

2007-2009年,作為學部研究生師從日本名古屋工業大學師從小竹暢隆(Odake Nobutaka)教授學習企業管理。
2009-2011年,橫濱國立大學碩士課程,師從周佐喜和(Shusa Yoshikazu)教授學習技術經濟與管理,以國際技術轉移為課題開展研究。
2012-2017年,日本名古屋大學國際開發研究科國際開發專業博士,師從名古屋大學藤川清史(Fujikawa Kiyoshi)教授,以中國汽車市場與生產者責任延伸制度為研究課題。
亞細亞政經學會(Japan Association for Asian Studies)
國際開發學會(Japan Society for International Development)
環境經濟政策學會(The Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies)
環境科學會(Environmental Science)
中國經濟經營學會(Japanese Association for Chinese Economy and Management Studies)
2011.4-2013.9 日本馬自達株式會社總部 中國事業本部
2017.6-至今 中南財經政法大學工商管理學院工商管理系
論文 1、學位論文
[1] Li Yang (2017) An analysis on Chinese Automobile Industry and Extended Producer Responsibility, Doctoral degree, Nagoya University, Japan (in Japanese).
[2] Li Yang(2011) Research on Environmental Technology Transfer between Japan and China, Thesis for Master’s degree, Yokohama National University, Japan (in Japanese).
[1] Li Yang, Fujikawa Kiyoshi (2017) Potential of the Renewable Resources of End-of-Life Vehicles in China (accepted), Environmental Science, Japan (in Japanese).
[2] Li Yang (2016) The present situation and the problem of End-of-life vehicles recycling policy in China: From the viewpoint of EPR, Forum of International Development Studies, 47(9):1-15 (in Japanese).
[3] Li Yang(2016) A Prediction Method for the Number of End-of-Life Vehicles and the Potential of the Renewable Resources, The 2016 Annual Conference, The Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese).
[4] Li Yang(2016) Research on Automobile Industry and Extended Producer Responsibility in China, Summaries of Papers Delivered at the 2016 Annual Conference, Society of Environmental Science, pp.72, Yokohama, Japan (in Japanese).
[5] Li Yang(2016) The present situation and the problem of End-of-life vehicles recycling policy in China, The 2016 West Japan Conference, Japanese Association for Chinese Economy and Management Studies, Kusatsu, Japan (in Japanese).
[6] Li Yang (2015) End-of-life vehicle recycling in China: Now and the future, The 2015 Autumn Conference, Japan Association for Asian Studies, Mito, Japan (in Japanese).


