071-015-2171-5
[1] 王小旭,梁彥,楊峰等.A Gaussian- approximation recursive filter for nonlinear systems with correlated noises, Automatica, 2013, 48(9), pp 2290-2297
[2] 王小旭,潘泉,梁彥.Gaussian smoothers for nonlinear systems with one-step randomly delayed measurements,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013, 58(3), pp 192-204
[3] 梁彥,馮肖雪,楊峰等.The distributed infectious disease model and its application to collaborative sensor wakeup of wireless sensor networks, Information Sciences, 2013,223, pp 192-204
[4] 王小旭,梁彥,潘泉.Gaussian filter for nonlinear systems with one-step randomly delayed measurements,Automatica, 2012,49(4), pp 976-986
[5] 蘭華,梁彥,楊峰等.Joint estimation and identification for stochastic systems with unknown inputs,IET Control Theory & Applications,2013, 7(10), pp 1377-1386
[1] 梁彥,陳通文,潘泉.Optimal linear state estimator with multiple packet dropouts, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2010, 55(6), 1428-1433
[2] 梁彥,陳通文,潘泉. Multi-rate stochastic H∞ filtering for networked multi-sensor fusion, Automatica, 2010, 46 (2), 437-444
[3] 梁彥,曹建農,張磊等. A biologically inspired sensor wakeup control method for wireless sensor networks,IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C-Applications and Reviews. 2010,40(5), 525-538
[4] 左軍毅,梁彥,張怡哲等. Particle filter with multimode sampling strategy, Signal Processing, 2013, 93, 3192-3201
[5] 梁彥,安德璽,周東華等. A finite-horizon adaptive Kalman filter for linear systems with unknown disturbances, Signal Processing, 2004, 84 (11), 2175-2194
[6] 梁彥,張磊,周東華等. Estimation of systems with statistically-constrained inputs. Applied Mathematics & Computation. 2010, 217(6), 2644-2656
[7] 王永忠,梁彥,張磊等.Adaptive spatiotemporal background modeling, IET Computer Vision, 2012, 6(5), 451-458
[8] 梁彥,張磊,潘泉等. State smoothing in Markov jump systems with lagged mode observation. International Journal of Adaptive Control & Signal Processing, 2010, 24(11), 1005-1020
[9] 連瑋,張磊,梁彥等. A quadratic programming based cluster correspondence projection algorithm for fast point matching, Computer Vision & Image Understanding, 2010, 114 (3), 322-333
[10] 梁彥,陳通文,潘泉. Multi-rate optimal state estimation, International Journal of Control, 2009, 82 (11), 2059-2076
[11] 梁彥,周東華,張磊等. Adaptive filtering for stochastic systems with generalized disturbance inputs, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2008, 15, 645- 648
[12] 梁彥,安德璽,周東華等. Estimation of time-varying time delay and parameters of a class of jump Markov nonlinear stochastic systems, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2003, 27(12), 1761-1778