


  • 中文名:桑吉章
  • 出生日期:1963年6月
桑吉章,男,1963年6月出生於浙江餘姚。武漢大學特聘教授、博士生導師。1983年畢業於武漢測繪科技大學大地測量專業,1986年碩士畢業留校任教。1997年獲昆士蘭科技大學 (Queensland University of Technology)博士學位。1996年至1998年在昆士蘭科技大學衛星導航空間中心從事博士後研究。1998年至2013年任職於澳大利亞EOS Space Systems公司,歷任高級研究工程師,主任(principal)研究工程師 , 模型/分析部經理. 2013任武漢大學測繪學院特聘教授。
在過去15年於EOS Space Systems公司主要從事空間監測(space surveillance)和空間情勢警覺 (space situational awareness) 方面的研究和開發工作。作為關鍵研究員或項目負責人參與的重要項目有:全球首次實現對已知空間碎片的雷射測距(2004年),首次實現對新捕獲空間碎片的雷射測距(2005年), 高軌目標的實時精密跟蹤觀測(2006年),大氣質量密度模型的準實時校正(2010年),空間目標碰撞預警(2011年),空間碎片的精密軌道確定和預報(2012年),低軌空間碎片彈道係數的估算(2013)。研究重點包括:超短弧初軌確定,稀疏數據條件下的碎片軌道確定和預報,大氣質量密度模型精化,半解析法軌道計算, 空間環境管理等。
2. 空間目標軌道確定和預報 (精密定軌, 碎片軌道的可靠預報, 半解析法軌道計算等)
3. 空間環境管理 (大氣質量密度模型精化, 空間目標資料庫,空間碰撞, 空間環境模型 )
4. 大地測量
·Bennett, J., Sang, J., Smith, C.H., Zhang, K., Accurate Orbit Predictions for Debris Orbital Manoeuvre Using Ground-based Lasers, in press, Advances in Space Research.
·Zhang, K., Sang, J., Wang, C.S, Bennett, J., Carter, B., Norman, R., and Wu, S., The Australian Space Research Program Project: Platform Technologies for Space Atmosphere and Climate: Progress and Preliminary Results, in press, IAG Symposium 139.
·Sang, J., Bennett, J., and Smith, C., Estimation of Ballistic Coefficients of Low Altitude Debris Objects from Historical Two Line Elements, Advances in Space Research, 52:117-124.
·Sang, J., Ritchie, I., Pearson, M., and Smith, C., Results and Analyses of Debris Tracking from Mt Stromlo, 2013 AMOS Space Surveillance Technologies Conference, September 10-13, Maui, Hawaii.
·Sang, J., Debris Orbit Determination, Prediction and Tracking, Platform Technologies for Space Atmosphere and Climate End of Project Symposium, July 29, Melbourne.
·Sang, J., Smith, C., and Zhang, K., Towards Accurate Atmospheric Mass Density Determination Using Precise Positioning Information of Space Objects, Advances in Space Research, 49:1088-1096.
·Sang J., and Smith C., Performance Assessment of the EOS Space Debris Tracking System, AIAA paper 2012- 5018, 2012 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 13−16 August 2012, Minneapolis, MN.
·Sang J., and Smith C., Real Time Tracking of Geostationary Satellites in Sub Arc Second Accuracy, AIAA paper 2012- 4806, 2012 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 13−16 August 2012, Minneapolis, MN.
·Sang J., Smith C., and Zhang, K., A Method of Estimating Atmospheric Mass Density from Precise Orbit Solution, AIAA paper 2012- 4966, 2012 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 13−16 August 2012, Minneapolis, MN.
·Sang, J., Smith, C., Pearson, M., and Ritchie, I., Optical Tracking of Debris Objects from Mt Stromlo, Australian Space Science Conference 2012, September 24 – 26, Melbourne, Australia.
·Bennett, J. C., Sang, J., Smith, C. and Zhang, K., Improving low-Earth orbit predictions using two-line element data with bias correction. 2012 Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference. September 11-14, Maui, Hawaii.
·Bennett, J., Sang, J., Zhang, K., and Smith, C., A Re-analysis of the 2009 Iridium-Cosmos Predicted Miss Distance Using Two-Line-Element Derived Orbits, Australian Space Science Conference 2012, September 24 – 26, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Sang, J., Smith, C., and Zhang, K., Modification of Atmospheric Mass Density Model Coefficients Using Space Tracking Data – a Simulation Study for Accurate Debris Orbit Prediction, Paper AAS 11-205, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 140.
  • Smith, C., Gao, Y., Sang, J., and Greene, B., Laser Tracking of Space Debris for Precision Orbit Determination, Paper AAS 11-417,Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 142.
  • Sang, J. and Smith, C., An Analysis of Observations from EOS Space Debris Tracking System, Australian Space Science Conference 2011, September 26 – 29, Canberra, Australia.
  • Sang, J., Smith, C., and Zhang, K., A Reverse Process of Estimating Atmospheric Mass Density from Precision Orbit Information, Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics Program 2011 Workshop, 25 – 27 June, 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Sang, J., Smith, C., and Zhang, K., Deriving Accurate Atmospheric Mass Density from Precision Position Information of Space Objects, IUGG 2011 General Assembly, 28 June – 7 July, 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Bennett, J. and Sang, J., Modelling the evolution of the Low Earth Orbit debris population, Australian Space Science Conference 2011, September 26 – 29, Canberra, Australia.
  • Tseng, T-P., Zhang, K., and Sang, J., Precise Orbit Determination of Low Earth Orbiters: Analysis of Orbit Errors and Quality Assessment of Receiver Oscillators, Australian Space Science Conference 2011, September 26 – 29, Canberra, Australia.
  • Zhang, K., Wu, S., Sang, J., Carter, B., Wang, C.S., and Norman, R., The Australian Space Research Program Project − Platform Technologies for Space Atmosphere and Climate, Proceedings of International GNSS Symposium 2011, Sydney, Australia.
  • Sang, J., and Zhang, K., A New Concept of Real Time Improvement of Atmospheric Mass Density Models and Its Validation Using CHAMP GPS-Derived Precision Orbit Data, Journal of Global Positioning System, Vol. 9, No. 2: 104-111.
  • Sang, J. and Smith, C., Atmospheric Mass Density Model Accuracy Requirement for Unaided Laser Tracking of Debris Objects, 16 National Space Engineering Symposium, 5 – 7 July, 2010, Adelaide, Australia
  • 劉基余,李征航,王躍虎,桑吉章,全球定位系統原理及其套用,測繪出版社。


