






2005.09—2009.07 江西師範大學學士(本科)
2009.09—2014.06 廈門大學博士(碩博連讀)
2014.06— 江西師範大學生命科學學院講師、副教授
2022.04— 江西省撫州市樂安縣人民政府副縣長(掛職兩年)。











1.Huang, Q., Chai, W. M., Ma, Z. Y., Ou-Yang, C., Wei, Q. M., Song, S., ... & Peng, Y. Y. (2019). Inhibition of α-glucosidase activity and non-enzymatic glycation by tannic acid: Inhibitory activity and molecular mechanism. International journal of biological macromolecules,141,358-368. (SCI二區,IF=4.784)
2.Chai, W., Ou-Yang, C., Ma, Z., Song, S., Huang, Q., Wei, Q., & Peng, Y. (2019). Anti-α-glucosidase and antityrosinase activity of condensed tannins from the bark of Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels with antiproliferative and apoptotic properties in B16 mouse melanoma cells. Process Biochemistry. (SCI三區,IF=2.883)
3.Chai, W. M. ,Wei, Q., Deng, W., Zheng, Y. , Chen, X., Huang, Q., Ou-Yang, C. and Peng, Y. Y. (2019). Anti-melanogenesis property of condensed tannins from Vigna angularis seed with potent antioxidant and DNA damage protection activities. Food function, 10(1), 99-111. (SCI一區,IF= 3.241)
4.Lin, M. Z., Chai, W. M., Zheng, Y. L., Huang, Q., Ou-Yang, C. (2019). Inhibitory kinetics and mechanism of rifampicin on α-glucosidase: Insights from spectroscopic and molecular docking analyses. International journal of biological macromolecules,122,1244-1252. (SCI二區,IF=4.784)
5.Chai, W. M.,Huang, Q., Lin, M. Z., Ou-Yang, C., Huang, W. Y., Wang, Y. X., Xu, K. L., Feng, H. L. (2018). Condensed tannins from longan bark as inhibitor of tyrosinase: structure, activity, and mechanism. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 66(4), 908-917. (SCI一區,IF=3.571)
6.Chai, W. M.,Ou-Yang, C., Huang, Q., Lin, M. Z., Wang, Y. X., Xu, K. L., (2018). Huang, W. Y., Pan, D. D. Antityrosinase and antioxidant properties of mung bean seed proanthocyanidins: Novel insights into the inhibitory mechanism. Food chemistry, 260, 27–36. (SCI二區TOP,IF=5.399)
7.Lin, M. Z., Chai, W. M., Ou-Yang, C., Huang, Q., Xu, X. H., Peng, Y. Y. (2018). Antityrosinase mechanism of omeprazole and its application on the preservation of fresh-cut Fuji apple. International journal of biological macromolecules,117, 538-545. (SCI二區,IF=4.784)
8.Chai, W. M.,Lin, M. Z., Feng, H. L., Zou, Z. R., Wang, Y. X. (2017). Proanthocyanidins purified from fruit pericarp of Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels as efficient tyrosinase inhibitors: structure evaluation, inhibitory activity and molecular mechanism. Food function,8, 1043-1051. (SCI一區,IF= 3.241)
9.Chai, W. M.,Lin, M. Z., Wang, Y. X., Xu, K. L., Huang, W. Y., Pan, D. D., Zou Z R, & Peng, Y. Y. (2017). Inhibition of tyrosinase by cherimoya pericarp proanthocyanidins: Structural characterization, inhibitory activity and mechanism. Food research international, 100, 731-739. (SCI二區,IF=3.579)
10.Chai, W. M.,Lin, M. Z., Song, F. J., Wang, Y. X., Xu, K. L., Huang, J. X., Fu, J. P., & Peng, Y. Y. (2017). Rifampicin as a novel tyrosinase inhibitor: Inhibitory activity and mechanism. International journal of biological macromolecules, 102, 425-430. (SCI二區,IF=4.784)
11.Wang, R., Chai, W. M., Yang, Q., Wei, M. K., Peng, Y. Y. (2016). 2-(4-Fluorophenyl)-quinazolin-4 (3H)-one as a novel tyrosinase inhibitor: Synthesis, inhibitory activity, and mechanism. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 24(19), 4620-4625. (IF=2.9)
12.Wei, M. K., Chai W M, Wang, R., Yang, Q., Deng, Z., Peng, Y. Y. (2016). Quinazolinone derivatives: synthesis and comparison of inhibitory mechanisms on α-glucosidase. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry. 25(4), 1303–1308 (IF=2.9)
13.Chai, W. M., Wei, M. K., Wang, R., Deng, R. G., Zou, Z. R., Peng, Y. Y. (2015). Avocado proanthocyanidins as source of tyrosinase inhibitors: structure characterization, inhibitory activity and mechanism. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry,63 (33), 7381–7387. (SCI一區,IF=3.571)
14.Chai, W. M., Shi, Y, Feng, H. L., Xu, L., Xiang, Z. H., Gao, Y. S., Chen, Q. X.(2014). Structure characterization and anti-tyrosinase mechanism of polymeric proanthocyanidins fractionated from kiwifruit pericarp. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry,62(27), 6382-6389. (SCI一區,IF=3.571)
15.Chai, W. M., Chen, C. M., Gao, Y. S., Feng, H. L., Ding, Y. M., Shi, Y., Zhou, H. T., Chen, Q. X.(2014). Structural analysis of proanthocyanidins isolated from fruit stone of Chinese hawthorn with potent antityrosinase and antioxidant activity. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 62(1), 123–129. (SCI一區,IF=3.571)
16.Chai, W. M., Liu, X.,Hu, Y. H., Feng, H. L., Jia, Y. L., Guo, Y. J., Zhou, H. T., Chen, Q. X. (2013). Antityrosinase and antimicrobial activities of furfuryl alcohol, furfural and furoic acid. International journal of biological macromolecules, 57, 151-155. (SCI二區,IF=4.784)
17.Chai, W. M., Shi, Y., Feng, H. L., Qiu, L., Zhou, H. C., Deng, Z. W., Yan, C. L., Chen, Q. X.(2012). NMR, HPLC-ESI-MS, and MALDI-TOF MS analysis of condensed tannins from Delonix regia and their bioactivities. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 60 (19), 5013-5022. (SCI一區,IF=3.57)


國家自然科學基金青年項目:龍眼(Dimocarpus longanLour.)單寧分離鑑定與抗酪氨酸酶機理研究 主持
江西省自然科學基金青年重點項目:MALDI-TOF MS和UPLC-MS/MS指導分離殼斗科植物單寧(tannins)及其抗酪氨酸酶機制研究 主持
江西省自然科學基金青年項目:黃皮原花色素分離純化、結構分析與抗α-葡萄糖苷酶機制研究 主持






