- 中文名:梁宇君
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:中國海洋大學講師
- 畢業院校:美國耶魯大學
2009-2011 美國耶魯大學 博士後, 研究方向:再生生物、組織細胞分化的研究。
2003-2006 中國海洋大學 讀博士, 研究方向:發育生物學和進化生物學研究
2000-2003 華中農業大學 讀碩士,研究方向:魚類生理與生化
1992-1996 內蒙古民族大學 讀大學
獲獎:教育部高校優秀2009 年教育部高校優秀科技成果一等獎(自然科學)
在研課題:973 課題和國家自然科學基金各一項。
1.Liang YJ, et al., Cloning, distribution and primary immune characteristics of amphioxus alpha-2 macroglobulin.Fish & Shellfish Immunology (2011), doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2011.08.014
2. Liang YJ, Zhang SC, Wang ZP. Alternative complement activity in the egg cytosol of amphioxus Branchiostoma Belcheri: evidence for the defense role of maternal complement components. PLoS ONE. 2009, 4(1): e4234.
3. Liang YJ, Zhang SC, Lun LM ,Han L. Presence and localization of antithrombin and its regulation after acute lipopolysaccharide exposure in amphioxus with implications for the origin of vertebrate liver. Cell Tissue Res.2006, 323: 537-541.
4. Liang YJ, S.C. Zhang. Demonstration of plasminogen-like protein in amphioxus
with implications for the origin of vertebrate liver. Acta Zoologica (Stockhom). 2006, 87: 141-145.
5. Zhang SC,Liang YJ, Ji G, Zhuang Z. The protochordate amphioxus is an emerging model organism for comparative immunology. Prog Nat Sci 2009,19(8): 923-929.
6. Zhang Y, Zhang SC, Liang YJ. Identification and tissue-specific expression of a promethin-like homolog in amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri.Mol Biol Rep 2010, 37(5):2279-83
7. Ju LY, Zhang SC,Liang YJ, Sun XM. Identification, expression and antibacterial activity of a tachylectin-related homolog in amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri with implications for involvement of the digestive system in acute phase response. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2009, 26(2): 235-2426.
8. Guo B, Zhang SC, Wang SH, Liang YJ. Expression, mitogenic activity and regulation by growth hormone of growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor in Branchiostoma belcheri. Cell Tissue Res. 2009, 338(1):67-77.
9. Lun LM, Zhang SC, Liang YJ. Alanine aminotransferase in amphioxus: presence, localization and up-regulation after acute lipopolysaccharide exposure JBMB 2006,39 (5): 511-515.
10. Liu NG, Zhang SC, Liu ZH, Liang YJ. Identification and tissue-specific expression of amphioxus GM2 ctivator protein gene from amphioxusBranchiostoma belcheri. DNA Sequence 2006, 17(2): 122-128.
11. Zhao BS, Zhang SC, Pang QX, Liang YJ. Expression, purification and polyclonal antibody generation of p23, an Hsp90 cochaperone, in the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri. Acta oceanologica Sinica. 2006, 25: 99–105
12. Zhang SC, Guo B, Liang YJ. Fifty years research amphioxus study in China. Chinese Bulletin of Science 2008, 20(1): 64-68. (In Chinese)