



  • 中文名:梁建生
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1961年11月
  • 畢業院校:江蘇農學院



1979.09—1983.07 江蘇農學院 農學系 農學專業獲農學學士學位1983.09—1986.07 江 蘇 農 學 院 植物生理生化專業獲理學碩士學位。
1994.01--1997.03 香 港 浸 會 大 學 生物系植物生理學專業獲哲學博士學位。
1988.09—1989.07 復 旦 大 學 生物化學系 訪問學者。


1986.08—1988.10 江蘇農學院農學系植物生理學教研室 助 教。
1988.11--1993.11 江蘇農學院農學系植物生理學教研室 講 師。
1993.12—1994.05 香 港 浸 會 大 學 生 物 系 訪問學者。
1994.06--1994.11 揚州大學農學院農學系植物生理學教研室 講 師。
1997.03--1998.08 揚 州 大 學 農 學 院 副 教 授。
1998.08--1999.09 揚州大學生物科學與技術學院 副 教 授。
1999.10-- 揚州大學生物科學與技術學院 教授 博士生導師(2001)。
1999.07—1999.09 香港理工大學套用生物與化學技術系 高級訪問學者。
1999.11—2000.05 香港逑槎基金(Crouncher Foundation)研究科學家 香 港。
2001.12—2002.03/2003.11—2004.02 香 港 浸 會 大 學 生 物 系 高級訪問學者。
2002.09-2003.03 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , USA, 訪問學者(教育部資助)。


1998.08—2003.12 揚州大學生物科學與技術學院 副院長 主管教學、科研和研究生工作。
2002--- 揚州大學重點建設學科 《生命科學學科群》負責人。
2004.01—2005.01 揚州大學生物科學與技術學院 黨委書記。
2005.02—2005.05 揚州大學生物科學與技術學院 黨委書記、院長。
2005.06-- 揚州大學生物科學與技術學院 院 長。
2009.02—揚州大學教務處 處長。












RACK1蛋白在水稻對乾旱脅迫回響中的功能分析及其蛋白互作網路構建? 科技部“863”項目(2008.3~2010.10)(2008AA10Z120)。
《作物高效抗旱的分子生物學和遺傳學基礎》國家重點基礎研究發展規劃項目(“973”項目)(2003.11-2008.11)*? (2003CB114300303)。
《細胞壁-質膜-細胞骨架連續體在植物細胞感知滲透脅迫中的作用》國家自然科學基金? (2005.1-2007.12) (30471046)。
《水稻ARCAI基因(OsARCAI)在乾旱脅迫回響中的功能研究》國家自然科學基金? (2006.1-2008.12)(30571120)。
《RACK1在植物抗旱性脅迫套用中作用的分子機理研究》 國家自然科學基金 (海外傑出青年基金)(2006.1-2008.12)(30528023)。
RACK1基因提高水稻抗旱性的生理與分子機理研究? 教育部博士點基金? (2006-2008)。
擬南芥RACK1蛋白功能研究? 江蘇省教育廳重點項目(國外專家交流項目)。


J Zhang, X. Zhang & J LIANG ??Exudate rate and hydraulic conductivity of maize roots are enhanced by soil drying and ABA treatment. New Physiologist 1995,131: 329-336.
ZHANG J, LIANG J & MH WONG. The effects of high CO2 and low O2 concentrations in simulated landfill gas on the growth and nodule activity of Leucaena leucocephala. Plant Cell and Physiology 1995,36: 1431-1438.
LIANG J, ZHANG J. & MH WONG. Stomatal conductance in relation to xylem sap ABA concentration in two tropical trees, Acacia confusa and Litsea glutinosa?? Plant, Cell & Environment 1996,19: 93-100.
LIANG J., Zhang J., MH WONG. Soil aeration and initiation and growth of secondary roots of maize (Zea mays L). Plant and Soil 1996,186: 245-254.
LIANG J., Zhang J., MH WONG. How do the roots control the xylem ABA concentration in response to soil drying. Plant Cell Physiology 1997,38: 10-16.
LIANG J., Zhang J., MH WONG.. Can stomatal closure caused by xylem ABA explain the decline of leaf photosynthesis under soil drought?? Photosynthesis Research? 1997,51:149-159.
LIANG J., Zhang J. Collection of xylem sap at flow rate similar to in vivo transpiration flux. Plant Cell and Physiology? 1997.38: 1375-1381.
LIANG J., Zhang J. Xylem-Carried ABA in plant responses to soil drying. Current Topics in Plant Biology,1999.1:89-96.
LIANG J., Zhang J. Can the differences in responses to soil drying and compaction explain the poor performance of some trees in landfill sites. Tree Physiology, 1999.19(9): 619-624.
LIANG J., Zhang J. Xylem ABA concentration can not explain the delay of stomatal recovery of pre-stress plants after rewatering. Plant Growth Regulation, 1999.29(1/2): 77-86.
LIANG J., Zhang J. Effects of perodical soil drying and leaf water potential on the sensitivity of stomata to xylem ABA. Acta Botanca Sinica, 1999. 41:855-861.
Wang Huafang, Zhang J, Liang J, Yin W.. Responses of woody plant root and xylem sap ATP to soil drying. Chinese Science Bulletin, 199944(13): 1172-1178.
Wang Huafang, Zhang J, Liang J, Yin W. Responses of woody plant root and xylem sap ABA to soil drying. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999. ?44(24): 2236-2241.
Jia W, Zhang J. Liang J. Initiation and regulation of water deficit-induced abscisic acid accumulation in maize leaves and roots: cellular volume and water relations. Journal of Experimental Botany 2001. 52:295-300。
Liang J. Zhang J and Cao X. Grain sink strength may be related tothe poor grain filling of Indica-japonica rice (Oryza sativa) hybrids. Physioligia Plantarum, 2001.112(4): 470-477。
Pang J., Gilbert S.Y.Chan, Zhang J, Liang J*, Wong MH. Physiological Aspects of Vetiver Grass for Rehabilitation in Abandoned Metalliferous Mine Wastes Chemospher 2003,52(9): 1559-1570。
J. G. Liu, J. S. Liang, K. Q. Li, Z. J. Zhang, B. Y. Yu, X. L. Lu, J. C. Yang and Q. S. Zhu. Correlations between cadmium and mineral nutrients in absorption and accumulation in various genotypes of rice under cadmium stress, Chemospher ?2003.52 (9): 1467-1473。
Jin-Gui Chen, Francis S. Willard, Jirong Huang, Jiansheng Liang, Scott A. Chasse, Alan M. Jones & David P. Siderovski. A seven-transmembrane RGS protein modulates cell proliferation in Arabidopsis. Science, 2003,301: 1728-1731。
Liu, Jianguo; Li, Kunquan; Xu, Jiakuan; Liang, Jiansheng; Lu, Xiaolong; Yang, Jianchang; Zhu, Qingsen. Interaction of Cd and five mineral nutrients for uptake and accumulation in different rice cultivars and genotypes.? Field Crops Research 2003,83( 3) 271-281。
Yun Chen, Fangfang Ji, Hong Xie, Jiansheng Liang*, and Jianhua Zhang The Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Proteins Involved in Sugar and Abscisic Acid Signaling in Arabidopsis Seed Germination ?Plant Physiology. 2006 140: 302-310.
Yun Chen, Fangfang Ji, Hong Xie,Jiansheng Liang*. Overexpression of the regulator of G-protein signaling protein enhances ABA-mediated inhibition of root elongation and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis? Journal of Experimental Botany 2006 57:2101-2110。
Jin-Gui Chen, Hemayet Ullah, Brenda Temple, Jiansheng Liang, Jianjun Guo, José M. Alonso, Joseph R. Ecker, and Alan M. Jones? RACK1 mediates multiple hormone responsiveness and developmental processes in Arabidopsis? Journal of Experimental Botany, 2006. 57: 2697-2708。
Bing Lü,Feng Chen,Zhong-Hua Gong,Hong Xie,Jian-Sheng Liang*? Integrin-like Protein May Involve in Osmotic Stress-induced ABA Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana* Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007, 49(4): 540-549。
Bing Lü,Feng CHEN,Zhong-Hua GONG ,Jian-Sheng LIANG*? The co-localization and possible interaction between integrin-like protein and α-tubulin in the root cells of Zea mays? J Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology ??2007, 33(2)115-122。
Lü B, Gong ZH, Wang J, Zhang JH, Liang JS*. Microtubule dynamics in Zea mays roots in response to drought stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 2007, 58(10):2565–2572。
B. Lü, F. Chen, Z.H. Gong, H. Xie, J.H. Zhang, J.S. Liang,*? Intracellular localization of integrin-like protein and its roles in osmotic stress-induced ABA biosynthesis in Zea mays? Protoplasma 2007,232:35-43。
Jianjun Guo,? Jiansheng Liang, Jin-Gui Chen*? RACK1, a Versatile Scaffold Protein in Plants? International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology 2007, 1: 95-105。
Jianjun Guo, Jiansheng Liang, and Jin-Gui Chen? RACK1 Acts Synergistically with the Heterotrimeric G-Proteins to Negatively Regulate ABA-Mediated Postgermination Developmental Arrest in Arabidopsis? Plant Physiology (submitted)。
(2)Review Papers (Chapters) in Books:
1. 曹顯祖、朱慶森、楊建昌、梁建生.. 水稻產量形成與源庫關係研究進展。《作物高產、優質、高效、高抗研究進展》(鄒琦、王學臣主編)科學出版社出版, 1997。
2. 梁建生和張建華. ABA對高等植物基因表達的調節。 《植物發育的分子機理》(許智宏等主編)科學出版社出版? 1998. p151-161.。
3. Liang J, Zhang J, MH WONG. Landfill leachate used as irrigation water of landfill trees during dry seasons. In: Wong MH, Baker JA and Wong J. (eds): Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands. Sleeping Bear Press/Ann Arbor Press. 1999. P305-318.
4. 梁建生。光契約化物運輸。《植物生理學》(王忠主編) 農業出版社出版2000。
5. 梁建生。信號轉導。《細胞生物學》.農業出版社出版 2003.
梁建生, Zhang J, Wong MH. 1996. 土壤乾旱和復水期間氣孔開閉與木質部ABA濃度間的關係 《第七屆中國植物生理學會大會論文集》. p367. 山西太原。
Liang J, Zhang J, Wong MH. 1996. How do roots control xylem sap ABA concentration in response to soil drying Annual Conference of American Society of Plant Physiologists, San Antonio. Plant Physiology (Suppl.), 111, 75.
Liang J, Zhang J, Wong MH. 1997. The relations of stomatal closure and reopening to xylem ABA concentration and leaf water potential during soil drying and rewatering. Annual Conference of American and Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists, Vancouver. Plant Physiology (Suppl.), 114, 107.
Liang J, Zhang J, Wong MH. 1997). Collection of xylem sap at flow rate similar to in vivo transpiration flux. Annual Conference of American and Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists, Vancouver. Plant Physiology (Suppl.), 114, 93.
梁建生, Zhang J. 2000. 水分脅迫對銀合歡葉片脫落和再生長的影響。《第八屆中國植物生理學會大會論文集》. P309. 2000年11月16-20日 福建廈門。
Liang J. 2003. Regulation of sucrose as an osmotic signal on starch biosynthesis of ric (O. Sativa, L) grains. Anuual Conference of American Society of Plant Biologists。
Liang J. 2004. Integrin-like protein may be involved in osmotic stress-induced ABA biosynthesis in Arabidospsis thaliana. The 13th International Conference on Plant Growth Substance, Canbarra, Australian。
謝虹., 梁建生. 2004蔗糖合酶抗體的製備及套用於檢測水稻籽粒灌漿期間蔗糖合酶的含量 《第九屆中國植物生理學會大會論文集》 2004年10月15-19日, 貴州貴陽.
梁建生, 閆誠. 2004. WD-40重複蛋白參與擬南芥植物忍耐乾旱脅迫的機理研究. 《第九屆中國植物生理學會大會論文集》 2004年10月15-19日, 貴州貴陽.
梁建生.,許衛峰, 2004. 窄葉蒲草耐Cd機理研究 《第九屆中國植物生理學會大會論文集》 2004年10月15-19日, 貴州貴陽.
呂冰、陳楓、龔志忠, 梁建生. 2004植物類整合素蛋白在滲透脅迫誘導ABA合成中的可能作用. 《第九屆中國植物生理學會大會論文集》 2004年10月15-19日, 貴州貴陽.
陳雲、季芳芳、梁建生。Role of the regulator of G protein signaling proteins in Arabidopsis seed germination. 《第九屆中國植物生理學會大會論文集》 2004年10月15-19日, 貴州貴陽..
(4)特邀大會報告和學術報告 July 1995 Contributed poster report: "Exudation rate and hydraulic conductivity of maize roots are enhanced by soil drying and ABA treatment”. The 15th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, Minneapolis, USA. (J. Zhang, X. Zhang and J. Liang).
August 1997 Contributed poster report: “The relations of stomatal closure and reopening to xylem ABA concentration and leaf water potential during soil drying and rewatering”. Annual Conference of American and Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists, Vancouver, Canada. (J. Liang, J. Zhang and MH Wong).
August 1997 Contributed poster report: “Collection of xylem sap at flow rate similar to in vivo transpiration flux”. Annual Conference of American and Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists, Vancouver, Canada. (J. Liang, J. Zhang and MH Wong).
October 1997. Invited presentation: Root-sourced ABA: production, transport and roles. Nanjing Agricultural University (Liang J)。
September 2003. Invited oral presentation: G-protein mediated signal transduction pathway and its relation to plant tolerance to environmental stress. A specific meeting on Plant Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology. Under the Chinese Society for Plant Physiology, Ninxia, China (Liang J)。
August 2004. Invited oral presentation: The roles of ABA in droughted plants. A specific meeting on Plant Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology. Under the Chinese Society for Plant Physiology,Huhuhaot, Inner Mongolia, China (Liang J.)。
September 2004 Contributed poster report: Integrin-like protein may be involved in osmotic stress-induced ABA biosynthesis in Arabidospsis thaliana. The 13th International Conference on Plant Growth Substance, Canbarra, Australian (Liang J. Lv B., Chen F, and Gong Z)。
October 2004. Oral Presentation. WD-40 repeat proteins may involve in the drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. The 9th National Meeting of the Chinese Society for Plant Physiology, Guiyang, (Liang J, Yan C)。


1、《水稻源庫關係及其栽培對策研究》 國家科技進步二等獎? 主要完成人(1991)。
2、《高產水稻群體質量與栽培技術》江蘇省科技進步二等獎? 主要完成人 (1996)。
3、《水稻逆境生理極其調控技術》 江蘇省科技進步三等獎? 第3完成人(1997)。
4、《水稻源庫類型劃分及其在水稻栽培中的套用》 國家教育部科技進步二等獎? 第19完成人(1999)。
5、揚州市科技成果三等獎?? 主持人(2006)。
6、江蘇省普通高校優秀青年骨幹教師 (1998)。
13、江蘇省優秀課程群《植物學》 (第4參加人)(2004)。
15、江蘇省優秀教育成果一等獎 (第2主持人)(2005)。
17、江蘇省“333高層次人才培養工程” 中青年科學技術帶頭人(2007)。
19、江蘇省教育系統先進工作者 (2007)。


