2004年8月--2009年8月 美國佛羅里達州立大學(Florida State University) 統計系 獲統計學博士學位
導師: M. Wegkamp 教授
(University of Minnesota)
(Southern Methodist University)
2009年9月--2010年8月 美國康奈爾大學統計系博士後
(Cornell University)
中國運籌學會可靠性分會理事;中國博士後基金評審專家;《Stats》 (ISSN 2571-905X) 編委 ;教育部學位中心通訊評議專家 ;教育部人事司通訊評審專家。
本科生課程: 機率論與數理統計(英文),機率論與數理統計,
研究生課程: 高等數理統計學,統計計算 。
[51] 秦薪顏, 桂文豪*. Statistical Inference of Burr-XII Distribution Under Progressive Type-II Censored Competing Risks Data with Binomial Removals, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Accepted.
[50] 畢啟軒, 馬延彬, 桂文豪*. Reliability Estimation for the Bathtub-Shaped Distribution Based on Progressively First-Failure Censoring Sampling, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Accepted.
[49] 馬延彬, 桂文豪*. Entropy based and non-entropy based goodness of fit test for the Inverse Rayleigh Distribution with progressively Type-II censored data, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Accepted.
[48] 胡雪華, 桂文豪*. Assessing the lifetime performance index with Lomax distribution based on progressive type I interval censored sample, Journal of Applied Statistics, Accepted.
[47] 馬延彬, 桂文豪*. Point estimation and two new goodness of fit tests for the scale family based on general progressively Type-II censored samples, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Accepted.
[46] 高朔, 桂文豪*. Pivotal inference for the inverted exponentiated Rayleigh distribution based on progressive Type-II censored data, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Accepted. 2019. EI
[45] 張悅, 桂文豪*. A goodness of fit test for the Pareto distribution with progressively type II censored data based on the cumulative hazard function, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
[44] 李紹偉,桂文豪*. Bayesian survival analysis for generalized Pareto distribution under progressively type II censored data, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering,
[43] 任君汝, 桂文豪*. A statistical inference for the generalized Rayleigh model under Type-II progressive censoring with binomial removals, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,
[42] 於嬌, 桂文豪*, Yuqi Shan. Statistical inference on the Shannon entropy of Inverse Weibull distribution under the progressive first-failure censoring, Entropy,
[41] 徐融, 桂文豪*. Entropy Estimation of inverse Weibull distribution under adaptive type-II progressive hybrid censoring schemes, Symmetry,
[40] 尚潔,桂文豪*. Inference on the lifetime performance index for the Gompertz distribution with the progressively first-failure censored samples, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,
[39] 高朔, 桂文豪*. Evaluating the lifetime performance index with the inverted exponentiated Rayleigh distribution based on censored sample, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing,
[38] 高朔, 桂文豪*. Parameter estimation of the inverted exponentiated Rayleigh distribution based on progressively first-failure censored samples, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management,
[37] 劉姝含, 桂文豪*. Estimating the entropy for Lomax distribution based on generalized progressively hybrid censoring, Symmetry,
[36] 聶嘉欣, 桂文豪*. Parameter Estimation of Lindley Distribution Based on Progressive Type-II Censored Competing Risks Data with Binomial Removals, Mathematics,
[35] 廖紅怡, 桂文豪*. Statistical inference of Rayleigh distribution based on progressively tpye-II censored competing risks data, Symmetry,
[34] 胡雪華,桂文豪*. Statistical inference for the exponentiated half logistic distribution based on censored data, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
[33] 張政,桂文豪*. Statistical inference of reliability of Generalized Rayleigh distribution under progressively type-II censoring, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
[32] 杜宇歌,桂文豪*. Goodness of fit Tests for Log-logistic Distribution Based on Cumulative Entropy under Progressive Type II Censoring, Mathematics,
[31] 尚潔, 桂文豪*. Pivotal inference for the two-parameter Rayleigh distribution based on progressive first-failure censoring scheme, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,
[30] 馬延彬, 桂文豪*. Pivotal inference for the Inverse Rayleigh Distribution based on general progressively Type-II censored samples, Journal of Applied Statistics,
[29] 胡雪華, 桂文豪*. Bayesian and non-Bayesian inference for the generalized Pareto distribution based on progressive type II censored sample, Mathematics,
[28] 桂文豪*, 郭蕾. Statistical inference for the location and scale parameters of the skew normal distribution, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
[27] 李紹偉, 桂文豪*. Bayesian and classical estimation of stress-strength reliability for Weibull lifetime models, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities--Series A,
[26] 杜宇歌, 郭宇, 桂文豪*. Statistical Inference for the Information Entropy of the Log-logistic Distribution under Progressive Type-I Interval Censoring Schemes, Symmetry, Vol. 10, No.10, Article Number
[25] 郭蕾, 桂文豪*. Statistical Inference of the Reliability for Generalized Exponential Distribution under Progressive Type-II Censoring Schemes, IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
[24] 郭蕾, 桂文豪*. Bayesian and classical estimation of the inverse Pareto distribution and its application to strength-stress models, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences,
[23] 桂文豪*,郭蕾, Different estimation methods and joint confidence regions for the parameters of a generalized inverted family of distributions, Hacettepe journal of mathematics and statistics ,
[22] 桂文豪, Y. Qi. Spectral Radii of Truncated Circular Unitary Matrices, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
[21] 桂文豪*. Reliability estimation for the two-parameter exponential family based on progressively type II censored data, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering,
[20] 桂文豪*,X. Lu, Double acceptance sampling plan based on the Burr type X distribution under truncated life tests, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
[19] 桂文豪*, H.Zhang, L. Guo. The complementary Lindley-geometric distribution and its application in lifetime analysis, Sankhya B,
[18] 桂文豪*. Exponentiated Half Logistic Distribution: Different Estimation Methods and Joint Confidence Regions, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation.
[17] 畢啟軒, 桂文豪*. Bayesian and classical estimation of stress-strength reliability for Inverse Weibull lifetime models, Algorithms,
[16] M. Aslam, 桂文豪, N. Khan, C-H Jun, Double moving average–EWMA control chart for exponentially distributed quality, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
[15] 桂文豪*, M. Aslam. Acceptance sampling plans based on truncated life tests for weighted exponential distribution, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,
[14] 桂文豪*,H. Zhang, Asymptotic properties and expectation-maximization algorithm for maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters from Weibull-Logarithmic model, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities,
[13] 桂文豪*,Modified inverse moment estimation: its principle and applications,(invited) Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods ,
[12] 桂文豪*,M. Chen, Parameter estimation and joint confidence regions for the parameters of the generalized Lindley distribution,Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
[11] 桂文豪*, M. Xu. Double acceptance sampling plan based on truncated life tests for half exponential power distribution, Statistical Methodology.
[10] 桂文豪*. An Alpha Half Normal Slash Distribution for Analyzing Nonnegative Data, Communications in Statistics-- Theory and Methods,
[9] M. Xu, 桂文豪. A New Family of Exponential Slash Distributions with Elliptical Contours, Journal of Mathematical Research With Applications ,
[8] M. Xu, 桂文豪. An Exponential Slash Half Normal Distribution for Analyzing Nonnegative Data, Chinese Journal of applied probability and statistics ,
[7] 桂文豪*. A generalization of the slash half normal distribution: properties and inferences, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,
[6] 桂文豪*. The extended epsilon half normal distribution with applications to lifetime data, Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics,
[5] 桂文豪*, S. Zhang. Acceptance sampling plans based on truncated life tests for Gompertz distribution, Journal of Industrial Mathematics,
[4] 桂文豪*. A Generalization of the Slashed Distribution via Alpha Skew Normal Distribution, Statistical Methods and Applications,
[3] 桂文豪*. Double acceptance sampling plan for time truncated life tests based on Maxwell distribution, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences,
[2] S. Zhang, 桂文豪*. Admissibility in Linear Model With Respect To Inequality Constraint Under Balanced Loss, Journal of Inequalities and Applications,
[1] 桂文豪*, S. Zhang and X. Lu. The Lindley-Poisson distribution in lifetime analysis and its properties, Hacettepe journal of mathematics and statistics,
[1]. 桂文豪、王立春. 《機率論與數理統計學習輔導及R語言解析》,清華大學出版社/北京交通大學出版社,2017年2月.
[2]. 桂文豪、王立春、孔令臣.《Probability and Statistics》英文版,清華大學出版社/北京交通大學出版社,2018年8月.
北京交通大學優秀主講教師, 2015年10月
2. 理學院優秀教師,2015年
4. 理學院教師教學貢獻獎,2017年
5. 理學院優秀教師,2017年
6. 理學院優秀共產黨員,2018年
7. 智瑾獎優秀青年教師,2018年
8. 理學院優秀教師,2019年