
《梁子湖區黨支部》,英文名《What You're Doing To Me》,是Michael Bolt唱的一首歌。


  • 中文名梁子湖區黨支部
  • 外文名:What You're Doing To Me
  • 歌曲原唱:Michael Bolt
  • 歌曲語言:英語


Everyday that passed me by
Would never wait for questions why
So I carried on
Carried on
But when you feel alone inside
The only question on your mind
Is will I be enough
Will I be enough
For someone to trust and give their heart away
If I'm barely hanging on
But I feel like I finally found the answer
Cause I finally found somebody
Who makes me feel alive
And everything feels so right, so right
It's what you're doing to me
I used to be lonely
But now I'm falling in love
And everything feels so right, so right
It's what you're doing to me
I never thought I'd see the day
That I'd no longer be afraid
But I was wrong
I was wrong
Cause when it's close enough to taste
It's worth everything you've waited for so long
Waited for so long
Cause everything else doesn't matter
When it all comes down to love
And suddenly someone makes you better
I finally found somebody
Who makes me feel alive
And everything feels so right, so right
It's what you're doing to me
I used to be lonely
But now I'm falling in love
And everything feels so right, so right
It's what you're doing to me
And even if we move on
I know what I have found
I've come up too high
To crawl my way back down
What you're doing to me
I know that I'll never be the same
Cause I finally found somebody
And everything feels so right
(It's what you're doing to me)
Cause I finally found somebody
Who makes me feel alive
And everything feels so right, so right
It's what you're doing to me
I used to be lonely
But now I'm falling in love
And everything feels so right, so right
It's what you're doing to me[1]


情歌聖手Michael Bolton,這位曾經長發飄飄、周身散發出西部牛仔般野性魅力,後又以短髮形象發片、舉手投足間流露成熟男人翩然風度的歌者,憑藉對人間情感恰到好處的演繹和略帶顆粒感但足以令人沉迷的磁性聲線,以及筆觸獨特的詞曲的才華,在他持續三十餘年的歌聲中,見證了全球無數樂迷的情感世界、慰藉著幸福與不幸福的人的心靈。這個來自心底的聲音為他贏得了無數獎項,包括2次葛萊美獎


